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Posts posted by Keksie

  1. We always get the Key.  I watch and when the price comes down to close to the internet I purchase.  We both like to have internet at the same time especially on sea days.  My husband uses wifi calling every day and last cruise he walked our house sitter through starting our generator after a bad storm came through. The first day is nice to drop of our carry ons and have a nice quiet lunch.  The last cruise we were first off the ship in Key West and the last morning we had a lovely quiet breakfast before leaving.  These are the things we enjoy about the Key.

  2. 1 minute ago, ldubs said:


    It would be interesting to know what percent of active CC member's travel is cruise vs land trips.  You could start that thread!  

    I know after the restart we took several land trips until the protocols were done away with for cruises.  Now we are back to more cruises and less land trips.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, TravelGirlinDallas said:

    It's going to take a long time to clean up our city. There is tree and/or fence damage at nearly every house in our neighborhood, as well as in the medians on the main streets. We only saw a couple of homes with roof damage, which is surprising considering how many large mature trees were destroyed. We lost one of ours.

    Wow Texas is really getting the storms this year.  Sorry about your tree but glad you are safe.

    • Like 4
  4. 36 minutes ago, jagsfan said:

    @dani negreanuI haven’t been here  in a long time for various reasons, but had to come today to say how sorry your national nightmare is continuing and you had the sounds of rockets and air raid alarms in Tel Aviv. 
    It just goes on and on, big conflicts that destroy hundreds of lives at a time, and small ones that destroy families. 
    I had a very bad fall and fractured my femur as well as breaking off pieces of it. 
    my surgery was May 15, just 11 days after my granddaughter’s wedding. 
    I am so grateful I was able to be healthy for the wedding. 
    I am not allowed to put my right foot on the floor for a minimum of 3 months. 
    my left leg won’t hold me up, 

    so they’re working on strengthening it. 
    With not  much luck so far. 
    Getting me into a wheelchair requires a sling and lifting machine. 
    very painful. 
    I don’t know what my future holds, or what will happen when I leave the rehab hospital. 
    But I am grateful for the physical and mental safety for my family. 
    I hope and pray for the same in the future for the rest of the world. 

    I am so sorry to read about your fall.  May you heal and get better quickly.

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  5. 1 hour ago, aussielozzie18 said:

    Beautiful Sunday in Jervis Bay. DH started the day by seeing a kangaroo hopping down our street…Then we did a lovely morning walk through the Jervis Bay National Park passing by several gorgeous white sand beaches.  Delighted to see dolphins.  Had  a delicious late lunch in the local cafe.  From our table outdoors, I spotted a kangaroo happily munching the grass in someone’s backyard opposite. Then we had a little adventure in the Boodoree National Park heading out to see the ruined Lighthouse.  The Lighthouse ruins site is a great place to whale watch.  It’s only the beginning of the season, so we were delighted to see three humpbacks passing by.

























    Wow you have the best wildlife viewing.  Love all your pictures.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, Momof3gurlz said:

    Andy opened our pool today. It’s a little green but not too bad. IMG_1495.thumb.jpeg.c8478f42c6da4389604aded5f188f703.jpeg


    Ellie’s ready even if the pool isn’t.



    Speaking of mulch, we’re in the process of replacing all the mulch around the perimeter of the pool with small stones.  Andy’s tired of the work and expense to put down fresh mulch every year.  


    I also picked up a new trinket this morning. 


    Still on baby alert. 2 cm dilated as of Friday’s appointment.  

    Nice trinket.  Baby will be here before you know it and then you will blink and they will be off to college

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  7. I have a very narrow idea of ideal temperatures for my indoor spaces.  I keep our ac set at 74 which goes on sometime in April and goes off in maybe late September.  I keep the heat set at 72 and it goes on when I get cold which may be in November and last until Februaryish.  Basically I don't want to be uncomfortable or have to wear a bunch of clothes inside to keep warm.  

