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Everything posted by GetToLivin

  1. I've been really curious about this: in the photos/videos people have posted I thought to myself the couch looked to be half the size of a regular couch, thought at the most that room would fit two adults and a teenager, or a couple small kids, due to the couch size.
  2. Oh absolutely, heck, what I pay in groceries now versus a year ago isn't even in the same ballpark. Overall cost of everything is higher and so we adapt. I think people vent about pricing (which is okay to do) because they're frustrated feeling like they are being priced out of cruising or a particular brand, in Royal's case. I love RCI's product as they appeal to my demographic (career stage of life, teenager in the house, want the best of both worlds for the whole family), and I don't want to sail another brand because I feel like I would be disappointed, plus I like what my status gives me. That said, I'm not loving their prices because instead of sailing twice a year the way I want to, I might only be able to do it 1x a year. First-world problems, I know. Yes, we have started cruising in suites more regularly which definitely adds another layer to the budget. We are both in our (young) 40s, career stage of life, have a business on the side, and teens at home, so when we get the chance to vacation we are okay paying for the experience of Sky Class. For example, in the last two years I was able to book Sky Class for under 10k for the family. Now, that same category is 18-20k and I just can't swing that. Of course, I realize I can sail in a different category, but for me, it just won't provide the same experience that I want, so unless I can grab a "deal" (in my eyes), we might have to forgo a Holiday cruise (but I'll be checking it like a hawk every single day until the last minute, lol).
  3. We usually sail 2X a year, feel free to look at my signature if you want data. Not being in love with pricing doesn't mean people aren't sailing nor was my personal opinion implying that. I'm loyal to royal due to its product and my status, but that doesn't mean I'm not disappointed in the current pricing structure, and that's okay.
  4. Our last few cruises we have sailed in a suite as well, and bags haven't shown up until 5pm or 6pm, try not to stress!
  5. @RCCL Fan What I love most about you bringing us along on your family vacations are the sweet sentiments shared between you and your girls. I took DS (now 16) on his first cruise two years ago and he immediately fell in love with the sea and it has been such a bonding experience to share that with him ever since. The appreciation he shows for our trips along with his excitement for the sea, ship, and discovering ports, is something I too hope we'll continue to share for many, many years (loved the comment about future family cruises with grandbabies, I know we're both a ways off from that, but I felt it!). Anyway, your family is just precious and your appreciation for this special invite came through in your review, very well-deserved! Looking forward to your next review ๐Ÿ˜„
  6. I don't think anyone is in love with pricing at the moment. I've stated in previous threads that over the last two years I have been able to take my family on a NYE cruise but for this upcoming year, the price is nearly double what I've paid the previous two trips. I can't book it because I can't justify it. Am I still checking pricing every single day? Yep, because you never know with dynamic pricing. Am I still irritated every day I see it's not at a price I can justify? Absolutely ๐Ÿซ  That said, I was able to book a cruise in September that was reasonable and it was due to my having flexibility. Aside from Holiday Cruises, I habitually book based on reasonable pricing and deals are still to be found if you can be flexible. That's been my experience anyway.
  7. Following! Never sailed out of Miami but I've always wanted to see South Beach, great pics! Did a pub ghost tour in Nashville last September and it was spooky and awesome - if I ever get to SB I'll have to check that out, fun way to learn some history ๐Ÿ‘ป I'm also a runner so I'll be following and cheering you on. Just a remember, even a "bad" run is still lapping people on the couch ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. Whaaaat?! They were passengers who tried to stay on? Where exactly did they think they'd stay ๐Ÿซ  That is crazy.
  9. We won a RoyalUp from a Jr Suite to the 1-bedroom Aqua Suite (Deck 11) for our Dec 2022 NYE cruise. One of my favorite suites to this day, nothing beats that balcony ๐Ÿคฉ I'm looking into a Christmas cruise for this year on Oasis which would be our first time sailing her, very excited to see pics, following along!
  10. Have fun! We have been sailing out of Galveston for a while (North Texan here) and the new terminal is beautiful and well-organized. We always travel down a day early as well, love staying in Galveston and kicking off the cruise with a beach-front hotel and seafood ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy Harmony!
  11. I wrote a whole review of the trip, link in signature. All of the tables were full, here's the only pic I grabbed of the madness!
  12. If you're a soda drinker, yes. I always get it for DH at $9.99/day. He has at least 4-5/day which makes it worth it to him.
  13. I'm with George C on this one: if cruise length might be problematic, go on the 7-day, get the suite, and enjoy the perks!
  14. We're all gym-rats so I have no qualms with a little speed walking ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Did they give you a map of where to go or just the instructions above? We dock at 12:30 (womp womppp) so I'm realizing between the walk and the ride we probably won't get there until 1:30pm (ship doesn't leave until 7pm though so it'll just be a later beach day). Thanks for the tip about the tip, I'll be sure to bring enough cash!
  15. I absolutely love your reviews and I'm so happy your family was chosen to be apart of such a special cruise! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  16. Thank you to those who are reviewing and providing pics! I have a girls' cruise Sept 2024 and I'm the planner so this is where we're going ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Does anyone know, if you book VIP, can you still grab a lounger on the beach if you want, or are those reserved for other bookings? And does anyone know how the seaweed is in Sept? I seem to recall there are typically better months than others.
  17. I did end up writing a review, hope it's helpful, page 2.
  18. I fully expect a new ship to charge top dollar, that said, looks like people who booked early got some decent prices before they went way up. With Icon, Star, etc, being new -- I'm hoping Oasis Class pricing regulates being the "older" ships, but that is yet to be seen. I've been able to take my family on NYE sailings for the last two years and when looking at this upcoming year, Oasis class is nearly double what I've been accustomed to paying. I need to learn to book when sailings are released if I can't be flexible ๐Ÿค‘
  19. OMG the ice sculpture! Bringing back those midnight buffet vibes of old...๐Ÿฅฐ
  20. Following! Here for the pics to see what I won't be able to afford for the next 5 years ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. THIS. I'd rather take one amazing cruise in sky class than two in a balcony. I just don't enjoy it the same. I want the suite deck, I want coastal kitchen, I want the suite lounge, I want the concierge, and I want the extra space. Woe is me. That said, I now realize that I have to ditch my family and go on girls' cruises only since it's the only way to afford the "suite life" ๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿ˜‰
  22. I was about to say the same, "isn't that ANY ship?" On our last day on Harmony, we were sailing North into a nice, stiff wind and cold front. The pool deck was a ghost town, the bars/lounges/promenade on the other hand... ๐Ÿ˜† Those are the days you nestle in and enjoy your last day of adult beverages ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  23. Same. Aside from Mariner where it was a little choppy, internet has been fantastic, we purchase it every single cruise. I have to work from the ship from time to time and it has never interfered with my ability to get work done (and I'm in IT). Just echoing my experience ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ
  24. We were on a sold-out NYE cruise, both teens had no issues with doing everything they wanted to do (slides, zip-line, etc). Was there sometimes a wait? Sure, but nothing so painful they opted out of. I also agree that Oasis-size ships feel LESS crowded than Voyager/Freedom class, there's just way more space for people to spread out. You'll love Harmony, she's quickly becoming one of my favorites!
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