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Cpt Pugwash

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Everything posted by Cpt Pugwash

  1. I'll be trying the Gym on the Iona on my next trip but won't be water i'll be drinking it will be Cappuccino since i plan to go first thing in the morning to wake me up. As for 'sweating' No Chance those days are long gone more like 'self inflicted pain' as i call it.
  2. Even i'm shocked at that and i'm a occasional smoker but never do it anywhere near where it would affect others.
  3. Zap99 A man after my own heart donating to good causes including those that we have no personal connection to. As i've always said 'life is not all about what's in it for me but about giving a little bit back'.
  4. Personally i would apply for tickets and if i got them give them away as i have seen him many times as worked part time at concerts for many years so the charity benefitted. But if it was Ronan Keating that was on i would go to see him for the laugh as the Ladies seem to throw their Ladylike Manners out the window when he is on. 😂😂😂
  5. Deck 15 cabins may have more noise in them late at night as the Skydome is mid ship on Deck 16 though Deck 14 has nothing apart from cabins above and below it. Cruisemapper is a great site for deck maps going into more details of what is on each deck on many Cruise Ships. Happy Cruising.
  6. Sadly we live in the days where not just Cruising but in life in general people 'say' the right thing but 'do' what suits them best some able bodied and not so. For me personally i'm disabled but will still help others and it it upsets others because it doesn't suit them my answer is tough. There is one saying that has done me good in life and that is 'A Person's Actions Not there Words will tell you everything You Need to know about them'. Happy Cruising Able Bodied or Disabled.
  7. Horizon is closed between 1am and 6am so the only food available 24hrs is room service which is very limited. Another thing i do before visiting any new place is look at Youtube Videos of the places made by visitors as sometimes the Official description can make them sound better that they are. Enjoy.
  8. I know you can book shore excursions before going on a cruise but having a Walking problem i'm leaving it until i'm Onboard and hoping there not all fully booked to find out more detail about them. Could someone tell me does the Excursion Desk open in the evening we leave Southampton or not until the next day.? Thanks
  9. I'm a Solo traveller as well and decided to upgrade in my first cruise to a Balcony but discovered unless you want to get away for some peace and quiet or like reading you actually spend very little time on it. First thing in the Morning and Last thing at Night was really the only time i used it, too much going on around ship and you can always sit out on Deck and watch (Both) sides of the Scenery go by.
  10. Another bit of advice if everyone else in the party can make the walk to the ship tell reception your going to self embark then you can leave earlier, just remember if you decide to do NOT put your cases out the night before. P.S if it's G417 your on i'm on Deck 4 as well and have hired a Mobility Scooter to use onboard so if your wife wants i'll race her sometime. Why Women Live Longer Vid. .mp4
  11. I have discovered that someone else is using the same name as me folks, there posted comments i am not responsible for, only comments with the 'selfie' holding the Norwegian Flag are mine with the photo taken in Flam in 2012, many of you may recognise if you have visited it. 😇 Happy Cruising.
  12. It will easy to recognise me as i have hired a Mobility Scooter to get round ship with it being so big, if you see someone going about 30 MPH pumping there horn, Men, Women & Children diving out the way that will probably be me. 🤠
  13. Was thinking the same myself wasn't worth driving all that way for 3-4 day cruise and when Logan Air was doing that route cost as much as cruise did.
  14. Weather here in Scotland just the usual Cold Damp Miserable but 'm Happy found out one of the other Airlines are now doing flights between Glasgow - Southampton at decent price and arrive at decent time so No driving with overnight stay for me this year. 😁😁😁
  15. Maybe but Sky Sports News does exactly that reports news doesn't show any live sport.
  16. My first cruise was Solo on the Azura though was a few years ago and was going to cancel it because at that time P&O had there own forum which was full of arrogant people and i didn't want to spend a holiday with these kind of people. But other's on the forum told me to go and i went and had a fantastic time meeting people and laughing with people i would not normally meet in everyday life. Didn't meet a single arrogant person and as i said when i came back the other passengers made the cruise so enjoyable as was my first experience of travelling Solo. So basically saying Go for It.
  17. Been on 4 P&O Ships but never seen Sky on any of them but won't make a difference if they have as TNT Sports (formally known as BT Sports) have the televising rights for the Europa League and Champions League. Sorry for being the bearer of bad news unless it is on Sports 24 but will not be on Sky.
