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Everything posted by cwn

  1. Don’t worry if they are not happy with your time watching the video from home…..it will be on the TV when you get to the suite and you will not be able to see anything else until you watch it again in the room. Since we were already on the ship when the second cruise began just changing cabins we watched it while we were setting up the new room. And we did several final notice emails while we were on the ship during the first cruise. It is all automated and the machines are only as smart as the designer makes them, which sometimes isn’t too smart!🤫
  2. The display was half set up when we returned from sone time ashore in Cozumel about 2pm yesterday. Haven’t been back down to 4 yet. Thanks, Fossie for posting the finished project picture, mine didn’t look as nice. It is the dreaded packing day, but fortunately we get to unpack in the Navigator on the 22nd for two more weeks.
  3. Glad you enjoyed Tala. We visited the park on the 2018 WC. It was a great daytime safari. Lots of animals. We visited the Durban area on a land trip (self drive) to SA in 2015. It is an interesting area with lots to see and do. I am enjoying your report. Brings back lots of good memories!!!
  4. We didn’t 20 years ago and don’t now! That is why a SS transAtlantic years ago was a one and done. We then didn’t mind one or two more formal nights, but now Dick doesn’t even like to take a sports coat.
  5. There are at times no tours available for the port. Sometimes for what ever reason tours are very late showing up.
  6. They can handle allergies in the Compass Rose. Handled mine for 200+ days . The problem was this was the first time on a ship with Pacific Rim and everything in the Kitchen is geared to the Asian seasoning. I am very allergic to any and all soy products. They were afraid of cross contamination and it took a long time to fix food separate for me, probably my fault since on the Navigator and the Mariner they fixed my favorite tempura, veggie fried rice and spring rolls In Compass Rose any time asked. Dick likes Asian food but was not too impressed with Pacific Rim. So it is no big deal to him . This trip we have eaten at Chartreuse, Sette Mari and the Pool Grill with two times at Prime 7, room service once and one time in Compass Rose, our least favorite on this ship. Usually they tell me what is safe for me at each meal. And with notice will fix any thing
  7. They are now opening the three speciality restaurants at 6, 6-9. Last cruise we ask at the door at 6:30 for an extra night, we got it and walked in. we are going when they open and are being seated very time. Calling the reservation desk resulted in no extra times.
  8. Dec 16 is Harvest Caye, Belize. Because I know it will hot and humid we picked a low key hour long tour in the Black Swan electric boat, a small covered boat that takes out around the island looking for Mantees. We see only one head but have good run punch and a nice little ride. This is NCLs private island and it is really nicely done. They have poured a ton of money in this daytime resort and big bucks in the water sports equipment!! There is everything to do… fishing, snorkeling, river rubbing, kayaking, pedal boarding, wave running and several virtual activities. They have a nice beach area also. The pier is really long , but they have electric carts thakgoodness!
  9. The first day of the cruise was a sea day. Dick played Trivia and his team won! He also when the hear the speaker. The talks are on this area and Dick is enjoying them. He says he is a good presenter. I went to crafts and needle point with Annabelle. We made a nice bracket in the morning. It was amazing to see all the different designs the ladies came up with using a choice of only 4 different beads. Ny needle point project is coming along surprising well considering. The ladies there and Annabelle have taught sone tricks that are really helping! We are at Chartreuse again. We are working our way though the menu!
