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Everything posted by Hogladyrider

  1. When the issue was finally resolved my e mail in box exploded with double and triple notifications....sigh, but better than zero notifications. Today is better for sure.
  2. Attitude is EVERYTHING and @MeganGC1983 has it going on in this review!
  3. @MeganGC1983 is an example of what most women aspire to be!
  4. WOW sounds like it spread everywhere....guess CC has some issues with all the Lives happening!
  5. Thanks, nice to know I was not alone. Something tells me it's a Tribe thing!
  6. Thanks things seem to be back up and running...."normal" ?????
  7. Sigh....something going on with CC as I have stopped getting my notification of new posts on ALL the threads I am following. I have checked and I am still subscribed as "instant notification" and I have not received any "watch out or you will go to jail" emails.....very strange...having CC withdrawals.... @MeganGC1983 @BohJang and @HeyJut have a GREAT dinner, cant' wait to see the pics!
  8. I don't know what is up with CC but I have stopped getting notifications of new posts on ALL the reviews I am following. I have checked and I am still signed up as "instant notification"....very strange.
  9. Waiting to hear how the Caribbean lobster is.......
  10. San Juan is one of my favorite ports to sail into and out of, so beautiful!
  11. @TravelBluebird...your DH journalism degree is called "man talk".....You know how it goes Men Are From Mars etc etc. What a life time experience you are having this cruise, I know I say that over and over but it doesn't happen often for sure, very happy for you!
  12. A gals gotta do what a gals gotta do....go for it!
  13. I am not Sid but if you follow @MeganGC1983 live review she is visiting LOTS of places in SJ today on her outing!
  14. @MeganGC1983 you are doing AWESOME....someone on another live is getting a little whiny and it is not @Roscoe13....if you get my drift.
  15. That's what happens when one doesn't get out of the house much!
  16. @MeganGC1983....Celebrity status moving forward, make sure Mr. Megan appreciates your status!
  17. @MeganGC1983..it looks like everyone is off all the ships at the same time! Happy Pub Crawlin...looks like it is gonna be a FUN day for sure!
  18. @TravelBluebird...WOW what amazing pics...and what memories you are experiencing! Keep them coming. Hope hubby feels better when he wakes up.
  19. WOW 2 ships in port, gonna be a BUSY day in AC! Too many peoples for this gals cup of tea! Have a great day, look forward to seeing pics!
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