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Posts posted by RobinCruiser

  1. Has anyone booked the Roatan Island Tour and Beach stop with Royal Caribbean? I'm really interested in this excursion but wonder if the Beach stop is actually at Parrot Tree Plantation resort as is shown in the video or Las Palmas Beach resort as it states in the write up? I want to check and see if we can rent kayaks during the beach stop. Additionally, there is a condo for sale at Parrot Tree that I'd be interested in viewing during my stop. 

  2. Good morning from chilly British Columbia! I am down 1.2 this week. Only another 2 to go to be back at pre-cruise weight.


    Congrats and enjoy your cruise Jan! 


    Happy Birthday Jenny!


    Have fun at the Quiz competition PACruise


    JenGi - you are in the right place to lose weight! This group is great - very encouraging and help keep you accountable. You are taking my dream cruise! DH and I are planning to do a British Isles cruise in 2021 or 2022..


    Have a great weekend everyone! It's a long weekend here, so I'll be heading to the lake. But first, party time tomorrow - my "baby" will be legal - she's turning 19!

    • Like 3
  3. 8 hours ago, cruisegal415 said:

    Thanks all! We've booked a 12 day on the Regal Princess, it was the only itinerary we found that starts at London and includes Liverpool as well as Dublin, two of our must see's.  We will go to Cork, Belfast, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Guernsey, Invergordon and Le Havre, so I think we're pretty well covered with the British Isles! 


    This is my dream cruise! Hoping to do it in 2021!

  4. Wow, congrats to all who had great losses last week! That was awesome, there were so many. 


    I was very bad all weekend but am on track today. Walked the dog and did a treadmill routine. Meal planning has been done for the week and a shopping list written - now to stick to it! Friday is my daughter's 19th birthday so we will be heading out for dinner. Not sure where she wants to go yet...


    Bon Voyage to all those getting ready to set sail!!


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  5. I wish I was packing for a cruise... but I'm working instead. 😞  No cruise for me until April 2020.


    I'm really dreading weigh-in tomorrow... I have also had a very lazy week and I've been indulging in way too many treats. I also got into a bag of potato chips. 😞 And wine gums... and I made a cranberry apple crisp that I've had to sample a few times... and fresh homemade buns to go with a nice beef stew... Not at all diet food. 


    Oh well, November is a new month, I'll get back on the wagon then!

    • Like 1
  6. Hi Everyone!


    I have lost 1.2 of my re-gained weight. I was surprised actually since I've had once of those weeks where you just want to eat absolutely everything!


    Usually by this time each year, a 100 piece box of candy has usually been accidentally consumed. 🤷‍♀️ This year, I have not bought anything! We don't get many kids but I still usually buy and then we have to eat the leftovers... This year I'm only buying a couple large size candy bars for the neighbor kids, and nothing more. I'm going to give them to them all pre-Halloween night and keep the lights off to keep the pupper calm. She's a Jack Russell so calm does not really ever describe her but you can imagine how crazy she gets with the doorbell. 


    Belle - Love the poem!!


    JennyB- Congrats on a loss and pants fitting -such a great feeling isn't it?


    Heather - Congrats - amazing loss!!!


    Rose - Sorry you gained. Sometimes maintenance can be tricky.


    Diana - Congrats on a loss. Always nice to be under that number.


    Jan - no loss is still better than a gain. 


    Have a great week everyone!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. On 10/22/2019 at 12:51 PM, tattoos said:

    I received my survey a few days after my return.  I would suggest you call Carnival's toll-free number and request one.  Do you regularly receive information/special sale emails from Carnival?  If not, you can sign up on their web site.  Maybe that is why you did not receive a survey??


    Thanks for taking the time to complete the survey, the recognition from cruisers is very important to the staff.  I never recognize bartenders because they're getting paid to hustle and promote.  The people I recognize are the omelette cooks, cleaning staff, room steward, etc.


    Thanks for your reply. I got it sorted... my account had an old email address which is why I never received anything. 🙂

  8. 16 hours ago, Belle said:

    What can we add to make this more than a weigh-in board? Or is that enough?

    Do we need more tips, hints, food recipe's, talk more? What? Really miss the men that came in

    and gave what they did. (even when they lose faster) we all have the same challenges

    in losing weight. 



    Hi Belle, I would love to see a recipe thread for people to share their favorites. That would be nice. Otherwise, I think we all stop in when we have time. I have missed Jasonmom - I don't think she has posted since her cruise which was the same week as mine. 


  9. On 10/16/2019 at 1:09 PM, tattoos said:

    I ran out of room on my online survey form recognizing all the nice staff members on this ship.



    Off topic question but how long after you cruised did you get the email survey? I said Sept 29th and have not received any email communications from Carnival at all. I have checked my junk folder. Just wondering... I'd love to give some feedback on some amazing crew we encountered!