  10. Dec 15 was Roatan. We have been here before but it was about 20 years ago and we were diving then so had a whole different view of the island. Boy has it developed and in good way. We were impressed at how clean it was and the water is beautiful. We did the Dolphin Encounter. It was great… highly recommend it. It was not a Disney like show. The dolphins are free to town but feel protected and well fed so they mostly stay. We traveled by bus and boat to a small cays within a large resort. There we walked out into waist deep water in small groups of 5/6 and met our dolphin and handler. We had Ellie and her year old baby. What fun we petted her loved on her and watched the baby play between our legs and her. We also learned about dolphins. Ellie was 20 and born there. The oldest dolphin at the resort died a m flew years ago at about 62. Very nice tour and a chance to get the the beautiful water. Some canid (from the bus) pictures of Roatan and the tour
  11. Backtracking a bit since I seem to have a good connection and sone time…. The turnaround day went smoothly. It took 30-45 minutes the get off the ship at about 9:45, the ship to be cleared and get back on. We also had to change suites since we booked very late. Fortunately we were able to get another aft suite 786, one deck down and one suite over….Mirrow image of 881. The housekeeping crew handled the room with ease and we were all set up in the new suite by noon. We were scheduled to sail at 5 but it was more like 7. Apparently the computer system had a glitch or something. Sat on the balcony and watched the port activities until our dinner reservations at Chartreuse. I had change our PacificRim reservation earlier in the day. The speciality restaurants can’t handle food allergies very well. We like Chartreuse and Sette Mari better than the others. Port of Miami from our balcony.
  12. Hope everyone with airline issues gets the their ports. Flying can be so nerve racking!! Fossiie thanks for the reports, I have been having problems with staying connected the past few days. I am so glad they added the poinsettias when we got back to Miami, the spot of red really makes the rest pop and seem more Holidayish. The Expleror already has a wonderful gingerbread display from the pictures on another site. The weather has been near perfect, the sea was a little bouncy last night. We are in Costa Maya, Mexico today. From the balcony it looks like and interesting port area. There is a long pier but they have a open air bus so I might try to go explore the shops later. Our knees are suffering and Dick said he was staying on board today. We didn’t plan a tour for today though sone sounded interesting. If I was younger I would do the Chaccholen Mayan Ruins and there are several water activities. Maybe somebody will report on their tour. Fossie said we had a block party last night….our hallway really got into it. We didn’t have one the first cruise. The feel of the ship is so different this cruise. Funny how that happens. Their are maybe 10- 15 kids on board this trip, 2 cute little boys, 2 cute girls with pig tails and sone high school and early college ages that are paling around together. We have Prime 7 reserves tonight. I may try the berries and cream, that looks good! Costa maya from the balcony
  13. Probably not able to be in the class the whole time. We had to have a ticket to enter…the chef stood at the door and collected them. Then she locked the door until the class was finished. Now a couple of husbands came in after she opened the doors at the end. Some ladies had saved the food items until the end, but most of us ate as we finished the item. There was about 10 to 15 mins where we just chatted and bought cookbooks etc before most left.
  14. Since we sail this evening in the second cruise, I will try to finish up the first cruise report. Dec 11 and 12 were wonderful sea days… those days are the reason we cruise! The 11th was a mixed up day because one of us thought the time changed and it was nearly noon correct time before we both figured that out! By that time we just had time for a bit of lunch inLaVeranda and a fast nap before the cooking class. We did actually change time yesterday, the last sea day. Dick did his thing and I went to the crafts class and needle point. The needle point (usually in the afternoon) was in the morning because the point redemption was in the afternoon and it takes several hours. We made a Christmas decoration with Annabelle. Then I pick out a needlepoint kit and I think I may have just figured out how after all these years of trying thanks to pointers from Annabelle and two ladies sitting beside me. We skipped lunch because we had Prime 7 reservations (finally got in)! Spent the afternoon reading, sipping and dozing on the balcony which was totally out of the sun. Dinner was at.6:30 and it was as good as I remember. Dick had prime rib and I had the small plate sea food platter… just the perfect size to have dessert. Dick had the KeyLine pie which we usually both get. But finally last night I had the popcorn thing! I had never had it. I don’t know why because it was so good!!! We were stuffed and in another food coma as we headed back to the room. The past 10 days just flown back!
  15. Scroll down this page to the thread Regent Seven Sea Gratuity. Two pages of recent comments should tell you everything you need to know. Short answer, NO passengers do not feel obligated to tip. It is not required or expected and is a personal thing.
