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Everything posted by BlerkOne

  1. All things considered, I think I might have preferred the British Air A380 to Heathrow and then to BCN. At least BA took off with only a slight delay. Originally I had booked Premium Economy one them before our plans changed. We would have been on the upper deck.
  2. But we are here! Our TVs on the plane were out. I guess a sticker was cheaper than fixing them.
  3. We will change planes in MIA on the return. Yesterday was all weather related. Our scheduled plane was coming from Rome and arrived a little late, but then there was no gate for them. Those passengers sat on the plane for about 3 hours until they could get to a gate. I dunno
  4. We made it a little while ago. Got to the hotel, liquor store, etc. Now trying to get one of the A/C units fixed. It is no bueno, but the other works great. But it isn't the one in the bedroom.
  5. Plane is here, crew showed up, I talked with them some. I think it's a geaux!
  6. If we make it, sure. Don't see many options if this one doesn't go.
  7. Thank you. They just cancelled a flight to HNL. Some disappointed folks near us. At least there is a plane at our gate and they were provisioning it.
  8. Could be worse - the customer service area downstairs has a mile long line and the one in the lounge has a line as well. I guess there were a lot of cancelled flights today.
  9. Ok, it's getting old. Delayed 20 minutes, then 45 minutes, and now 105 minutes ... Blue skies right now, but I guess they want to wait for the next storm
  10. Ruh ro - got a message that plane departure will be delayed 20 minutes ( so far ).
  11. Meanwhile at Parking Spot, several of the covered parking roofs had collapsed onto the vehicles parked beneath. Oops. I tried park between taller vehicles so they would take the brunt if it happens again tonight.
  12. We took the same flight a few weeks ago. The plane had a check engine light on they couldn't extinguish. After sitting on the plane for hours they decided the plane wasn't going anywhere. The put us on a substitute plane and off we went 4 hours or so later. I hope history doesn't repeat.
  13. Posting from the DFW Flagship lounge in a disaster area? So far, so good. Hopefully the plane will take off before the next wave hits
  14. The casino knows that trick. You usually have to still play some. You can go over $2000/day in gift cards, but Guest Services has to contact Miami. Usually just a formality and within hours it is approved.
  15. No. I would ask on your Pride cruise in July if they know. I would think the Steakhouse would let you switch reservations, if space available. My guess would be the first full sea day and the second to last full sea day. The first and last nights of the cruise won't be elegant nights. Port days won't have elegant nights (on this cruise)
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