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First and Ten

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Posts posted by First and Ten

  1. Why post ridiculous lies like this? The guy would be fired immediately.




    What are you going to do? Complain to GS that somebody sabotaged my rum runners that I was trying to illegally smuggle booze on your cruise ship [emoji848]....he's been their for 20+ yrs, so your "immediately fired" theory is incorrect....try again

  2. Don't knock it till you experience it... I thought it worked great on the Magic last week. I went to the disco about an hour or so before show, got a ticket (I was in B group) then went to Alchemy to get a drink and listen to the band... about 20 min before showtime I went back to the disco, they started calling groups and I went in and got a seat. I had some in my group that did not get a number ahead of time, so they waited till all the letters were called and got into the show (albeit did not have the "best" seats) but they got in... I think it is way bette than standing in line form1-1.5 hours... IMO




    Agree that's how all shows should be arranged with some type of ticket/reservation system. I have a hard time understanding how someone on a cruise ship would stand in line for 1.5 hrs waiting to see a show. What a waste of vacation time

  3. Friend of mine works in security on the pier and one of his duties is luggage inspection....during their spot checks, he runs across rum runners. He doesn't take them, he simply slices them then closes the bag back up and on its way it goes. The owner gets to spend the first evening doing laundry and hopefully learns a valuable lesson



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  4. I've been yelling this from the mountaintop forever! CCL doesn't care. They claim the comedians want to work in the smaller rooms.




    Screw them! They're being paid to perform. If the audience is bigger than the room, how can that benefit CCL? I almost don't bother going to the comedy shows anymore because of the hassles involved with getting into one and then getting booted out and not getting into the later show.




    Sorry, maybe it's not "screw them", but rather "screw you" if you don't like the small venue....if it's too much of a hassle to que up, then don't see the show and do something else.



    My FIL swears they only do elegant night in order to make $$$ off the pictures. Makes some sense to me.



    Agree with your FIL, pictures are a huge money maker....I don't understand the mindset of some posters, they get vile about the whole setup....You aren't FORCED to buy the pictures, so I don't get why they are so upset that it is offered? Some people love the pictures, why wouldn't they be offered? :confused:

  6. Ugh......still not understanding this! Can we no longer go to the port, check in, and wait for boarding around 11:30? We know the cabins won't be ready, but we can still explore the ship and have lunch.


    The couple that we are cruising with has not filled out their info on line yet. If the times are filled, can they come with us? I'd hate to board an hour or two before them!


    Please advise. Thanks so much!


    Assuming that neither of you have FTTF, you will have to "Check In" at the time (or later) that is on your boarding pass. So for example, you have an 11-11:30 check in time and your friends have a 1-1:30 check in time, if walking on the boat at the same time is that important to you (I don't get it, but apparently that is important to a lot of people to walk on the boat at the same time....similar to checking for the bags so people can unpack....I digress) then you can "Check In" with them at 1 pm (you are allowed to check in later than your scheduled time, just not earlier). If you have the "firstie" mentality and you HAVE to be on the boat as soon as possible, check in at 11 and text your friend you will save them a seat on the Lido Deck

  7. It all boils down to "can I afford it?"



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    Exactly!!!! Some brand names are so ingrained, they can charge more and they get it based on their name association






    These things never go on sale....Certain segments of the population scream "How can you be so expensive, you need to come down in your pricing". Those companies are of the mindset of "if you don't want to pay it, we have thousands of others who will, we don't need you"

  8. The only problem with having to get back in line is not that I don't want to wait..that part I don't even really care about. But if I leave and go get in line for show #2, I have ZERO chance of getting a half decent seat. There were a couple of adult comedy shows that I attended on our last cruise that were so full that people were forced to sit in a small area that was practically BEHIND the stage. You couldn't see back there for sure so I'm sure some of the jokes that a physical element to them were lost on those guests.


