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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/nebulizers-cpaps-bipaps-and-apaps
  2. I don't do MTD and have the same table and waiter every night. Works great.
  3. I see nothing on the Carnival perks list that makes me shout "wow I wish RC had that"
  4. I don't mean bigger as in intensity, but a bigger storm by area. You'll have wider swaths of persistent heavy rain than Charley had
  5. They fly over hurricanes. I wouldn't at all be concerned with a Saturday flight to Miami
  6. Since tomorrow is a sea day anyway, they can take a cautious approach to see where Ian actually goes. If it goes as forecast then Liberty could probably go with its original itinerary.
  7. Sandy passed about 90 miles north of where I lived at the time, but the cold front coming in mitigated any real bad effects. My worst experience was Tropical Storm Lee which dumped 7" of rain and flooded a window well into my basement.
  8. It's not really a matter if they can take off as much as it is them not wanting planes (and maybe more importantly crew) getting stranded there for multiple days. With a big storm coming in airlines often pre-cancel flights and move their planes elsewhere. That said MIami should be OK.
  9. Why would you want to blow it up? What did Mariner do to you?
  10. The issue isn't covid itself, but still the overly strict protocols crew have to follow if they test positive. Some probably fear some retribution if they get covid without a mask, regardless of what the individual crew member actually thinks of mask effectiveness. That said I would imagine most crew have gotten covid at one point or another anyway.
  11. There's no way to give a true boarding time since there's no way to know when the ship will be cleared for boarding or what kind of lines there will be once you enter the terminal
  12. Any itinerary that traverses the eastern GOM/western Caribbean the first half of the week will probably be altered.
  13. I've got at least 8 years before that'd even be a actionable discussion, so I've got time.
  14. My wife and I sometimes ponder a move to Florida after retirement to make cruising easier. But man I'd be way overstressed in hurricane season.
  15. Still way early to know where Ian is going to make landfall. It may not even hit the FL peninsula.
  16. If it's your national vaccination proof, you'll be fine. As for the test, just go buy a cheap at home test at a local pharmacy once you get in the states. That's all you need now.
  17. Why? Because I don't need to be on a ship that's an amusement park to enjoy a cruise. I prefer Freedom/Voyager class. But have past and future cruises on Radiance and Vision class ships primarily due to itineraries that the larger ships can't/won't accommodate.
  18. Right, I'm sure they dispatched fire crews and closed decks briefly due to their protocols. I just don't think it was a major issue.
  19. When Carnival had its whale tail fire, there were dozens of reports, photos, videos. This fire, which supposedly was major enough to close decks, has 1 anonymous report and nothing else?
  20. Leaving the USA as the only western country in the world with a vaccine requirement to visit the country.
  21. Cruise Law News likes to embellish things that make the cruise industry look bad, so who knows what the actual truth is here.
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