    • Like 11
  8. 6 minutes ago, helen haywood said:

    I wish there was a forum for talking about surgery…recovery…etc.  I’d love to find such a thing!  Got my soft cast off today and my stitches removed.  I think my leg looks like a swollen mess…but I’m told everything looks great.  Now I have steri-strips on the incisions…an ace bandage and a boot that must weigh fifty pounds.  Boy…and I thought getting about on one leg with the cast was difficult!  I’m supposed to sleep wearing the boot.  Good thing I’ve had two weeks of trying to learn how to sleep flat on my back with the cast.  Called to schedule PT and in two weeks was the earliest appointment.  Wish they’d given me the number to call 10 days ago when I had the surgery…


    And George just disappeared into the garage to work on the AC.  Sigh.  We’d had a problem with a clog in the drainage pipe that he’d fixed before my ill fated cruise…turns out he thought he’d fixed it then…fixed it again (differently) when we came home.  No idea what today’s issue is…except I’ve had enough for one day…

    I'm glad they say it looks good but sorry the boot is heavy.  Ugh air problems are no fun and I hope it will be a quick fix.  Take care.

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  9. 1 hour ago, NHProud said:

    Thank you for your help . I texted her the wildlife agency name and location. 

    There are five bunnies and my SIL is a kind person and will try very hard to save these bunnies. 


    I spoke with my boss.  Have her look up animal health now dot org.  Put in her zip code and licensed rehabbers may show up.  Or call animal clinics in the area to see if they will help.  If none of this works let me know. 

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, NHProud said:

    Thank you for your help . I texted her the wildlife agency name and location. 

    There are five bunnies and my SIL is a kind person and will try very hard to save these bunnies. 


    I can't get it to play on my phone and I am away from home so don't have access to my laptop.  If I can get a good picture I will contact my boss and get her opinion 

    • Like 2
  11. 45 minutes ago, Arzeena said:

    We found baby bunnies in an empty flower pot on our porch in our old home. It was a huge ceramic pot with some soil in it and I found something moving so looked and found these bundles of joy. We just let them be. Since I have not been a bunny mom before, I did not know if I should give them water or milk or food. The Mama bunny visited but hey were alone most of the time. Most of the day they were sleeping. then they started climbing out of the pot, but in the evening they were all back in and fast asleep. All left after a few days of giving me joy watching them. I was kind of sad when they left for good. We did not know what or if to feed them. I called our local animal hotline to ask and they said to not feed them as it would attract other things and not be in rhyme with their rehab into the wild(?).

    Following year some other bunny family came back into the same flower pot. When we moved, the pot had to be emptied of soil, cleaned and given away 😌So no bunny nursery anymore.

    The best thing to do for baby animals is to let them be.  Deer and bunnies the mothers only come by to feed them so as to not draw predators.  If the babies can't be reunited for instance if the mother has been killed then keep the babies in a warm quite area and contact a rehab facility.  Feed a baby the wrong formula can make them very ill.  If there is no rehab facility then email or call  Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge in Navarre Florida and explain what has happened and ask for advice.  Most of our babies are kidnapping victims by well meaning people.  However, if you find a oppossum under 5" in length they need help. They are not old enough to be on their own and mom won't come back for them.  Baby squirrels and baby birds that fall out of a nest and look uninjured can be reunited with mom by making a nest out of a box and some dry leaves or grass and placing up in a tree close to where they fell.  Keep an eye out and if not reunited in a day then go to plan B.


    P.s. you did the exactly right thing.

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  12. 25 minutes ago, NHProud said:

    They live in Fargo so not sure what is available. I advised them to call the Humane Society and they told her  exactly what you recommend about taking it back to nursery . Mama might be gone .  They have fur but appear to be very young . I relayed your suggestion to them. 

    If they absolutely can not return or find a rehab place there are instructions online to feed baby bunnies.  I will warn you it isn't easy and there is a high rate of failure.  Having just one person feed them, keep them in a quiet place for them, don't change their bedding too often because they need to have their environment smell the same. 

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  13. 10 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

    Can they do ok with nothing to drink over night? Any advice for locating a rehab center?

    I am not finding any rehab places in Fargo.  They might try calling fish and wildlife who might know some mom and pop homes that rehab.  The best thing is to get them back to where they found them first thing in the morning.

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