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Everything posted by leck57

  1. We did a land tour with Princess and the bus did have a restroom, however I am not sure what type of tour you are doing. Very few if anyone used the bus restroom. We found that the bus stops about every hour and a half for a rest stop. I would guarantee for a three hour trip they will stop.
  2. Yes, I was thinking that as well. A little stretching of the truth with that story.
  3. We were on Emerald in May and she was fine. There were a few signs of needing some touch ups but overall the ship was good. Go for it.
  4. The good old media down here tried to blow this up and it ended with egg on their faces. Thankyou to the people interviewed who weren't conned by the media beat up. https://cruisepassenger.com.au/news/coral-princess-how-cruise-passengers-ended-a-media-beat-up/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=EDM&utm_campaign=Coral_Princess&utm_id=CP
  5. Yes, our waiters in the DR even gave us a piece of paper with their full names on it so we made sure to get it right on our surveys. No problem for us though, both were excellent.
  6. As you are new to Princess, the answer to your question is "no, the fridge does not come stocked".
  7. Yes we do but if I was overseas and in a similar situation to you, the phone code probably would not have come through as I probably have my phone on flight mode. So I would have had the same problem. I'll just say that I congratulate you on the composure you have shown, both with the incident with your Aunt, and with your replies to one or two posters on here. One or two replies have been beyond any sort of compassion and karma awaits them. My replies would have had me banned from CC. I am loyal to Princess but you see the real Princess apologists emerge from under their rocks in relation to issues like yours. I just hope things get better for your Aunt. Best wishes.
  8. Not one of your more thoughtful posts.
  9. Correct, and on our recent cruise I ordered 4 beers (to be put in the fridge for later) and two wines to my cabin and they were all delivered no problems.
  10. Nothing to see here. I would think this is no different to just about any cruise these days (certainly no different to our recent cruise around the UK) but our scum media and the panic merchants will have a field day. Fortunately the comments from the Qld Health Minister put the story in context.
  11. Exactly what I was about to post. We are Platinum but although everything was orderly at Southampton there were no separate lines, check ins, waiting areas, or anything. Not that I cared. I was just happy to have passed my Covid test and was actually able to board.
  12. You are right. We tried it last cruise and nothing dried at all. We just went back to discreetly hanging stuff on the back of the chairs out on the balcony.
  13. We stayed at Leonardo and caught a taxi to the dock. A very short ride and I'm not sure if any hotels have shuttles. The hotel was good and served a nice breakfast. We prefer to eat outside the hotel for dinner and there are plenty of eateries within a close walk. It is Southampton by the way.
  14. No thanks. Not an experiment I need to try.😁
  15. Doesn't seem to matter anyway. We recently selected boarding Group A on the Medallion App for a UK cruise and when we arrived at the selected time, there were people everywhere and we were never asked to verify our arrival time.
  16. I have a Samsung smartwatch but just use the Princess watch band. Just have the watch on one wrist and the band and Medallion on the other. No problem for me.
  17. Generally yes but I have had times where the chip cannot be read and have had to swipe the strip. Some of our supermarket rewards cards still only have the strip, not that I would take them on an overseas trip.
  18. Not doubting you but how do you know. I pretty much thought any magnet next to a credit card could cause problems.
  19. So did I and I have used it on three cruises now. The Medallion sits in it firmly and has never fallen out. Cost about $12 on the ship when I bought it pre Covid. If you just want to wear it similar to a watch I don't know why for that price you'd bother looking for similar cheaper options. Thousands of dollars spent on a cruise yet some try to beat the $12-15 that you can get them for on board.
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