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HAL Sailer

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Everything posted by HAL Sailer

  1. We celebrated today with our tradition of watching the Detroit Lions lose yet another Thanksgiving Day game. And, to add insult to injury, the Lion's holiday game losing record was a question on Jeopardy tonight. Ouch! But, despite the Lions, there are many things to be thankful for -- including all of you wonderful, supportive Daily-ites, -Melisa
  2. @kazu, it's late into the day but I'm sending hugs -- HUGE HUGS -- with the hope they will comfort you through the night. -Melisa
  3. @MISTER 67 Isn't that the truth! I'm still in SWFL and dearly missing its usual dose of sunshine -- although the sun is trying to peek out now. Things here are delayed. Our 'moisture check' was to be done by now but Tropical Storm Nicole pushed the contractors back and this past Sunday's torrential rains put other crucial needs ahead of ours. I'm glad I packed my patience. (Although the lack of sunshine was straining it...) FEMA continues to pick up more and more Hurricane Ian debris along my barrier island's two lane road. Sadly, as the debris piles disappear, the devastation hidden behind them becomes more obvious. I'm blessed to be spared the suffering of so many. This morning at Publix, I said to the cashier, "I don't know whether to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving or a Happy You Made It Through." With her eyes filling with tears, she said she's just thankful that, day by day, her family is making it through. I have much to be thankful for and I hope each of you do as well. As I count my blessings, I'll add a prayer for everyone here in SWFL and elsewhere who is just making it through... -Melisa
  4. @marshhawk, the phrasing @kazu offered above is almost exactly the script my Alumni Association used with great results when we were trying to move donors up a level. If the donor declined the upsell, then the script used the line that we hoped they would continue their previous generous giving of $____. And, if they balked at continuing their prior giving, the script went to the final phrase @kazu offered as the closing 'ask' for any donation possible. Hope this helps with your dilemma, -Melisa
  5. @MISTER 67 Glad you got a good report about your forefinger. BTW, thanks for your Asian Fusion recommendation.⤵️ Very enjoyable! -Melisa
  6. ⬆️ Oops! I thought the link above would go directly to my post. It does take you to the proper thread but my post is on page 3 entry #63. -M.
  7. @Scrapnana I won't hijack your thread but your lemur tour reminded me of mine in 1996 while on an 'Isles of the Indian Ocean' cruise. If you or anyone else is interested in seeing pictures from 1996, it's posted at: Definitely enjoying your African adventures, -Melisa
  8. @marshhawk, @Miss G, @Cruising-along, @JazzyV, @bennybear, @ottahand7, @Quartzsite Cruiser, plus all who added 💙 & 🏆, and to anyone I have missed: THANK YOU! My DH's dementia had been on an even keel for awhile but it is clearly on another downhill slide. That's normal and not unanticipated but, when it occurs, it feels so unexpected. I try to take a breath, adjust, and move ahead. Having this forum to voice my fears and frustrations while knowing that you will support me allows me to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I won't be joining you on a BHB anytime soon, but I know you are beside me on my current journey. With more thanks than words can express, -Melisa
  9. @rafinmd ⬆️Those are lovely, elegant socks -- very appropriate for you, I'm sure. So glad you've not been forced to sport these: -Melisa
  10. @rafinmd Today's Care List Roy, please consider moving my DSIL to the Rotation list. Her cancer therapy will be ongoing and her health issues will be with her the rest of her days. Celebrations and Shoutouts Considering the source of your new socks, I think we all need to see pictures! Do they say I ♥️ ARUBA? -Melisa
  11. @MISTER 67 Then it's a good thing your injured digit is a forefinger and not your remote control thumb! BTW, how is your finger? -M.
  12. Good morning, all. I used Saturday and Sunday to settle in to SW FL. While doing so, I discovered that our change of location has my DH very confused. It's a sign that our already very limited travels likely need to be more limited. I found myself deeply saddened by that realization and trying to think how to best serve his needs while not ignoring my desire for what used to be our joint love of travel. I don't often read the horoscope, but I found myself drawn to yesterday's. Its words offered encouragement to me and, perhaps, to other Daily-ites. It said: You will hear marvels of distant lands. Someday you will know such places and have your own tales to tell. For now, take in the ideas and let them fuel your imagination. So, Daily-ites, thank you for sharing your travels – past and current. I will heed those words and let my Bucket List grow as you fuel my imagination. -Melisa
  13. @rafinmd Roy, please take me off the Care List as, luckily, Nicole gave me no new issues beyond the ones Ian left behind. We did have a brief fright last night when an electric pole transformer blew up with a huge bang and an incredible red fireball. Neighbors joined me in rushing outside to find the source. The fire department arrived followed by the power company. Amazingly, none of us lost power! Today dawned sunny and calm with a gentle breeze. We've been out running errands and nothing in this area looks worse from Nicole. The Ian debris stacks don't look blown about which was a major concern. Other areas -- along the Atlantic coast -- did not fare as well. My 🙏prayers🙏 for them. -Melisa
  14. 🇺🇸Happy Veterans Day!🇺🇸 My father and his five brothers all served in WWII's Army Air Force in Europe and, thankfully, my dad and my uncles all came home. After the war, my father continued with the Air Force & SAC until his retirement. My DH served between Korea and Vietnam at Sixth Army Headquarters at the Presidio (under the Golden Gate Bridge). My brother served as a platoon sargeant in Vietnam with the Army's Big Red 1. Thank you to all the Daily-ites that have or are serving and to your relatives that have or are serving. America is better because of our veterans and active duty. 🇺🇸Thank you!🇺🇸 -Melisa P.S. DH and I serendipitously learned that Publix is honoring veterans with a 10% discount today. I had taken DH as pushing the cart is good exercise for him. The cashier asked, then gave us his veteran's discount, and said, "Thank you for your service, sir." Nice.