  10. On 10/16/2019 at 7:26 AM, ObstructedView2 said:


    Look in your email, you'll find a (Post Cruise Survey) there. Fill it out & share your thoughts with Carnival via the post cruise survey.



    Hi, do you have any idea when one would expect to receive the post cruise survey? I sailed on Sept 29th. I've never received anything from Carnival and I've checked my spam. I thought I'd get a survey and maybe an email with future cruise offers but I've not seen anything. 

  11. @pacruise804 Here is the soup recipe. I usually double the recipe and then just add a tablespoon of each of the seasonings. I dice the veggies and don't puree the soup - my kids prefer it that way.. they didn't like the texture with some pureed.


    Maui Black Bean Soup (via Clean Eating)
    Nutrition Information
    • Calories: 170
    • Fat: 3.75
    • Carbohydrates: 27.6
    • Sodium: 334
    • Fiber: 8.6
    • Protein: 9
    Recipe type: Soup
    Prep time:  20 mins
    Cook time:  25 mins
    Total time:  45 mins
    • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    • 2 ribs celery, trimmed and coarsely chopped
    • 1 fat carrot, peeled and chopped
    • 1 small purple onion, peeled and chopped
    • 1 red pepper, seeded and chopped
    • 1 green pepper, seeded and chopped
    • 2 cloves garlic passed through a press
    • 1 tsp dried cumin
    • 1 tsp dried oregano
    • 1 tsp dried basil
    • 1 tsp chili powder
    • 4 cups bone broth or low sodium broth chicken/vegetable broth
    • 2 15oz cans black beans
    • 1 15 oz can diced tomatoes
    • sea salt and fresh ground black pepper
    1. In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add celery, carrot, onion and bell peppers. Sauté until onion become translucent, about 8 minutes. Add garlic and spices. Cook another 2 minutes
    2. Add stock or cooking liquid of your choice, beans and tomatoes. Bring mixture to a boil and then reduce heat.
    3. Cover and let simmer for about 20 minutes.
    4. Season with sea salt and fresh ground pepper.
    • Thanks 1
  12. Happy Sunday Ladies! I'm so envious of you both Jan and Belle - I love the Caribbean! I am doing a Western Carib but not until end of April..... so I have lots of time to make my goal!!


    Hope you are all having a great weekend. I planned out the week's menus, then went grocery shopping and mostly stuck to the plan… DH came along and added a few things to the cart that are not diet friendly but not my favourites so I should have no problem avoiding them. 


    I have just made a double batch of Maui Black Bean soup - love this stuff! I always double the seasonings for more flavor. Anyway, that will be my dinner tonight and lunches for the week. 


    Hoping for big losses and great weigh-ins on Thursday!

  13. 45 minutes ago, melmar02 said:

    I finally jumped off that plateau! I'm down 2.4 pounds this week - hopefully next week I can lose 1.5 and be able to say that I'm officially down 30 pounds. 🤞 


    When I hit 30 pounds, I'm going to get a massage. Do you give yourself rewards for hitting your goals, and if so, what are they? 




    Wow that's awesome, congrats on your loss. I'll be rooting for you to hit 30 pounds next week!


    I would think that if I hit a big goal, something like 30 pounds, I would definitely plan for a reward. I would think maybe go shopping to buy something new!

    • Like 1
  14. Hi ladies, 


    Belle - Hope you are having a great time on your cruises.Tthank you for the poem and yes, I've been indulging in comfort food this week - came home from my work week in Philly with a nasty cold. All I've wanted is warm, creamy soups and stews full of hearty goodness. Plus we had Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday so there was turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh buns, lots of veggies and a nice, warm apple pie... Mmmm...


    Heathersmoo - staying the same can be hard to accept but it is better than a gain. Keep at it!


    Jan - Sorry to hear you just keep yo-yoing with the same pound. Very frustrating. And yes, very dark here as well now in the mornings/evenings. I took my dog out for a walk this morning and by 6:40 it was just starting to brighten up. We are the West Coast and voted to keep Daylight Savings Time year round. It won't happen this year but I'm thinking if accepted, it will be in a effect next year. That will be interesting. I hate the twice yearly time changes. 


    JennyB - Congrats on your loss!! That is great! And yes, Red Wine is best for weight maintenance, your health and I recently read, keeping wrinkles at bay... lol. Not sure if that's true but why take the chance... Lol. Where do you blog?


    Diana - Sounds like you've had a great week and no gain is good. Keep at it and hopefully you will lose a bit before your cruise. 21 Days at sea sounds heavenly!


    PACruise - Your meals this week sound delish! Congrats on no loss. 


