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Everything posted by barbeyg

  1. Same for us. We book suites quite a bit, and the deposit is the same as any other cabin, based on length of cruise.
  2. Most of the wrinkle-free dresses I get are rayon or cotton/polyester mix. Jostar, Korsis, Moskill, Elescat are all brands on Amazon that do not wrinkle. I've got tops and dresses from them. They are so inexpensive, but the ones I've bought hold up very well.
  3. Thanks for that idea. We will do the same in 3 weeks. Doesnโ€™t matter to us.
  4. I work in a corporate setting of a physician-owned company, and I often say it would be nice if we had standing Valium prescriptions from our fearless leadersโ€ฆ.joking of courseโ€ฆ.mostly. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Maybe a wet bar would make the ER more tolerable. ๐Ÿ˜ The beer flight/wine flight bar at our local Kroger sure has more husbands willing to go โ€œgrocery shoppingโ€ with the wife.
  5. Aww, we all love going toโ€ฆ.and hanging around for hoursโ€ฆ.in the ER. ๐Ÿคฃ Not. I remember a time when my hardheaded grandma, who refused to wear a seatbelt, took out a windshield with her (hard) head after my aunt had to slam on the brakes. I sat in the ER picking pieces of windshield glass out of her (hard) head while we waited to see if she had a skull fracture. Fortunately, she didnโ€™t (hard head). After that, ALL of us would buckle her butt in for any drive, without argument. ๐Ÿ™‚ She is where I get MY stubborn, hardheadedness. I come from a family of strong-willed, yet loving, Cajun women. ๐Ÿ˜ Thanks @brillohead for the other perspective. Most of the time, Iโ€™m sure many of us would rather be home as long as it isnโ€™t too serious. I did have a friend sent home once, and it ended up being a giant aneurism. Fortunately, that worked out, but it was terrifying for her.
  6. I canโ€™t speak for those, but when performances were going on, it was loud in our aft facing CLS on Oasis.
  7. In my imagination, I see warning sirens going off on all the computers of IT when a pricing mistake happens now, like that $18 per day drink package mistake. ๐Ÿ˜‚ At least, if they had a great IT dept, that's what would happen.
  8. @Ozark_Kid, while this wasn't the news anyone wanted to see, I'm thankful you have this 'family' here outside your blood family to share with. Please know you will be in our prayers for a long and healthy life, for your body to respond overwhelmingly well to the treatments, and for your family as well. I'm thankful you have a loving family surrounding you, both there and here. Please let us know how you are doing over time. Thank you for sharing.
  9. Much better timing, and you donโ€™t have to end your cruise hurried and potentially stressed. ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. To avoid the cabin attendant thinking items need to go in the lost and found, we let our cabin attendant know if we are leaving any unopened drinks in the cooler, that is is for him/her to take and/or share. If we left anything else we thought someone on board might be able to use, we would tell the steward, or leave a note on the item and put it where they could easily see it.
  11. E-muster is done by watching the video on your device (or the tv in the stateroom), and going by the muster station as soon as you possibly can (so you aren't one of those that the cruise director has to keep making announcements about to please show up). There are RCI employees there to answer any questions, and to scan your boarding pass on your device so that you have checked in. Easy peasy. Just be sure to pay attention to where it is, in case you have a real emergency. Hopefully not. We don't particularly like the offerings for St Kitts either. We usually walk around town, and check out the shops, or take a taxi to one of the local beaches. There are shared taxis available when you step outside the gates of the cruise dock. And if you love waterparks, you will love the slides at CocoCay! Only you can decide if you would slide enough for the price offered on your cruise at this point. We purchased it once when there was a great Black Friday price. The waterpark is fun! ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Welcome back to cruising! We took a multi-year hiatus when we adopted our son from foster care. After working on much of the trauma he struggled with, we started back in 2016. No more mints on the pillow at bedtime, but now an e-muster instead of the โ€œcome as a groupโ€ muster. ๐Ÿ™‚ You wonโ€™t recognize CocoCay, and unless you just love thrill water slides, I would recommend just doing the free day there instead of booking something for a fee. That way you can make a decision the next time about booking something there. We love the Beach Club, but also enjoy the island as is. St Thomas and St Kitts are both fine for hiring a taxi yourself. If you are going off St Thomas to St Johnโ€™s, I would recommend the shipโ€™s tour, unless you go very early and keep an eye on the ferry schedule. Food is subjective. If you are a foodie, I suggest booking a 3 night package for the specialty dining. If food isnโ€™t that important, then by all means schedule the dining room, and decide about specialty dining the next time. We personally prefer smaller venues, so try to do mostly specialty dining, but this is a personal preference. ๐Ÿ™‚ Drink package: hotly contested here. We donโ€™t book because we donโ€™t drink more than 4-5 drinks a day, tops. We donโ€™t drink juice, soft drinks or virgin adult beverages, so it costs less to pay as we go. Diamond, Diamond+ and Pinnacle now respectively get 4, 5, and 6 free drinks daily, anytime, up to $14 (I believe that is the current amount, and someone will correct me if Iโ€™m wrong on that price). So there is a goal for you guys! ๐Ÿ˜ We are sailing Harmony next month and canโ€™t wait. Have a great cruise!