  15. @Quartzsite Cruiser I can't get any cardboardeaux to you but I can send HUGS! HUGE HUGS! to hopefully help you cope with this hospital craziness. Try to get some rest, -Melisa
  16. The Weather Channel's infamous Jim Cantore is reporting from Daytona Beach Shores. He is showing one condo building that is now collapsing, he is talking about the 11 other condo buildings that are in danger, and is reporting that a house a mile south of him has gone into the sea. 🙏Prayers🙏 for @JAM37 and all in Nicole's path. -Melisa
  17. @MISTER 67 Manasota Key on the gulf coast at Englewood. -M.
  18. Good Morning! Hurricane/Tropical Storm woke me early and we are not in the brunt of her! Currently, Nicole is giving us 50mph wind gusts and continual rain. My LvRm doorwall is rattling. The rain is slamming my windows but with only a few inches expected. But it feels a tiny bit scary despite not getting the brunt of Nicole nor being under evacuation orders. During Ian, my area had four hours of over 140mph winds and got 19 inches of rain as Ian just stalled over our area hardly moving. I can NOT imagine the pounding of those Cat 4 winds & rain. I wouldn't have been here as there were mandatory evacuation orders but it must have been hellish during Ian. As to my place, the concern is whether there is water intrusion through the exterior stucco into the interior walls because of the hours of pounding rain. Testing will be done to determine if any areas of interior drywall is damp and needs to be removed. Since nothing appears to be wrong, I want to witness the testing as there may be a problem or it might be a property management overreaction as neighboring properties have had 'unseen' interior dampness. And, of course, dampness leads to mold leads to major issues, so... But all in all, our family place faired so well and we have no major issues. I can't say the same for neighbors. SIX WEEKS AFTER Hurricane Ian, here is just some of the debris still along our two lane road. It's been a long trip getting here. But, after Nicole passes and the testing is done, I hope to have a period to enjoy SW FL before returning to MI. Thank you all for your concern about what I'd find here and wishing us safe travels yesterday. I could feel your care travel with me. So appreciated. -Melisa
  19. Okay, here's the reason for my unexpected adventure. Over the weekend, I got news that there actually may be some damage to our family's FL place from Hurricane Ian. So, Sunday, my DH and I set off for SW FL. DH has not driven since his stroke and I can only manage seven hours behind the wheel (+stops). So, leaving Sunday means we will finally arrive later today. And, while we were on the road, Hurricane Nicole has developed. So, this morning, I will be dodging her as I make my final push to my family's place. It looks to be a stormy drive. Yesterday's drive was a long slog as the highways were filled with tons of semi trucks trying to reach their locations before Nicole. Add to that the convoy after convoy of out-of-state electric trucks arriving in preparation for Nicole damage. In fact, our 150 room Gainesville hotel is completely full with electric crews and their trucks. And, with that, I'm off for the final hours of my four-day drive. -Melisa
  20. I'm in the midst of something very unexpected (not DSIL nor DH related) and have only been able to skim yesterday's and today's posts. But, I send my prayers to those in crisis and/or undergoing medical care along with prayers for those in the path of and/or impacted by Hurricane Nicole. BTW, this unexpectedness took me to another state and to a hotel with a very unusual election polling place in the hotel. (Long story why it's in a hotel.) The voting lines were long and filled with young people and young families with children in tow -- young, young, young! After the polls closed, a precinct worker here told me that they had almost 90% turnout. No matter the election outcome, I think it is a credit to the younger generation that they are voting. It makes my heart sing! More from me tomorrow -- including an explanation of the unexpectedness. I hope... -Melisa
  21. @dfish Wonderful news! I was hoping you wouldn't end up like my mid-Michigan friend who had Spectrum out to prep everything for her connection -- only to be told a week later that all the wiring work was for naught as Spectrum had now realized she had moved to an area that it did not service! Glad your issues were resolved more satisfactorily! -Melisa
  22. @marshhawk Condolences on the passing of your friend, Shari. Have safe travels to/from her service in Fayetteville. With a 🙏prayer🙏, -Melisa
  23. @MISTER 67 I took a screenshot of your post about its name and location so I can try it the next time I'm there. Thanks for your recommendation! -Melisa
  24. Perfect! My family's place is on Manasota Key, so El Jobean is oft traveled. Thanks, -Melisa
  25. @rafinmd I'm jealous! I wish Amtrak had an Auto train running from the Midwest (say Chicago?) to Florida. @MISTER 67 1. Port Charlotte is often the 'meet halfway' place for us and some SW Florida friends. May I ask which Asian Fusion place you enjoy? 2. Ouch!!! Hopefully you will be back on the course again soon. -Melisa
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