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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. So far we have harvested 1 large tomato, 3 green tomatoes, several cherry tomatoes, and handfuls of strawberries. My neighbor's watermelons are about cantaloupe size. Have you raised the pineapple tomatoes before? I am always on the lookout for different varieties that are good.
  2. I just wonder if any of you ate dirt or drank out of a garden hose growing up? I figure a few germs now and again just keep my immune system humming along which is why I haven't gotten sick with anything for any years.
  3. I will be thinking about your family tomorrow and hoping that as time goes by they will have healing and better times.
  4. I figure by the time I hear someone coughing I have already been exposed to any virus floating around so I don't worry about it. We stopped wearing masks in 2021 and still have never had any respiratory illnesses.
  5. The yarn is a blend of merino and silk. These days even straight wool can be very soft. The yarn was dyed with natural ingredients. I got it several years ago at a yarn crawl with no project in mind. This was the perfect project for it. I need to work on my DIL to be's wedding shawl. It will be silk held with a mohair type yarn with beads.
  6. Finally finished a project that has seemed to go on forever. Now I can work on some sweaters I have been wanting to start.
  7. I do live in the Panhandle. The beaches are beautiful but there are cooler months when they are look don't touch unless you are a hearty soul. South Florida doesn't have that problem but it is crowded. We are driving to Tampa in June for a cruise.
  8. We got lucky when we found our current home. We did know there were no state taxes and that all the other taxes were low. We knew that we were an hour from my son and 45 min. from the beach. We were lucky that the local pandemic response, and the response to other issues fit with the way we want to live.
  9. There is always Florida! North Florida does have cooler weather and away from the coast a country feel. The state does have the attributes I think you are looking for. There is also South Dakota if you like snow. The Black Hills are beautiful and also has the attributes you might like.
  10. I still have two favorites. Their names both start with the letter C. I find Yam Yam annoying and hope he leaves soon, no matter what your dog thinks.
  11. For the last few years people are paying much more attention to coughs. People have been coughing, sneezing etc. all along but no one paid much mind to if/when/how they were covering their coughs. No matter where you go you in public you can't be sure everyone will behave as you wish so if you are worried about health consequences of being around others then a group setting should be avoided. You can always rent a house somewhere scenic and stay to yourself.
  12. We have been and are going again to Chakanaab in June. We just get a cab to and from, pay the entrance fee, find a place to camp out for the day. We have also done Nacho Cocom and enjoyed that too.
  13. We really enjoyed Maya Key when we went several years ago. We are going again in June. They also don't have the old people exclusion like some of the excursions do.
  14. My husband grew up on a farm in South Dakota. He was the oldest and started driving tractors when he was 7. His next two brothers are still farming up there.
  15. That is what we have decided to do. I did not realize I could get coffee in the DL. I did get a 12 bottle water package since this will help me drink water. Now I can use my vouchers for an adult beverage or two and sodas. That should work for us. All the adult beverages sound good in theory but my body rebels after two sometimes after one. Sigh. Now another question. We have the Chops +1 package. We reserved Chops on day 2 and I would like to use the +1 on the day we are in Costa Maya (not doing much that day) in Izumi. Do I make that reservation asap when we get onboard, or can I reserve it before we board?
  16. How does the freestyle machine work? Can you tell it has been a hot minute since we have cruised and things have really changed. I like the thought of the sparkling water.
  17. We are going on a cruise on Grandeur in June. They have a sale on all the packages right now and I need some input on them. We are diamond so I don't think we need an alcoholic drink package since we really don't drink that many drinks. It is a stretch for me to get to 4 a day. We do however drink a lot of water, sodas, and coffee. The coffees from Starbucks is not included in the package so where do you get specialty coffees? The refreshment package is $27.99 pp, per night. What is everyone's thoughts? Worth it or no?
  18. I made it through the Biltmore with no prob!ems. beautiful and so interesting. Then we walked all the gardens since so much was blooming. We did drive to the bass pond. Maybe tomorrow we will walk some of the trails. Also walked around the village for a bit. It was a very lovely day.
  19. My knees and my butt are not happy this morning. Hopefully the Biltmore is more flat with only a few stairs thrown in. It doesn't help that I am used to sea level and we are altitude. I did have 2 lovely dark and stormys last night.
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