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Posts posted by RobinCruiser

  1. Morning everyone! 


    Happy belated birthday Belle! Hope you had a great one. Thanks for getting us started. 


    Happy early Birthday Diana! Maybe some treats will be just what your body needs to get your weight moving again. 🤷‍♀️ A little something to shake things up...


    Sorry for your gains Jan and Mel - hopefully they will melt off with this heat! Are you all still getting all this summer heat?


    Welcome Izena! hopefully this little group can help you succeed with all of your goals! 


    I myself am down 1#. So I lost the .8 I gained last week plus an extra .2. 🙂 Only .4 to go and I'll be at the same weight I reached last year, just before my cruise, which was the lowest I'd been in several years. Yay! 


    Have a great long weekend everyone! I'm heading to my lake house for a week but taking my weights with me and I plan to stick to my weekly workouts and watch my diet and alcohol intake. Plus get in lots of swimming!!

    • Like 1
  2. Good morning everyone! I'm up .8 which is to be expected. I slacked off on both diet and exercie for an extended long weekend at the lake with family and friends. Now to get back to it!


    Belle - thanks for getting us started. Hoping your feeling better and that you have a loss today!


    Jan - hope the fence goes up without incident and your roses are supported. 


    Diana - Good job on staying the same. Sounds like you are getting in a lot of extra walking when you can. 


    Hoping you all have a great weekend!



  3. @pacruise804 Yes that was it preeclampsia. I was always fine until that. Then I always got stressed going to the doctor as I worried it would be high. My doctor would talk to me and take my BP about 4 times over the course of the visit and by the end it was always a nice, normal level so she wasn't worried. 


    I do find the brownies are very soft and fudgey.. And sitting didn't really make them get more cake like but that didn't seem to matter. I cooked for the 18 mins. Next time I will definitely cut the added 2 TBSP sugar and possibly add a bit more oats to see if they turn out more dense like an actual brownie. But just a bit, I don't want them to get dry. 


    • Like 1
  4. Thanks for getting us started Belle! I really do want 2020 to be over but am kind of worried about what 2021 will bring. Hoping and praying it will be better. 


    Jan - Sorry to hear you had a gain. 


    Diana - Glad your numbers are getting better and things might start to open up again for you. It makes things seem just a little more normal!


    Melmar - Sorry to hear of your gain after all your hard work. 


    Jo - congrats on your loss. I love After Eights! Haven't had one in a long time. They are really good cold aren't they?


    My workouts and diet seem to be working for me. I'm down 2.8 this week. I got tired of Jillian Michael's workouts which are very repetitive after I discovered Sydney Cummings. She posts a brand new workout on YouTube every single day. So I've been doing her Summertime Fine 2.0 series. That and watching carbs, cutting back on alcohol and limiting late night snacking is working.


    Wishing you all a great weekend! 

    • Like 1
  5. My BP always goes crazy high at the doctor as well. Has every since I was pregnant with my first and developed some condition I can't remember the name of but was to do with high BP. I was on bed rest for the last month of the preganancy and I've had White Coat syndrome ever since.


    Jan - Congratulations on 47 years!! That's awesome.


    Ombud - I blanche whole tomatoes, peel off the skin and freeze them in freezer bags for sauces and such later on. I get a case of tomatoes every year. I prefer freezing over canning - it's quicker. 


    And for those wondering about the brownies, I actually had the recipe for almost a year before I decided to try it. I wasn't so sure myself but honestly, they are pretty good. You really can't tell at all that there are beans in them. And I'm not going to tell my family who have now finished off the pan. 

  6. Good morning. Well half the pan of brownies are gone so they seem to be a hit with the family. I did NOT tell them they are made with black beans, I know my family, they wouldn't have even tried them. I made them exactly as the recipe called using the honey option and the 2 TBSP sugar. I found them to be very sweet. I would skip the added sugar if I make them again. They aren't exactly like regular brownies but they are good and satisfy the chocolate craving. I just told the family they are extra fudgey brownies. 


    I've gotten back into eating Cauliflower rice instead of regular rice or potatoes to help cut carbs and lots more salads to help cool off. Drinking tons and tons of water. 


    Diana - Been seeing the horrible fires in CA on the news again. Hoping they are not near you? BC was doing pretty good until this week - then the dry, hot weather and lightening happened and now we have a bunch of fires burning again too. 


    Belle - agreeing with you on the flu shot. It's going to be interesting this fall/winter I'm sure. Our numbers here are going up, up, up - they were actually the highest here since the pandemic started last weekend and yet they are still planning to open up schools for full time, regular classes on September 8th. Seems crazy to me. Glad my girls are both graduated. Even the one in University has all online classes for the fall semester so why send the little ones back to class? I don't get it. 


    Stay cool and stay safe everyone!


  7. Apparently we had quite a thunder storm here too on Monday night - I slept through it. 


    My Father's test was negative so that's a relief. They think he just got a flu? I keep telling my parents to be more careful, if they can catch a flu, they can get Covid. 


    Belle, I don't think I'd want to be 25 again. I think I'd be happy with being 35 again but I guess I should be happy with where I am, one day I will wish I was 50 again, lol.