  13. That is one huge trackpad! My newish MacBook Air with the M2 chip has an oblong trackpad, about 3/5 of that depth. Not sure why the Pro is so large, but when I first saw them, I decided to go with the Air partly because of the size and weight difference and how I use mine. This may be helpful for shortcuts using that large trackpad: https://support.apple.com/guide/macbook-pro/trackpad-apdbb563a1bc/mac
  14. We buy for 2 devices. Only time we donโ€™t buy is on an Alaskan cruise, since port days are mostly in US. We buy ahead of time on sale. When it is truly a sale and not a pretend one.
  15. Thanks for all the laughs on this thread. ๐Ÿ˜‚ And for all the info about hot tubs. I donโ€™t enjoy hot tubs, never have. Give me a massage, that what I prefer to relax. We were on our first (Carnival) cruise, and were sitting close to a hot tub having a drink. There was a 7-8 year old boy snorkeling in this full hot tub as everyone in there ignored him. I was laughing as I watched him snorkel while his inebriated mom pretended not to see what he was doing. He saw me laughing so decided to get even more attention and disappeared for a moment. When he stood up in the hot tub facing me, he was wearing a โ€œbubbleโ€ beard he had made, by pulling together all the bubbly scum on top of the water and patting it on his face. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ His mom freaked out and grabbed him from the tub. Apparently snorkeling was fine, but hot tub scum, not so much.
  16. Here as well. Years ago, my dear friend Ann was diagnosed with ALS. She lived a tremendously full life with her dear husband Don, and did better than anyone ever expected. I also hope you get good news from the doctor. I will be praying for you and your family, as you wait for tests.
  17. We donโ€™t spend $20k on suites, but do stay in suites as often as we can. Travel is literally our one big splurge. We donโ€™t buy cars every 3-4 years, our home is paid for, we donโ€™t eat out a lot, we donโ€™t even have cable (rarely watch tv). I hunt for travel bargains, and get the best price we can for what we want, but travel is where we enjoy spending our money. ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. We used these guys from the airport to our rental, then to take us to the port, and return us to the airport. All three times, all the drivers were professional and timely, and very polite. The driver went above and beyond when we arrived in Seattle, and both my sister and aunt needed wheelchairs to get to the parking garage. They could walk, but not long distances. We will use them again when we return to Seattle. I thought they were reasonably priced since we had 4 large pieces of luggage and four small pieces from and to the airport. https://www.srtclimo.com/
  19. We were there last May. While Seattle is not as organized as the FL ports, the people are very nice (nicest people Iโ€™ve ever dealt with in a port city โ€” everywhere we went), and there is assistance if you need it. We walked off with luggage, used the same car service we used during our stay in Seattle. We stayed overnight after the cruise, but were at the airport to pick our rental car up at 8:30. And that was with two seniors that needed assistance. We were told, by those working at the airport, that on turnaround day for cruises, the security lines get hectic by mid-morning. We will walk off next time if our flight is late morning, early afternoon.
  20. Girl, I feel your pain. I was just talking with my director about how stressed the thought of all this doubled up work will be in October. I try not to think of it too much. Glad at least that part is behind you. ๐Ÿ™‚
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