  18. As in summing up folks this site is asuppose to be about info on P&O Cruises so yoiu can take my advice being in the position myself with the difficulties facing a Solo Wheelchair user which if you look at the specific places i mention would be difficult for any solo traveller with any type of Mobility Problem if you think about it or you can take the advice of Able Bodied Helpers who think ''Wheelchair Friendly'' means 'with a helper thus limiting Access to Solo Wheelchair Users/. Your choice but if you struggle you know where to look ad it is Not to P&O as you can see they have Ignored my Complaint for 6 weeks and don;t expect to hear from them.. Right i'm off to my local Morrison s where they know the Real meaning of Wheelchair Friendly where i use my Rollator round the whole shop, where if i wish to use the Disabled Toilet i only have to open 1 door with No Automatic Closer on it. A place where Wheelchair Accessible does NOT mean with a Helper/Carer. Be as independent as you can be don't listen to people who say do as they do when the Disabled Facilities are not mas they are made out to be because they obviously think they know everything about everyone's Mobility Difficulties. Pushing someone in a Wheelchair think it makes them experts on Mobility Issues yours mine, everyone's though they do not have one themselves. And for anyone not knowing about the difficulties faced by anyone with any kind of Mobility Issue if interested lie Megabear 2 says above he 'listened' to a gentleman who recently had his Leg Amputated NOT the people that like to put there 'Tuppence Worth' in'. As i said Nobody knows what it is like to live with any life changing condition unless they have themselves, they think they do but don;t have a clue in reality. Happy Cruising.
  19. Thank You for your nice post and understanding where i was coming from and learning from someone who is in a position where you have never been yourself. There ARE a lot of Honest Decent People out there who will help others when needed but as you say open forums gives people the chance who know nothing about what someone is talking about the chance to put there as i call ii 'there tuppence worth in'. This fir me is the last Social Media i will be using because everywhere you have people trying to make out they know what you are talking about when they don't have a clue. Take Care & Thank You. P.S A free bit of info for those that like to put there 'tuppence worth' in on subjects like having a Leg Amputated but don't have a clue, there are 2 types of Leg Amputations 1 Above Knee. 2 Below Knee. The second o e being easier to learn to walk with as you still have a knee to bend your leg, the first is a lot harder as the leg is Amputated above knee so the Prosthetic Leg is locked into place straight when walking as i have. So if you are one of these people who like to put there 'tuppence worth' in on a subject you know nothing about remember this one simple fact before commenting on anything to do with anyone having a Leg Amputated.
  20. 'Note to self' I must never post a opinion which will be of use to anyone travelling as a Solo Passenger of my own experiences which say's anything is not good because all those people who have never been in the same position say they have no problem with it. They Know Best. Good Luck to anyone thinking about travelling as a Solo Passengers with a Wheelchair as you can see by the comments on this thread. THEY will tell you what you can and can't do you WON'T decide for yourself Ignore my experiences other's know better. Goodbye & Happy Cruising.
  21. You see P&O ships as Wheelchair Friendly from a Carer Side NOT a Disabled Person Side i would Never do anything that would be too hard for me to do but like a lot of people with Disabilities Luke myself try to be as independent as much as possible. Yes there is things i need help with, there is things people offer me help with that i don't but i politely reply Thank You for the offer but i try to do as much as i can for myself. Go ask any Wheelchair user ir they have ever had to go through 2 doors with Automatic Closers on the to enter a Disabled Toilet and if not would it be OK for them but i already know the answer. The REAL experts on anyone living with any condition is those with a condition NOT there Helpers/Carers as spent many years Volunteering with people with many Life Limiting Conditions. Maybe you should spend a day using a Wheelchair to see what it is really like, just like they did years ago on that Big Brother when they had a Blind Guy on and the Housemates were talking how much he slept they made all the other Housemates wear Blindfolds for a couple of hours to see how tiring the condition it really is. My Consultant at the Hospital Praised me to the Junior Doctors about my determination to do as much for myself as i could if i see hime again i will tell him he is wrong. P.S Google the name Cor Hutton where there is numerous articles and videos to see what is achievable with No Hands and No Legs with determination. So that's me told folks i cant go cruising ever again without a helper. (Remember my comment in earlier post about people saying there is only 1 way there way.)
  22. No offence taken but have also noticed on this site when people ask for advice on a certain subject people like to add there 'tuppence worth' some of which is total rubbish or what they personally do nothing else, my way of doing things may not suit others but so many people think that there way is the best way for everyone Disabled or Not. Like a Gentleman was asking about his Wife who could walk short distances like me but he she worried about having to stand in queues i suggested he look at Mobility as Sea to see if they did anything that would help like i did when hiring a Wheelchair for my trip on Britannia then someone posts 'just ask for one at reception desk and they will give you one to use on the ship' total utter rubbish. Can you imagine someone with any kind of Mobility Issue reading that then finding out P&O do not lend any kind of Mobility Equipment to be used on board. Wouldn't be a very good start to there holiday.. Take Care Happy Cruising Take Care Happy Cruising.
  23. I see the point you are making but the Review Page or if someone ask's for opinion on a Ship or specific part of ship is where people should comment on there own views NOT when people put a comment on there own experiences. People have replied i should go with a companion WHY cause there the companion for there Partner, so what does that tell anyone like myself or anyone with a Disability wanting to travel on there own that Wheelchair Friendly means 'with a helper'. Sorry i would never make a comment about anyone's experiences be them good or bad except my own and comment the opposite from them. Happy Cruising.
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