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Everything posted by yamanid

  1. We absolutely loved our time in Sihanoukville (Cambodia) We had an amazing Tour and took us everywhere, fabulous price and much much cheaper than same ships tour. Everybody who joined us also thought it was FAB. ALL organised before we left home !!
  2. Yes there was a shuttle bus to take you to the Port gate and we docked in Port PHU MY I want to say $21 but when I get home I will check it out
  3. When is your cruise and when will you be calling at Sihanoukville
  4. When we visited Sihanoukville Princess took care of the Visas foe us both times. Which cruise line are you sailing with?
  5. Do you get charged an extra amount on your Credit Card when you purchase these FCD We have just noticed that we have a substantial charge on CC even although the account was cleared onboard. Can only think it may be for the FCD's we bought and have maybe never noticed over the years.
  6. We were all given special glasses from Princess when we were in Asia Dec 2019 - it was an amazing experience Annular Solar Eclipse
  7. They may well have gone off the Ship but I can assure you that Filming Crew will be back on Regal again this month. We have been speaking to Princess re this and have all the details. they were in contact with us while we were on SKY FOR and called us when we got home a few weeks ago. I was not saying the film crew were still onboard!!!
  8. Maybe other crew will take their place? Only saying what we have been told by Princess, We have been asked to take part in this brand-new daytime TV series, being filmed onboard Regal. The dates we were given for the filming are between August and October.
  9. Only saying what our experience has been, not correcting you - Enjoy, take care
  10. When we were in Istanbul with Princess, there was a Shuttle Bus that took you into City
  11. PacnGoNow said the dress code seems to be a lot more relaxed now since the restart From our experience on all the Cruises we have been on (from Southampton) since restart, people are still dressing up and especially on Formal night - lots of dinner suits, Tux and beautiful long dresses. That is what we have experienced, which is great!!!!! - well we like it
  12. Can depend on the itinerary of the cruise - ca sometimes be 20.15 and 22.15
  13. I think it means it is sold out or almost sold out
  14. Had this free laundry service with Princess for years and only ever used it once!!!!! 3 items came back RUINED lol
  15. It was to do with people becoming Elite members with Princess and had never actually sailed with them, from memory!!
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