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Everything posted by jmh2006

  1. @FromSea2ShiningSeaHooray for the birth of a new baby boy! Glad that it went fast and everyone is doing well. 👶😃
  2. I flew home to Detroit on March 13th, 2020 after spending 6 days at Disney World! On Wednesday of that week, DS found out he wasn't going to be going back to College campus and by Monday everything shut down in Michigan. Hard to believe 4 years have passed 🙄.
  3. @LuckynanaI immediately thought of you when I saw the footage of the plane crash. So scary! @Momof3gurlz No bell notification either and I have had to resort to keeping a running list of the last post I read! 🤣 @ReneeFLL Glad you are home safe and sound after what sounded like two very nice cruises! @Ocean Boy Please join us on Bella 2!!
  4. Here to echo what others have expressed and want to say a big thanks for this thread! Safe travels home to all departing in LA!
  5. That is so nice Dave! Congrats! I am cruising with @Momof3gurlz and @Dadof3gurlz on the March 1 sailing and decided to stay in my interior promenade cabin.
  6. 💯%!!! @Ocean Boy Have a wonderful cruise on Odyssey and tell Renee and Mike hello from Jennifer and Dave from Michigan!
  7. Thanks to all of the posters on this great thread! It looks like you all had a wonderful cruise and I really enjoyed following along! Safe travels home to those going home and Bon Voyage to those who are sailing again next week!
  8. @Ocean BoyHave a fabulous time on Odyssey! @DaniDanielle So glad you made to Atlantic City! @ValerieJo Great story! Have fun at dinner!
  9. Same here in Michigan, although Tues and Wed didn't get quite as warm and we had a lot of icing on our dirt roads, thereby no school. A weird thing about living in the Detroit suburbs is that we do have dirt roads and they are considered exclusive (which makes no sense but just trust me) as they are in the "country" as opposed to the "city".
  10. @dani negreanu Sorry to be a little late in posting on how happy I am you got to see the family in Amsterdam! I love the group picture so much, especially your cheeky GS sticking out his tongue 🤣!
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