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Everything posted by Bubbeh

  1. What a dreadful story. I may be naive but it wouldn't occur to me that a company operating out of SA would be scamming. Crikey, that a bad image. Were they actually located in SA and traceable? Or, were they based OS and using a fake website?
  2. Yummy but a bit exy. My advice, pre-load at Happy Hour and slosh into dinner. What, no Happy Hour??? 😜
  3. Aren't you just the absolutely most helpful person on the planet? I am in awe of your records management and attention to detail skill set. Go you good thing!
  4. The kids bought us a holiday to Bali in 2019. We booked for June 2020. Hello COVID!!! This holiday (flights, hotels, airport parking etc etc) has been fully paid by them and cannot be rescheduled (2020 to 2021, 2021 to 2022.to 2023) again. We had flights with Garuda but guess what? Garuda is not flying out of Perth and we'd have to fly to Sydney first???? Same with Virgin. Our only option was Jetstar. OMG! We've booked and can only hope for the best. By the time we'd booked the flights and baggage and food and seats, it's cost more than our original Garuda flights by a significant amount - for which we've been told to wait up to 8 months for a refund. Ugh! Please don't let anyone in thongs, singlet, stubbies or budgie smugglers and with a first name ending in 'O' sit between us.
  5. Probably the best course of action if you're the least bit concerned. Unless you really did want to have your 5 minutes of fame via an appearance on Border Security?
  6. Welcome. You'll find some very helpful advice on this 'site and more than a few giggly bits too.
  7. Just turn up, what the worse that can happen? You'll either be turned away or you'll be let on board and I'm betting you'll be boarded.
  8. Nah, I wouldn't bother but then I don't tend to travel during school holidays or on voyages with lots of children . I'd just use the money to buy a better quality whiskey! How good is this, only 4 days into 2023 and already I've been first respondent twice. Yay for me!
  9. For my money, it's a balcony every time. 13 days is not a long cruise and I think that a balcony gives you plenty of space and amenity for this period of time. We've never cruised for less than two weeks (last one to South Africa for 47 days) and never once felt confined in a balcony cabin. Having said that, if you should happen to be unlucky enough to test positive for COVID (ugh!) you might very much appreciate the additional space provided by a mini suite.
  10. Mr Bubbeh will be annoyed! He's a veteran from the marble drop of 1970. Anyone remember those days?
  11. Oooh! Dog pooh in the foyer, how very interesting.
  12. Best you could probably say about that was it made a story to tell?
  13. It must have been a very worrying time for you and your family, Leigh. I'm glad it went well in the end. Happy New Year to you and yours, Dee x
  14. I have no experience in property law however, to the best of my knowledge in Australia you cannot back out of the settlement process unless one or other of the parties has failed to meet the agreements of the purchase/sale Agreement. For example, if the purchase was subject to sale of another property and this failed, or subject to finance which was not achieved, either party may give notice to withdraw at the conclusion of the settlement period. I can't see how changing agents during the settlement period constitutes a reason for withdrawing. It may however, be a reason for requesting a longer settlement period which would require the agreement of both parties although it would may be in the interests of either party to refuse and would essentially delay settlement.
  15. No idea but, I've never had the opportunity to be the first respondent so I'm delighted to be responding to you, even if it adds no value. 😉
  16. and they were called 'good' for a reason.............
  17. The only time I've ever been seasick was crossing the ditch in February 2017 and yes I took sea sickness tablets with us. The seas were so rough and so many people were crook that the crew had affixed sick bags at almost every possible point throughout the ship, including in the lifts and on the bannisters on each landing. A quick trip to the medical centre, jab in the bum together with an expensive piece of paper for the insurance company later and I slept the night and was fine the following day. Yes that crossing can be rough so be prepared.
  18. I don't get out of bed when cruising without my cuppa coffee. We just call room service and viola in less than 10 minutes there's knock at the door. If I'm feeling really indulgent I request a couple of croissants with butter and jam as well. Makes you wonder how I manage to put on so much weight when cruising. This has always been a free service on Princess pre-COVID.
  19. Penguins are out as per others posts, koalas sleep all day at the top of trees so that's not exactly an exciting option. For my money (not sure when you're here) and given that you're visiting basically the city of huge culture and sporting importance, why not go to either a game (footy / cricket / tennis) ? Or take a tour of the MCG - https://www.mcg.org.au/things-to-do/mcg-tour - or Melbourne Park - https://www.tennisworld.net.au/tours/. Even a visit to one of the museums - https://museumsvictoria.com.au/. Something I love to do in Melbourne is sit and watch the people, I always try to find someone wearing colour - Melbournians seem to delight in wearing black for some reason. There is so much to see and do in Melbourne, seriously, it's one of my favourite cities in the world rivalled only in Australia by Canberra - in my opinion, but then I am a bit of a political tragic.
  20. I'd stand my ground too but, if he thought I wouldn't notice, Mr Bubbeh would cave as he's a nice bloke but I'm a hard woman. 😉
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