    But here is the thing....the people that are waiting, want those seats too. So its about choices. You decide what show is more important, Show #1 or Show #2. You choose to wait and secure what you believe will be a good seat for Show #1. Heck you lined up early and possibly missed some other activity that was going on in order to line up and secure a spot to increase your chances for a good spot for Show #1. These people lined up for Show #2 probably have the same sort of mindset. You have seen your show now, a new event will be taking place. For you to bypass those people and continue to camp out essentially is like cutting the line. What would happen if you are standing in line for Show #1 and all of a sudden they took people from another line, who got there after you and let them in first and the reason the attendant gave was "these people really wanted a good seat"....I am sure you wouldn't like that

  9. But you are not understanding.........many of us just want a tray to take BACK to our BALCONY. Making several trips is crazy. Try carrying a double meal with two coffees or drinks....it's impossible.


    Room Service....problem solved (y)

  10. The comedy shows don't repeat one after the other. If I get there early for the 1st show, it is not selfish of me to want to stay for the second, and different. show.


    I respectfully disagree....people are lining up for certain shows. After the show you are attending is over, you should have to exit the area and get back in que

  11. Tef....where in any of the documentation does it specify that the tips are based on 2X day service for the room? You are tipping your steward,MD, waiters, and all the behind the scene workers a total of roughly $13 per person, per day. If your room steward visits your room 6 times in one day, those tips dont increase, do they? Now, i will agree that there are "mooches" out there looking for any excuse to remove the tips (it happens on every cruise). Those type of people are beyond help and i try not to waste my breath on them

  12. I sincerely hope they don't roll this out to all the ships. Because that would suck. Sometimes we don't always KNOW we want to go to a show until about 15 min or so before and if we don't get a good seat, then that's on us because we didn't get there 30-45 min ahead of time. I noticed (and they may have done it on other ships, IDK) that on the Breeze once a comedy show was over, you got kicked out of the lounge and were made to go stand in a line that went from the door of the comedy lounge, through the piano bar and three quarters of the way down the promenade. If you went to show #1 and wanted to attend show #2, there was absolutely NO chance of getting a half decent seat. Period. If you're in the lounge and you want to stay for the second show, they shouldn't kick you out. You showed up early, you got a good seat and you shouldn't have to give it up. It's not like you're chair hogging on the Lido..your butt is in that seat.




    But what about the people that haven't seen the show yet? They are lined up like you did for show #1, but you want to just keep the seat at their expense? Really? A bit selfish, don't you think?

  13. People are so funny with lobster. It's as if you can't buy the small, low quality tails for a few bucks at the grocery store. It's just a bit humorous the reaction and insanity around lobster.




    too funny

  14. I love that they still list Express Luggage. That is also a perk for Platinum, yet we never get it any more.. They dont bother to put the stick on the bags and they bags dont seem to get to us any faster than before.



    Lately, we have just been carrying on our bags... can be unpacked before most people have even set foot on the ship.


    I have to say, this whole "unpacking" thing is a big deal to some people, isn't it. It seems to be an excursion for some people to keep going back to the room to check if the bags have gotten there. They don't seem to relax until they know "we got our stuff"....Its just clothes, relax, you are on vacation :D

  15. Seems unnecessary. The room is pretty big and why make you run around the ship for a ticket. They could do like NCL and let you reserve on the app when you board



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    I agree there should be some sort of reservation system. Whether its a ticket or thru the TV in your cabin. Now be prepared to wait a few nights if you want to see a show. When I was on the Epic, the first night I was able to see the headline show was the 3rd night of the cruise....the first 2 nights were sold out. I think that is a much better system then the lemmings who stand around for 2 hrs outside a venue

  16. Sad. But I'll probably never try Disney. Don't mean to repeat myself but why spend 5k more for a week when you don't have to. Just think of the 2k you could splurge on extra stuff on Carnival and be 3k ahead to book your next cruise. I don't care how rich you are. Just why would ya?. I'm on the Breeze Sunday. I'll let you know if my 7 and 12 year old will be just fine. ��


    But the same mindset could be applied to "Why spend an extra $500 - $1000 for a week with a balcony room when you don't have to"? Just why would ya?


    people like "the mouse", that's why ;)

  17. Seriously -- wear what you are comfortable with.

    DH and I tend to dress up a little for dinner, but that is our choice!