  16. We are ready to welcome you aboard. The ship was cleared very fast. Just had to stand around a few minutes and we were let back on! Much better than last time!!! We are waiting in our room for someone to transfer our stuff to the new room. We are moving one deck down and next door…still an aft suite. We booked to late to get the same suite. Looks like maybe 30 some people stayed on…. Maybe more there was a HoHo tour offered but xrvlclruiser and I never saw it mentioned until last nights program so there might be a few more of us BtoBs.
  17. That is it in a nutshell. The chef had everyone gather around her for the prep lessson on each item then we went back to our stations. The stools are lined up along the windows in the back. There is an overhead TV set so I could see the screen and watched from the stool. One other person did also. Not ideal but doable and I enjoyed the class. Dick and work side by side and he enjoyed the class also. We both like to cook and learned some tricks. Here are pictures of the class room my station and the first two items.
  18. After a night rocking and rolling Yesterday was Sunday at Sea. We did have the famous Splendor and Explorer Sunday Brunch. I hate to say this, but it was just OK, nothing really special. We much prefer the Special Galley Lunches they use to have on the Other three ships. That WAS a spread. I guess we will see if they still do the Galley Lunch as we will board the Navigator for the Holidays. The schedule was packed full yesterday and it wasn’t possible to do everything. We had the Culinary Kitchen class, New World Mediterranean. The class is long and I had trouble standing as you can’t use a stool near the counters (I do at home). We made a wonderful drink to get us started, a Roasted Pineapple Sparkler, then White Beam Hummus with Garlic toast so we could still cook! She demonstrated preparing Tortola de Patatas, a potato and egg dish which we sampled with aioli. We mixed up a ChocolateLava Cake next. While it was baking we made roasted Ratatouike and ate it with fried polenta and crisp Rose wine! Wow it was fun and a fabulous meal. It was after 6 when we left. The we stopped by the Ibservation Lounge, listened to the good paint player/singer and watched some couple dance until his set was over. By then the sea was really moving and we retired to our suite. Caught the stewardess off guard and she rush around to get things ready for us as we were in a food coma!
  19. Where did I leave off…we docked in St John’s Antigua on Dec 10. We have been there before and that time went to the Dockyards and did a short drive around the island. I knew we would be tired of touring with so many ports in a row, so just planned to explore in town. We were only in port a half day anyway. This is one of the Islands that you dock right down town and walk off into the tourist harbor and shopping. It was nice to just stroll. We will be back on the Navigator later so there was no pressure. We did our now usual morning routine and headed off the ship about 11. Walked down the main shopping street and thought we would sit and people watch at an open air cafe and have something to drink. Well, a coke is not worth $15 US, so we kept walking! I wanted to shop a little so Dick went back to the ship and hoped for the best. I found a local made small purse that wasn’t $150 in a little hole in the wall shop so I was happy and head back about 1. We set sail at 2 and that made for a nice lunch on the balcony, Later we walked up to Chartreuse and got a table for 2 right away. Again I had asked earlier for a table at the reservation desk and was told there was nothing and was put on the wait list but was never called. We have now tired several things on Chartreuse’s menu, all were good but the lamb is our favorite. It is also the most relaxing of the restaurants, the other three that we have tired are very noisy. We have our one reservation at Prime 7 tonight so we will see how that goes Though we ate lunch where one day.
  20. Sorry you missed the Elephants. That park is one of my favorites. We spent three nights in one of their really nice huts in 2015. We came the other way in 2018 (toward Cape Town) on the WC and the seas were rough then. Glad you had a good evening program the ease the pain.
  21. I just finished the online final review and I need something stronger than champagne, fortunately we have a bottle of bourbon in the room for just such emergencies That was a beating! The daily report will have to wait until in the morning. My fingers are tired. The only good thing about it is we still have tomorrow plus seven days 7.😁
  22. Many of us begged for the pool grill to stay open on the 2018 world cruise. My husband doesn't like to eat in the room especially for dinner. We have eaten at the pool grill on the current cruise and it was the best lamb chops in any restaurant: Please do not discontinue the service.
  23. Maybe, depends on just how many people are there with right Check in time. Kind of take your chance, you may get right on or you may have to wait behind others with the right time.
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