    Haven't settled on a cruise yet, but yes you are right, can always cancel or change to another date if things don't get better. 


    I'm doing really good this week with diet and was craving chocolate yesterday so today, I'm going to try a black bean brownie recipe that was recommended to me. Has anyone made black bean brownies? I'm really hoping they will taste good and not like beans. I'm going to make this recipe if anyone wants to try it as well. I'll let you all know how they turn out. 



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  8. Checking in to see how everyone is doing - sounds like everyone is hot, hot, hot! We too are in the high 30's so near 100 F. Too hot! And humid here too. Thankful for A/C. We are also spending more time inside - too hot outside. Although we did spend some time Saturday night on the deck, watching the meteor shower and feeding mosquitos. 


    I am going to check out a couple Panama Canal cruises for 2022 that I've heard about lately. Other than that, no cruise planning for me at the moment. I cancelled the one I had booked for next December. Just not sure that one is in the cards for us. 


    Hoping everyone has a great week!

  9. 8 hours ago, pacruise804 said:

    Our 25th anniversary cruise was canceled by Viking (expected it, but still bummed).  Will start researching today if AI's are an option or looking at a smaller get away maybe in the Finger Lakes.  Really want to celebrate the milestone, but don't want to force something that's not meant to be.


    Sorry to hear! I know we will be spending our 25th at our lake house. Not the grand getaway I had hoped for but at least it's something. Good luck with your searching!


    • Thanks 1
  10. Hi Everyone, sorry, I'm a day late. I did weigh in yesterday but never got a chance to get on here and post. I'm back down the .6 I gained last week so that was nice. Been watching my diet and exercise consistently since last weekend. 


    Catching up on all your posts from last week and this one. Nothing new really to report from me - my dad is still improving - got tested this week but no results yet. And I officially lost my job on Wednesday. We all knew it was coming - most mainstream travel is not coming back in any capacity any time soon, and as a result, my company closed up Canadian operations. Oh well,  I'm sure something better will come along evenutally. Until then, I'm chained to my sewing machine, making masks!


    Congrats to those who lost and stayed the same. Those who gained, keep at it and you will succeed.


    Have a great weekend!


    • Like 1
  11. Hi everyone!


    I'm up .4 this week. Like PAcruise, I've had a stressful week as well... my 73 year old dad tested positive for Covid over the weekend. Seems to be doing better and was not hospitalized but had us worried for a while there - he was averaging about 20 hours sleep a day and was very foggy, mild fever and light cough. No shortness of breath though so they felt he should self isolate at home. 


    Belle, thanks for your delightful poem. I'm ready for a moth of loss!


    PAcruise, I'm sorry for your loss and hope your dad will be negative! Hoping your daughter has a full recovery and your kids aren't too stressed about going back to class. 


    Jan, Happy birthday to your daughter! Enjoy time with family.


    Diana, congrats on staying the same. I'd count that as a success!


    Jo, Best wishes on your test, hoping it will negative!


    Ombud, good luck for losses with your new routine.


    Rose, congrats on your great loss! Way to go!


    Have a great weekend everyone!





    • Thanks 1
  12. Thanks everyone. We are early risers as well so the noise shouldn't bother us too much if there is any anchor dropping. We had a super rough night in an aft Balcony a couple years back in the Caribbean - almost tossed us right out of bed, and the room in general was noisy day and night due to an outdoor seating area above which was always busy and cleaned at 3am. I am thinking this category looks like a great deal!

  13. 2 hours ago, firefly333 said:

    Are you looking at the PT category or the 1a category with port holes. I've stayed in both. I've had times it was a little rough. Vista was the worst, at least 3 nights of chop and about ever 90 seconds sounded like we hit a rock. ... took pills to sleep.


    I've probably had these another 6 times and they were perfect and a bargain to see out at inside price.


    The 1as are sofa bed and twin, dont push together the PTs have twins that push together. I consider them a great bargain. 


    I've mostly had them on conquest, same class as what you asked about.


    Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware there different categories of Porthole cabins. I will be looking at PTs, I don't DH will be happy sleeping on a sofa bed. 🤣

  14. Morning all. I'm down .4 this week so still up .2 from my lowest in the past month. Congrats PACruise on your great loss. Sorry to hear you've gained Jan and Melmar - I would suspect water retention might be playing a big part in your gains. We are having a heatwave up here in BC right now. We are experiencing days and days of mid to high 30's which corresponds to high 90's farenheit. Can't complain though, I guess, we've finally go summer!

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  15. 5 minutes ago, pacruise804 said:

    Jan, my cruise is a Southern Caribbean on Viking Ocean out of Miami.  It's to celebrate our 25th anniversary and would be our first time on the premium line.


    That sounds amazing! Our 25th is this September but unfortunately, looks like we won't be going anywhere. 


    My DD# 1 is done with school at this time and happily works with plants - she's a gardener. She's gone to college for Interior Design but loves working outdoors and with plants.  DD#2 is planning to go to college this fall for a Social work program... not sure yet how much will be in class versus online. 

