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Posts posted by RobinCruiser

  1. Hi Ladies! I'm a day late but checking in. The holiday Monday really messed me up. I didn't even realize it was Friday until this morning! I'm down .6# in weight. Took some measurements yesterday while ordering a dress online for my upcoming cruise (only 9 weeks eek!) and I am down a total of 6 inches on waist and hips. So I'm super happy with that loss!


    Belle - I hope you are enjoying your cruise!


    Jan - sorry to hear of your gain. I'd blame the cold weather and need for comfort foods. 😉


    Diana - no loss but no gain - still a win in my books!


    Jo - Welcome back! I'm sure that gain was worth it. I love the fabulous food in San Juan. 


    PACruise - Congrats on a fabulous loss! Drink lots of water and you might make cruise goal! I have 9 weeks and I'm on track to make mine. 🙂


    IRMO - Welcome and congrats on your loss! 


    Melmar - Congrats on your loss - I'm sure having hubby on track will make your efforts much easier going forward!


    Jenny - I would bet water weight as well due to the salt content on those Ritz..... mmm I love Ritz! And yes,  the scale doesn't reflect all losses. I'm losing inches like crazy but the scale is moving slower. 


    Jengi - sorry for your small gain - I'm sure you'll notice a loss next week


    Have a great week everyone!!


    • Like 4
  2. Thanks everyone! I had tried to google map but I guess I had a wrong setting, it didn't show much and a lady on another group gave me the impression that my hotel is sort of in the middle of nowhere and hers is in the midst of the shopping/dining district so I was wondering we were in a more industrial port area but it appears she is wrong. 


    Can't wait! Only 64 days. We definitely want to try local and different foods. Last time we cruised with our kids, it was McDonald's and Subway... now it's just us and I don't want any fast food or anything we have here at home. I've heard Little Havana is a must. Anyone know if we can get there easily with public transit?



  3. I've never been to Miami, and will be staying two pre-cruise nights at the Holiday Inn Port of Miami (first night we arrive about 8:00PM - after a full day of flying from Vancouver Canada). I am looking at booking a Miami city tour/Everglades airboat combo tour for the following morning - with hotel pick-up/drop off. Wondering what is around the hotel in terms of shopping, dining etc, especially to grab a bite on the first night after checking in. Is there much within walking distance? We (DH and I) will be there April 23 -25th. 





  4. Good morning everyone! Thanks for getting us started Diana. Good job on no gain. Same for you Jenny, and avoiding the goodies. Sorry to hear of your gain pacruise - hopefully your will be back on track next week. Seeing your goals like that is a good inspiration. 🙂


    I am down .2. Not much but I'll take it. No candy in my house either. Or treats. We are doing better so far with healthy eating. Thanks to everyone for their kind words regarding DH. He was diagnosed as borderline diabetic, overweight and has a fatty liver so he needs to lose weight, cut out sugar and treats and all should be well again. So far so good. 



    • Like 2
  5. Thanks Belle for getting the thread started!


    Congrats on no weight gain Jenny! Sounds like your new guy is a keeper! Hope the next 60 days go quickly - for you and me! My next cruise is in 79 days.


    I'm down 1.2 this week. DH had got some bad news from the doctor - he needs to lose weight and get active or he's in for trouble down the road so keeping on track has been easier since he's now eating what I am. Of course, typical for a man, I lose 1.2 with diet and my workouts and he is down 5 in a week just from eating better and going for a walk on the weekend. 🤷‍♀️


    Have a good week everyone! I'm trying to decide between booking a Mediterranean, British Isles or Panama Canal cruise for 2021. I'm leaning towards the Med.  

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  6. Thanks for starting the thread Melmar and congrats on your loss! Woo hoo! Such a nice feeling when your clothes fit. 🙂


    Congratulations Diana on your loss as well. Keep going.


    Keep at it Jan, maybe next week will surprise you with a good loss.


    And I want to remind you all that it's not all about the number on the scale although we do love it when that number goes down, down, down... but I've lost 1.2 pounds and am now exactly the same weight I started out the month at. However, since then I have lost a total of 3 inches off my waist, an inch and a half off my upper thigh and a half inch off my upper arm and a half inch off my calf. So a total of 5 1/2 inches lost but same weight. 


    Keep at it ladies!! We got this. 

    • Like 4
  7. Thanks for the inspiration Belle! Welcome to Cheri and Gail! I hope you find our forum to be a great source of inspiration on your weight loss journeys.


    Jan - Don't feel too bad, I'm also up. I'm up 2 pounds this week... but it was my birthday on Tuesday, and it was a biggie so there's been lots of celebrating. At one point, there were not one but two whole cheesecakes in my kitchen!


    Diana - hope you can kickstart your loss again this week. 


    Have a great week everyone!



  8. Hey everyone!


    Belle - I've missed your fun poems. 


    Melmar - congrats on your great loss. Dress shopping sounds fun. 😉 


    Jan and Diana - no loss is better than no gain. Keep at it!


