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Everything posted by BND

  1. Interesting. On Jewel last month they collected our invites to Cheers with an Officer when we arrived. They also checked us off a list. We're on Wonder in Jan so we'll see if they're doing the same. I'm sure it's going to be fleet wide, if it isn't already.
  2. Those people I don't get either. They could charter a boat/yacht for a week with more personalized service for just a bit more than those family suites cost and go to a lot more ports based on size alone.
  3. I will say we watched my in laws burn through all their investments and home equity for long term care. My MIL needed full time care the last 5 years of her life to the tune of 20k per month. She left 90k behind when she died. It makes you think. And it wasn't even full time medical care. It was just aides We've seen too much with people who didn't plan.
  4. As far as I know, the only times they have used guest cabins for crew was when they were still quarantining new crew before allowing them into their crew spaces/cabins. I haven't seen this reported by anyone else. The ship should have enough cabins for the crew so can't imagine why they'd need guest cabins for them, especially months after the inaugural sailing when everything should be settled out.
  5. I know several people who have done what you did, but those on the WC are spending a lot more than 9 months of living expenses to go than they would to just up and move somewhere new. What you did has been done by several people we know and moving to a new location and finding jobs with money in the bank to live on isn't crazy at all. And, I don't think anyone doing the WC is crazy no matter how they paid for it. I'm just curious as what those who did sell everything will do when this whirlwind is over.
  6. My DH has always loved the idea of a world cruise (so have I really) but when push comes to shove and you look at all the logistics and all the missed family events, we'd rather cruise several times a year instead. Princess has done world cruises for years and as far as I know they have always broken them into segments as well. It's not a new concept, but Royal has turned it into a once in a lifetime event, not just for the cruisers, but for the cruise line itself. I think if they do this again, it will be several years from now. I can't imagine the logistics of putting the entire thing together-port calls, food, alcohol, fuel, etc all have to be pre-arranged and deliveries timed to match. Not to mention all the logistics for the cruisers themselves. If anyone watches Parodeejay on YT, they cruise a lot of the year and do great videos, but they have said many times that they are always home for holidays and family events.
  7. I love living in a mortgage free home (for the first time ever) near my children and my recently widowed mother. Our CFP would be able to do a lot but he doesn't control the market lol. We already downsized so we're good. I'm just really wondering if someone did sell to go on this trip, what will they do when they return. I do know someone who took money out of her 401 to take all her family on a cruise a few years ago. It wouldn't be as big a deal if they hadn't used all their equity to help their kids buy homes and now have a mortgage in their 70's and are still working because they need the money. Not everyone makes smart decisions.
  8. I'll bet some did. It's 9 months so leaving a house that long isn't unheard of. I don't think it was said they didn't do it to pay for it either.
  9. I'm curious as to what those that sold what they own to go will do when they return? Too many have a problem with immediate gratification. We're retired and could "afford" to go but we would rather spend time with family and cruise a few times a year and keep the home we own free and clear so we can continue to give back and enjoy our retirement. You say you would, but you don't know because you didn't/can't right now. Anyway, my real question from the beginning was what is their game plan and I'd love to see what those who did sell everything do when they return? Just a simple question.
  10. My family (sons and DIL's) would too if we needed it but we would never ask that especially if we spent all our money on a trip. I assumed that they spent a chunk of it. In a lot of places home values aren't as large as they are where we live but most would have to downsize to maintain the lifestyle they had before the trip. I guarantee not everyone who did sell to go on this trip really thought it through or made a sound decision. Sorry I asked. I've seen too many make dumb financial decisions based on emotions.
  11. Not everyone has the equity to do that. We do and we're retired. We sold our previous home, downsized (5500 sq ft to 3800) and have no mortgage but if we sold our house now and went on this cruise, we'd have to really downsize. I'm just curious about people's mindsets and what their plans are. I don't get the defense of people that others don't know. I want real life info.
  12. If they sold to pay for the cruise, what money would they use then? I can't imagine telling family "I spent all my money on a cruise, can I live with you?". I'm just trying to figure out. I don't need "devils's advocates guessing. It's a legitimate question when someone sells everything they own to go on a 9 month cruise.
  13. I hope it's worth it to them. Once the cruise is over, then what? That is so short sighted.
  14. So, you think laws don't apply to you or anyone? But, just for your peace of mind I have never reported anyone for a traffic violation. I may have called them names for being idiots, but beyond that, nope. You do you, but don't lose your ***t when you get caught.
  15. I remember when Labadee was first improved and you could get a cabana for $150. Those were the days. We booked one 3 different times. Just like CC, you can't touch one for anything that's the least bit reasonable anymore. The fact that some people spend more on one day on a cabana than they do for their entire cruise just baffles me.
  16. Well, the reality is, most people doing social media don't make that much money. That's the problem with some (younger) people thinking they can do it full time and make a lot of money, but that's just not true for the vast majority. They think "I don't have to go to college or learn a trade. I'll just post pictures and videos. It's more than a full time job for those that are really successful and even most of them have other passive incomes. Most likely, the younger cruisers have inherited or have high paying mobile careers. They are the exception by a long shot. You still have to come up with the cost up front. I would love to find out how many borrowed money or withdrew from retirement/401 accounts. I'm not talking the retirees. I'm talking the 20 and 30 somethings. My boys and their wives (late 30's) make very good money (200K+) but neither can come up with what the WC costs without borrowing. It's just a curiosity for me. DH and I could easily afford to do it, but being gone 9 months doesn't really have the appeal for us. Asking for info on how much winning bids are is very common on CC and on other sites, so not sure why it's such a big deal.
  17. A carousel would not make it easier at all. It's so easy to find your zone # and just go there and grab bags. 38 cruises so far and never had any issue with retrieving bags.
  18. I found that out after I posted. I'm amazed at some of the people who can afford to take their family on a cruise like this. I saw the ages range from 2-87. When our kids were 2, we barely had enough money to go to the beach for a weekend lol.
  19. Oh, ours would too but he'd just say, are you sure you want to do this and then say he'd have to figure out what to move where, what to sell in order to do it without impacting our accounts as much. We actually are doing our monthly meeting with him this afternoon.
  20. I doubt there's any woman of childbearing age doing the entire WC. The photos I've seen of the gala dinner for the WCers didn't exactly seem to have anyone under 50 lol. But, as the rules for pregnancy are strictly enforced, I'm guessing they would send them home prior to the cutoff of 23 weeks. They can't really give any exceptions because it's a medical/liability issue. DH and I were talking about the cost earlier and how our CFP would react if we said we needed 6 figures from our accounts to go on this cruise. You know, hitting up the principle and all.
  21. After seeing some of the luggage posted on social media, I'm sure some people are still unpacking 😉
  22. Hmm, someone just asked the exact same question on FB and got the same answers. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/prohibited-items-onboard-policy
  23. I don't think people realize how common medical emergencies are on cruise ships. Not all are visible or known by the guests. We had one cruise out of Baltimore (Grandeur) where we had multiple as in like 5 or 6 for the entire 12 nights that we knew about. One was before we even reached the Bay Bridge. That was done by Coast Guard boat. Some are stable enough to wait til a port.
  24. Because water will evaporate and leave a nasty ring as it does so. Also, running water keeps the sewer smell away. When water isn't run/toilets flushed, everything dries out and smells.
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