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  16. Well I did it, I just booked a great deal on a 7 day Mexican cruise for December 2021. I'm happy with that and hopefull that everything will be semi-normal by then. The flight is less than 3 hours for me from Vancouver so that will good if masks are still mandatory on flights, which I suspect they may be. And now I have something to look forward to/work towards. Yay!


    @retiring soon Sorry for your gain, at least I'm in good company this week! 🥴  I would think the Cheezies factory would smell pretty cheesy, lol. And we used to have Swiss Chalet out here but not sure there are any left. There used to be two within a 45 min drive of my house but they are both gone now. Wow, you have a busy 2021 scheduled! I envy you. 

    • Like 1
  17. Hi everyone! 


    Belle, thanks for getting us started. And I may have to start wearing my mask at home... I'm up .6. Guess all my "what the heck" eating caught up with me.


    PAcruise - great job on the loss. Sorry you are feeling off... I know, I find myself quite up and down all the time. So much stress and worry these days. A cruise in November would be nice but I have a feeling there may not be any sailings this year at all. I hope I'm wrong. I want to cruise again!


    Jan - glad to hear your dog is doing better and it was nothing too serious. Glad you followed up when you knew something was different before it got worse. Congrats on your loss. Your visit with the kids sounded great!


    Diana - I'm sorry you are feeling off too. Wishing all this Covid nonesense would just go away. 


    Belle - Does your Alaska cruise go from Vancouver or Victoria? You could try our Cheezies if so. And in answer to your question, no I have no cruises currently booked, although I had put a couple for 2021 on option, I had let them go. I've been looking at 2022 though so might book something soon. I am a planner - I always book far, far in advance. I had our cancelled April cruise booked for just over 2 years. 


    Off to get some exercise in before I start on my mask orders. Have a great day everyone!



    • Thanks 1
  18. I'm happy that so many of you seem to be getting together with family! That's great!!


    Jan - Sorry to hear about the influx of tourists to your state. I have never been to Maine but from everything I've seen, it's very beautiful! But it is so frustrating when people are lying to get it and not quarantining or wearing masks. I still can't believe Disney World opened up in Florida. I'm glad Disney Land in CA has stayed closed. 


    Jan - Hope your dog is feeling better! Maybe it's the heat? 


    Melmar - We have Cheetos up here as well. Cheezies are firmer, most crunchy and have a stronger cheese taste in my opinion. Both are good though! And congrats on your work out consitency!


    I just finished making a big tossed salad, a pasta salad and a coleslaw. Going to rotisserie a chicken tonight on the BBQ and have it with salads. We are having a sort of heat wave out here... supposed to get up to around 33C or 91F today. Wishing I was at the lake so I could go for a swim!!

  19. Good morning everyone! Nice to see lots of people popping in. Hoping you are all staying safe and keeping on track this week. I'm getting back to low/no carbs so hopefully that will help.


    Belle - yes our borders are closed here but we have the Alaska loophole that many US people seem to be taking advantage of. All they have to do is tell the border guards they are going to Alaska and we have to let them through. I feel that anyone heading to Alaska from the lower 48 should fly, not travel through our province but that is not up to me. The issue is, some US citizens are using that excuse to come to BC for a vacation and while we love Americans and welcome them to come experience our great province, we would prefer they wait until the pandemic is over. 


    And even up here people are rebelling against mask wearing. I don't get it. 


    @melmar02 I think Cheezies are a Canadian thing. They are really good and very addictive!


  20. Happy Friday everyone! 


    Sorry to hear of your gain Jan. Wishing you a great weekend and a loss next week. 


    Welcome Etta! Sounds like you are on track for a good loss. 


    Congrats on your losses Jo and Diana! Diana, I too would love to get out of the Obese category and into Overweight - maybe the Cheezies might have to go. I don't have the willpower to toss out the rest though... I'll just leave them out in sight for the kids to see 😅.  


    Jo, I think eating at home all the time helps for sure! 


    Belle, congrats on staying the same - better than a gain any day! Yes, I'm in BC, Canada and our numbers are on the rise again since we entered into phase 3 of re-opening. Kind of scary. I am still trying to maintain the same level of care - only going out once a week or less if I can help it, sanitizing, wearing a mask, physical distancing, etc. The problem though is that a lot of people seem to think the whole thing is over and are just going about their business like they did a year ago and the spread is picking up. We are still doing pretty good - an average of 25 or so new cases a day in the province but we are the stepping stone for the Western US to get to Alaska so we are seeing a lot of US visitors and people are worrying that they will bring more infection. 


    Have a great weekend everyone! Stay Safe!



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  21. Good morning! Thanks for getting us started with a great poem Belle. I'm in the eating "I don't give a heck food" category lately. I've been walking and working out though and stayed the same this week but I definitely need to get my diet under control. It's been hot here, finally and there has been ice cream, and cheezies, and even caramel popcorn. 🥴


    @melmar02 Congratulations on your loss! I love getting out and walking first thing in the morning, while the streets are still quiet and before the heat hits. I don't have a fitbit, but I do have a group to check in with for accountability each day so that keeps me motivated. Have a good week!

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