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Posts posted by yogimax

  1. I am so disappointing to hear that RCI repeats the same games over and over.



    Not to worry... that is exception, not the rule. We love trivia, go every time we can and have maybe only heard one "repeat" quiz. We simply informed the leader and they went to another. Yes, we have heard repeat questions, but, as someone else has said, we simply give the same wrong answer we gave before!:)

  2. o.k., I'll throw one out... the question was


    "what is the second most spoken language in the United States?"


    Of course, everyone answered "Spanish"


    The answer sheet, however, said it was "Polish."


    What's interesting is that I have NEVER seen arguments or people getting upset over the answers. Then again, I'm sure it can happen.

  3. The problem with the trivia, is the very,very, frequent cruisers have heard all the questions and know what the answers are. They then easily win. Royal instead of researching new questions decided to give out cheaper trinkets.


    As you say, this can be easily resolved. There are literally hundreds of internet sites that offer trivia. It doesn't take much effort to come up with new questions. It's just a matter of doing a little bit of work instead of using the same questions over and over.

  4. This thread is written in the hope that RCCL monitors this board for suggestions to improve the cruising experience.


    We really enjoy participating in trivia. It's fun, you learn a little, and you get to meet other cruisers and interact with the activities staff.


    So why not have more trivia on the ship? It's a relatively painless way for RCCL to increase their activities and make for a more enjoyable experience.


    At the same time, the prizes for winning need to be upgraded. You could have 50 people participating and the two or four winners would each receive a pen, keychain or luggage tag. C'mon RCCL, you can do a little better than that. Carnival offers their "ship on a stick." A butt of jokes, sure, but also a nicer souvenir than a pen. NCL offers points which can be redeemed for t-shirts or other nicer prizes.


    Here's a plea for RCCL to upgrade their trivia experience with more trivia and better prizes!

  5. I don't love that he smokes, but he does, and there's nothing I can do about it.



    Actually there is.


    You can encourage him (without nagging) to give up smoking on the basis that you love him and want him to be around as long as possible.


    You can then support his decision to stop with positive enouragement.


    If you are a person of faith, you can pray for him as well.


    So yes, there is much that you can do.

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