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bob brown

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Everything posted by bob brown

  1. I am amongst those who love to be up early, even if it means, “0 dark 30”, to watch the pilot board. I often will book an inside cabin to save money to spend on additional cruises, but only use my cabin to sleep, shower, and change clothes in. At all other times, I will be out and about the ship, or ashore. On those ships that have a forward facing observation lounge, I will be up early enough to score my favorite location, the forward-most corner seat on the “land side”, which will be portside on an eastward ATW, or starboard on a westward one, for example. Being up early enough to watch the arrival into a port, especially if it’s my maiden call there, with my GPS, and a cup of steaming coffee in the early morning quietude, either alone, or sharing the experience with like-minded fellow passengers….well it just doesn’t get any better than that.🙂
  2. They have it listed in the Currents every week on the Insignia ATW cruise, held in the Library, “led by a guest”. Tonight, they are having a Passover Seder Dinner in the Terrace Cafe…
  3. There having an open house tomorrow, from 1630-1830, for the new segment, I believe they have some classes after that, but not sure, as I don’t participate in those activities. In past ATW’s they had a group project such as a quilt or photo montage, that was eventually auctioned off for charity, I believe. They have not done anything like that this year
  4. Thanks, but I like Viking’s itineraries better, and think Viking would be more to my liking, anyway.🙂
  5. Hmmm…beginning to think that perhaps it would be “worth it”, to pay premium prices, and book my Great Lakes cruise on the Viking Polaris…🤷‍♂️
  6. Anyone use the Detroit stop to tour the Henry Ford auto museum or Greenfield Village in nearby Dearborn? That is what we hope to do there…
  7. I’ll try to remember to do that…if not on this thread, I’m sure myself or someone else on board will mention any such notice on our ATW Roll Call thread…
  8. The Artist Loft aboard Insignia…
  9. Also following this with interest… For those of us on the current full ATW, if “O” decides at some point to divert around Myanmar, while being a disappointment to some, many of us will just take it in stride, as part of the adventure of travel. Worst case would be an extra three sea days, or better would be extra time in the previous or following ports, or any nearby alternative choices where a berth was available. I understand the concern of those just booking a segment mainly to reach Myanmar…
  10. While it is very nice that “O” is trying to elevate the level of cast entertainment offered on board, I don’t see how they ever could reach the level offered on the mega-ships, including sister line NCL, which offer full Broadway shows, on several ships. But then, evening shows are not as important on “O’s” port-intensive itineraries… I think one improvement that “O” could make, that wouldn’t take much effort, would be to switch shows between ships, whenever casts are replaced for breaks. Since there are no elaborate sets used, that shouldn’t be too hard. I was a bit disappointed to see the same production shows on the current Insignia ATW cruise, that I saw on the 2019 ATW…
  11. They are…but not for “everything”, and not to all ports.
  12. They do have certain events on the ATW cruise that are offered exclusively to ATW passengers, usually no more than one per “segment”. They also have certain merchandise on board distributed only to ATW passengers…
  13. Mostly agree with this, but certain items can not be obtained at all ports, only “home ports” used by shorter cruises, from pre-certified suppliers. That said, most people I have met aboard, are very satisfied with with our ATW experience, so far.🙂
  14. I can confirm that this is the case, currently on board the Insignia…
  15. Why couldn’t Starlink or any other satellite company be their own network? I believe Musk’s ambition is to put the “legacy” cellular networks out of business, unless they act quickly and put up their own satellites…they’d best hurry, as Musk has a huge head start…
  16. The Passenger Vessel Services Act?😉 https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/documents/ICP Pax Vessel Services Act Apr 2010.pdf I believe @jennybenny wouldn’t do a roundtrip cruise to Alaska, because that wouldn’t allow you to see the interior of Alaska, such as Denali, which only a one way would…
  17. The day will come when everyone will have a sat-phone instead of a cell phone, and all calls, any where in the world will be a “local call”. At that time, you would purchase as much or as little data package as you need or want directly from the sat company, and not depend on what the ship offered. I believe that is what Musk’s Starlink and other providers are aiming for…
  18. On board the Insignia, ATW… Yesterday, our CD Ray Carr commented that conditions in Myanmar were improving and that it was looking more likely (for calling there). He also mentioned that Peru, which we “skipped”, was now back to normal…🤷‍♂️
  19. Or….cruise on a ship like this one, that docks there….😉
  20. Thinking further about your post…I am wondering if you have indeed contacted the head office to see if they could do anything for you, or just accepted what you were told on board?
  21. Wow…that is truly sad. You certainly sound like a reasonable person who understands the legalities of the cruise contract, and the fortunes of weather and sea conditions. So yes, I agree that in your case, Oceania should have done more for you, than what they apparently did. It is somewhat surprising to me, as well, What is more surprising, is the on board staff telling you that the head office doesn’t consider customer goodwill a priority. Sounds like the staff are tired of answering complaints and want you to spare them, and address the head office directly. I hope this treatment is not the result of the heavy debt NCLH is in…
  22. So what they tell you, and what they practice, may not be the same? The legal contract seems to absolve them of responsibility, but I have seen them always wait for late returning shorex passenger, or on one occasion put them in a hotel, and bring them to the next port.🤷‍♂️
  23. Thanks for all the clarifications. I had thought that the main benefit of booking cruise line air, as well as their shorex, was the assurance of them guaranteeing the connection either way. Guess I’ll have to rethink that. Fortunately, I was never in a position to test it🙂
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