    I'm up 3 pounds since my last weigh in, three weeks ago. And I've actually gained most of it the last week. I was home for a night after the cruise/before Philly and I weighed myself and had only gained one pound. I gained the next two by eating too much comfort foods, carbs and sweets this last week. Plus with the cold I have, I had zero energy or motivation to get out and walk or exercise. I was feeling better this morning so took the dog for an hour's walk. I have a homemade chicken noodle soup simmering in my crock pot as I type (homemade stock but root veg and egg noodles) so hopefully a bowl of that for dinner will help with the cold and get me back on track. 


    Have a great week everyone!





    • Like 2
  15. Best drink I've ever had was The Perfect Storm on Imagination.... they made it different than the menu, shaved cinnamon over a lighter, over the drink... the cinnamon burns lightly and the chemist always said, sparkles! Mmmmm. soo good. 

    • Like 1
  16. DH and I sailed on the Imagination last week, Sunday to Thurs. We had porthole cabin U17. It was our first time in a porthole and on the Imagination and we liked both but noticed a strong sewage smell pretty much daily outside on deck. And in addition, we had toilet flushing issues also daily in our cabin and in public restrooms. Is this something recent cruisers experienced or noticed? This was our 5th cruise and we have never smelled strong sewage smells like this previously. 

  17. 1 minute ago, JennyB1977 said:

    @RobinCruiser I competed in the sport of figure. Been awhile but I have been lifting weights since I was 12. I have also competed in Power Lifting and Olympic Weightlifting. I managed a gym and was a coach. Here is a pic of me (April or October 2006) and some of my clients...






    Oh wow, that's awesome!!  Look at all those trophies in the last photo!! 🙂

  18. 14 minutes ago, Jasonmom said:

    Well my loss for the week is 0.4lb.  I was down quite a bit more on Sunday, but as I've increased my carbs through the week I've gained.  Oh well, with the week I've had the diet has kinda taken a back seat.  My son broke his toe on Monday.  Me and my husband thought it was just stubbed or something so I sent him to school on Tuesday.  When he took his shoe off after school on Tuesday I knew it could be worse than we though so took him to doctor.  Low and behold he broke it.  I've so much guilt for not taking him in earlier.  The doctor I took him to put him in temporary cast and said he might need surgery.  So today we went to surgeon.  Good news, no surgery, and he is in a boot (on crutches) than can be taken off for showers (good news as anyone knows about pubescent boys needing good shower).  Also this week finally heard back all at once from doctors scheduling things (spinal tap, EGD, sleep specialist appointment because the test I took says I have sleep apnea) that I've been waiting on for awhile.  They wanted me to do the spinal tap tomorrow, but I'm not going to because of the possibility of complications would cancel my cruise.  So everything will be in the first two weeks we get back.  It's been a stressful week.  I'm nowhere ready for my cruise.  It's going to be a long next two days.



    Sorry to hear about your stressful week! Been there, done that with the kid and the doctor... Sometimes they cry wolf too often and you just don't think it's as bad as it may be. Is your son joining you on the cruise?


    Hoping you can put your stresses behind you and enjoy the next two days of packing, planning and prepping for a fun trip!

  19. 19 minutes ago, JennyB1977 said:

    @RobinCruiser Hey lady! I haven't yet. I may go back on the last training/nutrition plan a physique coach did for me back when I was thinking of competing, again. I never really gave his plan my all. Thinking I want to be down 15# by Jan 3. I think that is totally doable in 99 days or 14 weeks 🙂! Today has been coffee with 2%, .5c cottage cheese, 6 slices colby jack cheese, and this refried bean/corn/cheese casserole. Dinner might just have to be a salad after the gym LOL I LOVE CHEESE


    I love cheese too... and most food in general - Lol! 


    So what do you/did you compete?

  20. Hi Ladies! That is funny that you both started a thread at the same time. Great minds think alike!


    Diana - good job staying the same! I'm sure you will meet your October goal... just stay away from all the Halloween treats. 


    pacruise - 2.8 from the cruise is not too bad, I'm hoping for similar. Glad you are having great weather to get outdoors!


    Jo - .6 after three plates of Chinese is pretty good! Mmmm… Chinese. 


    Katmu - Sorry to hear you were feeling under the weather but glad you are better today. Family time is definitely worth a weight gain in my books.


    Jan - Congrats on your loss!! Enjoy the wedding and the family and friends!


    JennyB - Welcome back. Are you going to get back on the UNDiet?



    I managed to re-lose the weight I previously gained this month and am down an additional .4. Finally in the 153's.

    This is my last weigh in for the next two weeks. I'm off to California on Saturday. We're doing a pre-cruise night on the Queen Mary then our cruise, followed by a day in Disneyland and a day at Universal Studios. I'll be home for two nights and then off to Philadelphia for a week of training for work. Monday the 14th of October is Canadian Thanksgiving... It will be interesting to see how I fare on weigh in that week. 


    Hope everyone has a great couple weeks!


    See you all mid-October!





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