    PACruise - sorry for your gain but at least you had an excuse, the holidays are just so much more enjoyable with treats! I like your idea of posting your goals for accountability. I'm going to do the same.


    Rose - congrats on  your loss, keep at it and you'll be back to maintaining in no time!


    I'm back and getting on track after the holidays and fun times at the lake. Been working out daily, watching the diet and am down 3.2 pounds since my last weigh in. 🙂 Only 107 days till my next cruise! 


    Not sure if anyone is interested in Jillian Michael's workouts - I thought someone on here was. There is a really great Facebook group called Jillian Michael's workout junkies. It's a whole bunch of really supportive women who help keep each other accountable for workouts and provide support. I love it and have found checking in daily to report my workouts are keeping me motivated. That and I'm documenting everything I eat, drink and do for exercise on MFP again. 


    Ladies, we got this!! 2020 is going to be awesome. 


    2020 Goals 

    SW 158.6

    04/22 - 140 - Cruise!

    09/09 - 128 - 25th Anniversary and Goal Weight



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  9. Season's greetings everyone! Hope you are all enjoying the holidays with friends and family. I got a battery for my scale. Not good - I'm up 2.2 pounds... So back up a total of 5.8 from my lowest point before my cruise. Gotta get back on track. Did a Jillian Michael's workout this morning and hope do do one each morning up to Tuesday when we head off to the lake for New Year's and the rest of the week. Hopefully I will be able to get in some skating and some treks through the snow!

  10. Happy Thursday! I have nothing to report - the battery in my scale died! I'm going to get a new one this weekend. I don't think I've had a loss this week anyway but I did visit family on Sunday that we haven't seen in about 6 months and they were quite insistent that I looked great and had lost weight. 🙂


    I will be MIA for a few weeks. Boxing Day will be Christmas round two for us and the following week we will be at the lake with no wifi. Wishing you all a fabulous holiday season! See you all in 2020!!


    Image result for happy holidays images

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  11. Good morning and welcome back Belle! Thanks for your Holiday poem.


    I'm up 1.2 this week. I did manage to get in some walks and workouts and have very sore muscles this week... hard to sit, lol! Getting back on track with the workouts and next week I plan to be diligent in logging foods again in MFP. 


    Sorry to hear of your gain Jenny. 😞 hoping you have a loss report next week.


    Congrats Diana on your loss! Keep at it. 


    Have a great rest of your week everyone.



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  12. Hi! DH and I are considering a stop in NYC on our way home from our Caribbean cruise. We have only transited EWR, never actually been to NYC. Our dates would be May 2-5. We really want a reasonably economical hotel - I've been reading through hotels posts on this board and see lots of high end hotels... I wish we could afford but alas, we cannot. Our budget is really around $6-$700 for the three nights. Looking for something central to use a base to do sightseeing. We won't be doing any Broadway shows or theatre, just interested in the Statue of Liberty, 911 memorial and museum, Empire State building and such. Probably do a HOHO pass. 


    TIA for any suggestions you may have!


  13. Happy Thanksgiving to those you are celebrating today! And welcome back from your cruises Jan and Diana. 


    I'm sure those "found" pounds were worth every bit or sip. 🙂


    I stayed the same - I'm ok with that, been running a lot of sales so I've been super busy sewing. I have an Etsy store and make skating, dance and gymnastics clothes. So my mornings before work have been spent filling orders rather than treadmilling or working out. 



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  14. Hi Ladies! I'm sorry for being so late, I literally just realized it was Thursday! I didn't even weigh myself this morning but I'll wager that I am have not lost anything. I have been back to walking, treadmilling and even my Jillian DVD's but I've had a few "fat" days... eating all the things, including Rice Krispie Treats and a Little Debbie Christmas Tree cake. 😔


    PACruiser, staying the same is better than a gain!


    Congrats JennyB on your loss!


    Wishing all the US members a happy Thanksgiving next week! 

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  15. 4 minutes ago, JenGi said:

    I finally got through my very first week on my plan and didn't find it as difficult as I thought it would be.  Down 2.0 and I'm glad about that. I am a soup person in the fall and winter as it's so comforting, like a warm blanket. 


    I really  like the idea of NOvember and will report back next week on how many times I did instead of giving in to cravings. 


    Congrats on you loss! Which plan are you on?

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  16. 1 hour ago, pacruise804 said:


    I struggle with salads when it's cold too.  A hearty vegetable soup, or even just a good broth, can be nice to warm without too many calories or carbs.


    I finally tried the Maui black bean soup last night.  I suspect it needs corn (which I don't have) to balance out the black beans.  Overall a nice veggie option to go with some sandwiches this week while we need quick meals.


    Hope you all enjoy the soup. I usually do add the corn... and I rarely measure so there is a lot. 


    I do love nice, hearty soups... DH and the kids are not really fans of soup for dinner. They feel it's more of a lunch dish. I might have to try just making myself soup for dinner and feed them something else. 

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