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Everything posted by vacation44

  1. My son and husband also go there for a late night snack and I do not think it is a coincidence you did not on your last trip. No more mozzarella sticks and now the baked wings.
  2. We are sailing on the Jewel later this year and we would be very disappointed if they changed our itinerary eliminating the inside passage.
  3. Have tried both, and the new ones are quite disappointing. We are sailing in a few weeks and I have not broken the news to my son about the change as he loves their wings.
  4. While I understand that a good brazilin steakhouse will cost that much on land, I just do not think it should cost that much considering your fare includes dinner. I realize prices have gone up with absolutely everything, this venue was $24.95 in 2018, but to me, the recent raise of over 20% is a little on the excessive side. We will be dining at Moderno in a few weeks on the Epic using one of our credits and probably again on the Jewel in August.
  5. Also been in the Vibe on three different ships and have never seen smoking.
  6. Any one get upgraded on the March 19, 2023 Epic sailing? My BIL is patiently waiting.
  7. Well there are a few of us on this thread who did not get the coupon and want one.
  8. Feel the same way. I was waiting it out also based on your past experiences.
  9. We are taking our two young adult children with us on the Epic in three weeks so this one is just the two of us. However, I wonder if it would work booking him as a third passenger (which would be free not counting the mandatory port charges and DSC) and then him not showing up. It would still save us over $2000 by my calculations.
  10. I also got a confirmation that if you already have an Alaskan cruise booked, you did not get a coupon. My son does have one attached to his name, but we do not. Really bummed. I asked what would happen if we cancelled, would we then get one but have not heard back yet.
  11. Sorry to hear. However, I would keep checking everyday as there could be cancellations. Also, I would check as soon as you board at Guest Services and leave your name just in case passes become available as it is known to happen.
  12. Am I reading this right.......you might book a non-Haven cabin? For us, we are currently booked in an inside on the Jewel and my husband and I agreed I could switch to a balcony or suite once the prices came down. Have been waiting since September for some moment to no avail. Now with this coupon, I am afraid the prices will not be going down because they sent everyone and their mother, but except me, the coupon!
  13. Great deal and good for you! I want a coupon. I am going to be obsessing about it all day now.
  14. Anyone receive a coupon that already has a 2023 Alaskan cruise booked?
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