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The Fun Researcher

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Everything posted by The Fun Researcher

  1. Oh ok. Thanks for the clarification. The factual side of my has a hard time rectifying that. If they call it a gratuity it’s hard for me to ignore that. I can however just consider it part of the cost of cruising, which is how I’ve approached it since we’ve started cruising Happy cruising!
  2. Are you all talking about the MDR? There is a 4oz filet on that children’s menu? if so what sides come with it?
  3. It will be far more similar than different. Enjoy!
  4. Oh yeah, I’m totally cool with rolling all of the gratuities into base cruise fare. Agreed. I was just trying to think of ways to make the $18 per day more palatable by rolling the “other services” portion into the cruise fare because we don’t directly deal with those folks and in normal Service sectors those are not tipped positions. It would knock down the auto opportunity to more like $12 per day. However, like you say, I’m happy to roll all of it in
  5. We'll be there in a couple of weeks. Don't have any excursions planned at the moment. At most Junkanoo beach and souvenir shopping. For being the busiest cruise port in the Caribbean, Nassau is SORELY lacking in excursions. I really wish they had more good all-inclusive options like Cozumel for instance. Sad. It's a very hard way to learn that going out 3/4 miles from shore is riskier. Dan
  6. Reminds me of Royal and their pesky towel charges. (despite our diligence returning them). I mean, who wants a well used beach towel that is just a little better than sandpaper anyway!
  7. We just upgraded at $6.99 per day per person as well. Really depends on what you want from the drink package and what brands you prefer. For us, the selling point was the addition of Red Bull and smoothies. A Red Bull alone is $6.50, so if we each get one a day (which we will) that alone pays for it. The rest is gravy. It will also be nice to try some of the higher end spirits that I don't feel like purchasing an entire bottle of back home.
  8. Very nice to see, in writing, that 100% of gratuities goes to the crew. Regardless, and I've said it before, I'm not o.k. with a category of "other hotel services" on that gratuity list. Roll that into the cruise cost and only have two categories, Stateroom Attendant and Dining Room. At least we interact with those crew members and they provide service directly to us. That change alone would drop the auto grats to around $12 per person per day. Yes, you would pay more in the base cruise fare to make up the difference, but I think that's a better way of handling that category. Royal is abusing the purpose of gratuities IMO. My $0.02.
  9. Seems like they are doing this backwards to me. Don't folks want a quick breakfast on port days so they can head into port or excursion? Windjammer is great for that. Sea days are when you would have more time to order breakfast, wait for your food, have a coffee, relax... ... and lunch (or brunch) are still only available in the MDR on sea days correct?
  10. I think it works on the app but not from a computer. That is to say, as soon as the window opens to check-in, I normally just choose the earliest check-in time available and then save the rest for later (passport number, photo, onboard payment method, etc.). The app lets me do this but I think it it more cumbersome using Chrome or Safari or such How many days away is your cruise?
  11. Yes, cost of Specialty has gotten out of hand IMO. Of course, there will always be those spouting... They won't reduce price until passengers stop paying it! Some truth to that. There will always be macro economics at play in all areas of the ship.
  12. Late night food options... completely agree. Something I've complained about for years. At least you are on a ship with Playmakers. Sure you have to pay some, but I LOVED having wings later at night in Playmakers. Re. the buffet, it would be nice if they kept a small portion of the buffet open late at night like Celebrity does for a few popular late night options. Overall, would love Royal to do much better on this fleet wide. Pizza and finger sandwiches get old fast. All cruise lines have their benefits and drawbacks. One of the things I LOVED about Norwegian was O'Sheehans, a 24 hour full service restaurant, complimentary, with a broad menu. (However, don't get me started on the abysmal pool decks on NCL ships.)
  13. If they only realized how stupid they sounded. Yeah, the room steward put it there. 🤣🤣🤣
  14. Scratch that, now, my wife is also signed up. We now have three generations of ladies in our family doing this glass blowing! Can’t wait to see what they make!
  15. Wow, been a while. Forgot that Liberty doesn't have Izumi. Enjoy the sushi class and eating the rolls after. LOVE playmakers. I wish all ships were updated with this venue. Royal sorely lacks in later night food offerings around the ship, and even though there is an ala carte cost, I love the option of pub food later in the evening. (particularly the wings) Finger sandwiches and pizza get old fast after a couple of days.
  16. I just booked it for my two daughters (22 and 19) as well as my mother-in-law on our Equinox sailing this month. I really like that you have a forever keepsake.
  17. Man I hope this isn’t becoming prevalent. I have not smelled pot on any of our cruises to date. Hopefully I didn’t just jinx myself.
  18. Yeah I get it. 👍🏼. It’s just in case it’s cold outside and he wants to hang out with others in our group if we go in there. If the weather is nice we like the outdoor pool vibes much better
  19. It's already been happening. Look at the screenshot I posted just above your post. They list family hours from 5:30-6:30. That's a pretty narrow window though, and probably a REALLY unpopular time as most are getting ready for dinner at that time I would guess
  20. It's still free to watch the shows. These are special sessions for cruise guests to make blown glass items
  21. Love those jellyfish! Beautiful stuff you've made!
  22. I really miss a lot of the rolls. Not liking the thin dry bread slices.
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