    Some people have wayyyy too much free time on their hands to be so absorbed in policing others' clothes and shoes. I'll bet they could even have a good time if they didn't have to expend so much energy on Fashion Patrol.

    Enough already.


    That mindset is the issue I have and I classify as "self entitlement". Carnival puts out the dress code rules, so are you saying that if you don't like those rules and you don't feel comfortable, you should just do what you want? :rolleyes:


    Carnival specifically says in the dress code that no gym shorts are allowed in the MDR. Hey, I like gym shorts, so I should just choose to ignore those rules because my "comfort" supersedes everything else in any setting that I deem important or not important?

  18. Excellent response.


    The truth is, I don't have any problems adhering to the dress code myself, and if I saw someone who was blatantly breaking it, I might think to myself that it looks tacky. But the difference between me and so many people on here...that's where my reaction ends. It doesn't ruin my dining experience. A second later, I'll simply turn back to my table and enjoy my meal and the company I'm with.


    OC....I have posted this before and really believe it....hypothetically if you threw out any semblance of dress code, don't print anything of what is acceptable or unacceptable, I believe 80 - 90% of the passengers would still dress to or exceed the levels of proper decorum. Do the majority of men wear shower shoes or tank tops into the MDR now. Absolutely not. We are talking about the minority of diners, but we remember those....Last cruise, it was a sea day and I spent the majority of the day up on the Lido deck. There was a group of passengers (I think it was 4 couples) all sitting together having a good time. Why I remember this is because one of the guys had a really loud boarder short type of swimsuit. Loud as in color (it was like a neon orange, kind of stuck with me). Now, i know a nice pair of Boarder Shorts can run upwards of $100, so they are no where near "cheap". They were drinking, having a good time sitting maybe 20 feet from me. It got to around 4 pm (I had early seating) so I proceed to get ready for dinner. I kid you not, I am sitting at my table in the MDR and who walks in....you guessed it, the same 4 couples. The women all dressed nicely. All 4 guys I imagine hung out on the Lido deck until right before dinner and got up, walked to the MDR. While they weren't dining close enough to me to smell their aroma, I am sure they were rocking the sweat/beer/tanning oil fragrance. As they sat, the MD walked to their table, whispered something and all 4 guys left without incident. The point I am trying to make is in your mind, that is cool? "Live and Let Live". What if they were sitting at a table with you, are you saying that possible fragrant body odor and and armpit hair would have no impact on your dining experience? Seriously? Let me add, these guys were not loud or obnoxious so I don't want people to assume they were the loud drunks storming into the dining room. What is kind of surprising to me is what would possess you to get up off a lounge chair on the Lido deck and walk into the MDR without showering and changing? These guys were respectful and I think they had a brain fart, but there are some who think this is perfectly acceptable and would get indignant if asked to leave. There was one poster on either this thread or another one similar to this topic who stated "my husband doesn't own a pair of khaki pants"....okkkkkkkkkkkkkk, :rolleyes:....so you are spending anywhere from $2000 - $5000 for a cruise vacation and you cant spend $25 for a pair of pants on Elegant Night? That is the mindset that is frustrating for me to deal with

  19. You pretty much choose your level of formality when you choose your c ruise line. Carnival usually attracts a more casual clientele.


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    Casual is fine....it's the trailer park look that is bothersome in the dining room....Again, the look is fine, just take it and your appetite to the Lido Deck for dinner

  20. There is no reason for my room to be cleaned twice a day.




    Then put out the DND sign and go to GS and tell them u don't want this done....problem solved. Just a hunch here. You don't do this, but in your mind somehow justify that since you don't think it should be serviced twice a day, you shouldn't have to tip as much....Probably want some extra cash for the Fun Shop trinkets. OK to spend $ on that instead of tipping the people who bust their backsides to ensure you have a good time

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