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Everything posted by BND

  1. Oh, the drama. How many towels do you wash at home per week? You'd think I told people to use other's towels. I simply stated that someone could reuse their towel ONE time.
  2. Up until a few years ago, there were always extra towels in the bathrooms. We hang them on the back of the door on hooks. We stay in JS, so it's not required but we do it. We also (gasp) reuse hand towels. The idea it's "disgusting" is entirely in people's heads.
  3. People are overthinking this. LOL. Who knew it was so easy to rile people up over something so trivial? Before someone else says it, I know, it's CC haha. I can solve this major problem for those of you that are easily grossed out by yourself, ask for extra towels, problem solved.
  4. LOL People who won't reuse a towel they used once after taking a shower. What makes it "disgusting"? Your towel, used on you one time isn't dirty considering you just took a shower. I'm far from green, but I'm not too superior to reuse a towel once. Just google how often you should wash your towels. I think you'll be surprised. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/how-often-should-you-wash-your-germ-magnet-of-a-bath-towel/#:~:text=As a general rule%2C launder,re sick to avoid reinfection. https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/02/health/washing-towels-how-often-wellness/index.html
  5. Another good reason to have a good TA. Ours are friends and she has our cc info. She always reminds us just to make sure we want to make final payment, but we've never even come close. I always tell her to pay off a week or so ahead and if we're doing a b2b, to pay both off at the same time.
  6. Most people aren't even in their cabin most of the day so I'm trying to figure out how anyone can have that much trash per day. We stay in JS so we still get twice a day, but honestly, I'd be fine with once in the evening. Too many times we've come back to the cabin for one reason or another before noon and have timed it perfectly to get there when the steward is there. We don't ask for ice as have no need for it. Towels get replaced in the evening as we normally shower before dinner, after a day in the sun.
  7. We've received those letters a few times. It's been reported some people just pull every suitcase outside their door into their room and sometimes have no clue one isn't theirs or they just don't care enough to do anything about it.
  8. BND

    Costa Maya pier

    It has not run either time we were there last year. I have a knee with issues (injury 4 years ago, but still "tight") and I have walked the pier both times. Also, when we've been there, there have been several ships and only ONE shuttle that holds maybe 15 people, (20 at most) and it only runs on the main pier. We've been down the side pier both times so you have to walk that distance just to get to the shuttle, if it's running.
  9. We've been on GR 7 times and EN 7 times, (Baltimore) and there are always a lot of top tiers onboard. We've done Vision out of Tampa a few years ago and the D Lounge overflowed into the lounge it sits in. Only time we had low top tier numbers was last summer to Bermuda on GR. That's because it was only 6 nights, not the ship.
  10. Not sure what clothing has to do with it. I wear capris regularly. Being Pinn doesn't mean they dress nice every evening.
  11. They were giving out things at the C&A event (I assume top tier event is what you mean)? 10 Pinns, 38 D and 28D+ is a very low number of D and above.
  12. Suites get twice a day cleaning. Also, I have never in 15 years of cruising on Royal (GS, first using CL then, D and above for DL) heard or seen anyone take it on themselves to question anyone coming into the lounge.
  13. The oj from concentrate that is complimentary is much better than the "fresh squeezed" you pay extra for. We've tried the fresh squeezed a few times on different ships and it's just not that good.
  14. Mine still says "in process" at 6 weeks.
  15. On EN in April, it was held at like 945 or so. Much earlier than we're used to.
  16. My DH is a retired Navy Captain and he's amazed. Where did you jump from 100 ft? And you were trained to do so? She "fell" which indicates no control.
  17. This, as the lifejacket would shift a lot. If she went in feet first, it would slam upwards quickly which could break her neck. Anyone who thinks dropping into the water from 100 feet is easily survivable is incorrect. Hitting water at that distance is like hitting concrete.
  18. The vast majority who fall 100 feet off a ship do not survive. Most are knocked unconscious. Have you ever jumped off a 3 meter diving board? If you hit the water incorrectly, it hurts, so almost 10x that, the difference will do more than hurt, especially as this person fell over which means more than likely they didn't hit the water foot first or in a diving position.
  19. There's no surprise there. I do wonder if cruise lines share info about incidents like with each other, as in names, etc. in order to prevent cruising by this individual again. She's very, very lucky she survived after that fall.
  20. My point is she has said that for every, single, cruise. You'd think she'd stop saying it after I told her multiple times (and showed her) how high the railings are.
  21. I just saw a report that it was deck 10. How the heck did she survive a 100 ft drop? She must have hit feet first because from that height she could have broken her neck and at the very least knocked unconcious.
  22. What deck did she "fall" from? I don't remember seeing that. That makes all the difference.
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