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Everything posted by TrixieBel

  1. Sunset at The Wake Bar tonight… I love the view from there… A day well done. Good food. Good spa visit. Good swim. Good food. A nap. More… good food. Bring on another day tomorrow on the Pacific Ocean…
  2. Verbally yelling at two people who just happened to walk past you? THAT is what you’d do? And you think that’s the best choice to make? We didn’t deserve her tirade. I don’t set the rules. I didn’t even look at her. And I certainly didn’t react just kept walking. This is my holiday/vacation too. I don’t deserve to be shouted at because I’m following the rules of the cruise line for this sailing. Rules that were communicated multiple times in multiple ways prior to boarding. We were masked in a lift today and a frail elderly man got in the lift unmasked. He obviously has challenges with emphysema or something and it seemed that just slow walking with his cane was an admirable effort. I WEAR A MASK FOR HIM. He deserves his holiday. And I’m happy to wear a mask to keep him and others like him in our community protected.
  3. And it’s Sunday. A day of rest… The Hollywood Pool Club area is so calming. Usually. This morning swimming in the pool was like taking on the surf at Bondi Beach 🏄‍♀️ The swell is a little up and so are the waves in the pool. I like a good wave, so I was a happy happy person. Anyone travelling on the Majestic should have a heads up that this area is no longer adults only. So you will now find small children in here. Not so much in the pool swell this morning though 😊 And then I got back to the cabin and felt a little queasy… A tablet, and then room service grilled sandwich and chunky fries has fixed that situation!
  4. Thanks Vic. No Hawaii on this sailing. But we were there in August last year and there were definitely some Hawaiian shirt purchases that came home in ToH’s suitcase… 🐠
  5. UPDATE ON THE PIZZA: it was sooo windy out on deck as we were heading out of Sydney Heads, we decided to move on. Came back to our cabin and within 15mins the pizza was delivered to our cabin rather than to where we were on deck when I ordered it. Excellent service! Delicious vege pizza. Apology - no photo - because the photo would be of an empty box. My hunger over-rode my desire to take photos. Description of the pizza: it was warm, it was crusty but light, it didn’t have too much sauce or cheese, it wasn’t oily, and there was a generous amount of topping. 🍕 Wifi so far is OK. A little reminiscent of the speed of old fashioned dial-up. But I’m on a ship and I’m happy… And slow loading websites gives me pause to remember not to always have my head in my phone…
  6. Masks certainly are a trigger for some… Boarded the Majestic today. Strolling from our cabin to the stairway mid-afternoon, wearing masks as expected, we were met with a couple coming the other way through the lift lobby on our level. They had no masks. We made no move except to keep walking in the direction we were going. As we came past the woman went into full banshee mode. Swearing loudly like a sailor about how she’s not going to be wearing no effing mask on this effing ship no matter what anyone effing says. We kept walking. And now we know who to avoid on our cruise… 😁😷
  7. We are finally here - 3 years after originally planned. We were on quite early and did all our errands across various places in the ship (spa, dining line, events manager because I’ve organised the Cruise Critic Meet and Greet for this sailing). Have had a swim and now sitting on the Starboard side in some comfy chairs just outside the Hollywood Pool Club waiting for sail away. Was told that there are 3 nights planned for the Chefs Table for this cruise! Hoping we will be able to get placed on the same one as others from Cruise Critic. I think it will be a reasonable early night for us. Have ordered pizza to arrive where we are now and hoping it turns up. IMG_4700.MOV
  8. If you don’t like the rules for your sailing maybe you should call in to Princess and ask them to cancel your cruise based on that… But I guess a full refund would depend on what rules were in place when you booked vs the rules now. Probably could wangle a full refund if the rules are more restrictive now. But if they aren’t, then that’s just evidence you didn’t read the fine print when you booked…
  9. She’s here… I’m here (on my morning walk). I’ll be back later…
  10. Here it is… he is high-fived!!! And he likes his shirt too…
  11. Yes I guess so. We had to do the test at home then take a photo of the cartridge alongside our passport (open) and a watch with the day/time on it. Then we had to upload the photo into the app…
  12. Hi everyone, I’m heading off on the Majestic Princess out of Sydney tomorrow. And am officially on vacation from work as of this afternoon. It’s the first time I’ve sailed on a Princess ship, having previously sailed on NCL. And it’s the first time sailing from my home port. Im travelling with ToH (my other half) of 3“something” years and we are sooooo looking forward to this because this cruise has been a long-time coming! original sailing was supposed to be out of Singapore on 1 March 2020 with a night or two prior staying at the Fullerton Hotel in that city. Of course that never happened… So this sailing is our rebooked rebooked rebooked rebooked sailing. Maybe you can see why we are so looking forward to 13 days in the Pacific 😋 Anyway. It’s the afternoon before. We have done our required (negative) RAT testing. We have hauled our suitcases into the city on the train. And we are now sitting in the bar at the Fullerton Hotel in Sydney (instead of Singapore) and enjoying our last night on land. cheers! below: pics of me and ToH on the train, and my cheers to cruising cocktail
  13. We will survive. 😋 I’m Gen X - programmed to survive hardship 🤣
  14. We are sailing this Saturday. Booked in a grade MA (CC mini suite). Had put in a bid above the minimum for an upgrade to a Penthouse Suite. Just got the email saying bid was not successful. 🥲
  15. Just received email notification that our bid was not accepted… We are 3 days from sailing.
  16. It seems you and many others on here would prefer that everyone just wear the same plain thing. I think Mao went that way too… Personally, I love to see diversity. And a bit of sparkle and bling is always good for my soul.
  17. Princess cruises out of Australia have more stringent on board masking and testing requirements that have been communicated to anyone sailing. It might seem onerous to some, but to others who might be wary of COVID infections for various reasons, it’s reassuring I’m sure. As I’m not a narcissist I’m happy to follow any protocols on our sailing that are designed to protect other individuals or the community…
  18. Loving your reporting thank you. I used to live just up from Kailua Beach many years ago. And have a friend who lives in Lanikai who we still catch up with when we go through Hawaii. Gorgeous places to see and swim. ❤️
  19. Might be worth quoting "consumer law" when you speak to them. This type of "bait and switch" is illegal in Australia. Assuming it is in NZ too.
  20. You should be able to buy a multi adapter at JB HiFI in Sydney CBD…
  21. According to all the passenger accounts I’ve seen, they are having everyone do a RAT test on day 2 out of Sydney on the longer cruises. I’m on the cruise starting the 11th too. Fully expecting that we will have to do a RAT on board. We are trying to make sure we aren’t going anywhere to get COVID in that week before the trip. Also will be wearing masks pretty much everywhere that week before. I want to enjoy my trip and be able to be out and about.
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