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The Fun Researcher

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Everything posted by The Fun Researcher

  1. I might be missing the point. For those that liked twice a day service, and now have no option other than once a day (and don’t like that). …What’s stupid?
  2. Thanks. This upcoming sailing will be the first time our grown kids (now 16-22 yrs) will sail X. If they really like it we'll definitely be looking at X more for future bookings. The elite benefits aren't as good as Diamond on Royal, but if the "all in" price is still good then it doesn't really matter. My main concern is the lack of activities and entertainment vs Royal. Of course, X has some nicer amenities vs Royal, so we'll see what they think.
  3. Not arguing, but reduced bookings? Haven't heard that. We have a sailing with them in 9 days, so I've been over in that part of these boards and hadn't seen that. We love Celebrity too so happy to sail with them to mix things up. We had a gap sailing Celebrity from 2017-2023 so I don't know the booking changes they made during that time. Did Celebrity ever have it where you HAD to choose the all-in and couldn't just choose the base fare? For our cruise Dec 19th we have 4 bookings and only 2 of the 4 are "all-in" The others are base fares.
  4. For one, adding back the "classics" and other popular items back to the MDR menu
  5. I typically use both. App to quickly lock in our arrival time for our multiple bookings, and then later I use my laptop to fill in the rest. I really should take a look at trying the app for all of it.
  6. With so many cameras around the ship you would have to be pretty stupid to try stealing on the ship, especially since the victim would certainly know and report it. Of course, stupidity runs in those that steal... so there is that. 🤣
  7. One of these days we'll try one of those out. We're happy sailing interior or Balcony. Balcony really isn't that big of an upgrade to us. I know, I know but we like the outdoor spaces around the ship rather than sitting alone on our balcony. I do like being able to quickly and easily look out at port in the morning.
  8. Well that's true as well. 😂😂 Aren't they removing that as well, if they haven't already?
  9. Yeah the whole thing didn’t really deserve to be discussed here on Cruise Critic and was just ripe for arguments. Was a disaster waiting to happen
  10. Before this thread gets deleted... from what I recall it wasn't really about the speedos, according to the OP in that other thread, it was about the over the top butt grabbing and tongue kissing in Eden. I will say, I don't really want to see that in public either, no matter who you are. I'll leave it at that.
  11. Agree with most of what you said but this particular part is flawed. Most ships now sail with a high percentage of guests in the Diamond and above categories. If it wasn't for these loyal cruisers the story would look very different as far as such high demand. Royal very much appreciates and needs the loyal cruisers. Agree. Maybe some mixed memories. Pretty sure it happens(ed) on other cruise lines (Princess and Holland for instance), not Royal. I could be wrong.
  12. Well that's sad. However, I never saw it well utilized when it was an ice cream shop.
  13. I can see having the ship wait or transferring you to the next port is a really big deal for some cruisers. Kind of like paying that extra premium to have the insurance built into the excursion. The more we cruise the more we’re willing to take that risk but I really can’t imagine the stress and hassle of left at port and having to figure it out on our own. It’s why we’re so careful when we head out on our own
  14. Depends. Those complimentary ones can be REALLY hard to get. They were opening up the iFly slots at a certain time each evening (for the following day) throughout the cruise on our July Alaskan cruise on the Quantum. You couldn't just go on embarkation day and book a time for later in cruise. I'm very tech savvy and still had no luck finding an open timeslot all week for iFly. (Northstar was down all week and has been for months prior and since). It was not well managed unfortunately.
  15. Add another... Elimination of the paper Daily Compass (we still ask our room steward to bring them daily and it's been granted) I'd rather peruse the next days events and circle things, highlight things, etc... on paper rather than looking at my cell phone screen.
  16. One reason... If I do this at midnight 45 days before the cruise (in order to get an early check-in)... I don't feel like staying awake to fill in all the information for the three+ reservations that I'm typically managing before I can go back to bed. I much prefer just clicking a timeslot for each reservation, going to bed, and taking care of the rest later. The app allows for that.
  17. Were you allowed to simply choose the check-in time, and nothing else, or were you required to go through all the steps before you chose a time?
  18. Were you allowed to simply choose the check-in time, and nothing else, or were you required to go through all the steps before you chose a time?
  19. Wait, you're assuming everyone on a cruise acts responsibly? 🤣😀 I think some like knowing they will be rounded up when needed in time to get back in time. Personally, we rarely book any excursions through the ship anymore. Maybe 1 in 10 now
  20. Pretty specific, but how about Deck 7 Prime Veranda rooms (the ones on the rear hump)... refurbed? We'll be in them in a couple of weeks.
  21. ...and the fact that Royal guarantees that the ship will wait for you if you are late. That is a BIG one.
  22. It really hits home when you see so many listed like that. I left the ones that we miss in your quote above. In addition... * Lamb Chops in the MDR *Twice a day turndown service
  23. I have no affinity to Ben and Jerry's. There are plenty of good brands out there.
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