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Posts posted by Thorncroft

  1. You have obviously never been to a high-end restaurant even though you comport yourself on the premise you frequent them. I, however, have and I have been partner in operating one.


    I can assure you that in a high-end restaurant a guest comment equating the lack of tablecloths to being a Dennys or McDonalds experience would always result in the former and never the latter. It's not a shot that would ever cross my mind to take.


    Your turn, Sybil Dorsett. Be careful with that axe - it's sharp!


    You know for a fact that I've never been to a high end restaurant? That's where you lost all credibility with me, although your post was outstanding in it's ignorant condescension. You sound just like a mater dee. In fact I'm re-reading your post with my nose in the air and imagining that fake, pretentious accent that you all seem to adore. :p BTW, my post was meant as a joke. It's good to come out from behind your podium once in a while and mingle with the soiled masses.


    The existence or absence of a tablecloth isn't a singular indicator of the quality of the dining experience. Several local 5-star restaurants don't have cloths on their tables (yet just as many others do). I wonder how those that don't would feel if I expressed the lack of tablecloths made the experience no better than Denny's.


    They might either ask you not to come back, or comp your meal. It's worth a shot. ;)

  3. You said having no tablecloths was akin to eating at McDonalds, so are all these high-end restaurants like eating at McDonalds?


    No. Not me. I said Hard Rock still uses tablecloths in the buffet. Try to keep up with the thread. Oh, I did say that you've got Denny's At Sea now. I stand by that statement. Has nothing to do with tablecloths. Has to do with the general experience.

  4. If there are new Smoke Eaters in the Conquest Casino, they must be broken already. Foul at best. We had to transverse the area, several times, to get to the Alchemy Bar. The Alchemy Bar makes a nice Manhattan. We originally went there on Thursday to do the Martini Tasting (group of 4) but were told they only do that the first day of the cruise.


    They have to be cleaned periodically or they stop being effective. The plates get fouled with a sticky tar that has to be cleaned off. Carnival has been accused of having sketchy maintenance in the past. The Smoke machines may be just one more can that gets kicked down the road. ;)

  5. I voted No - I don't want the tablecloths back. I much prefer the plain tables - and they are certainly not McDonald's style.


    Outside of other cruise lines, I can't recall when I've eaten at a restaurant with a tablecloth. We frequent casino restaurants on a regular basis and even the upscale Steakhouses, Asian or Italian restaurants no longer use tablecloths.


    Tablecloths are passé.


    Even the buffet at Hard Rock Casino still uses them in the section reserved for Double Plat players and above. I guess they didn't get the memo about how to be cool. Or maybe they still think that a tablecloth adds a bit of class to an otherwise mundane venue. You should be sure to tell them that they've got it all wrong. :p

  6. Yea yea yea. According to your type Carnival should have been out of business years ago with the cuts they've made. Yet they are stronger then ever right now. Most people on a cruise don't even know if they had tablecloths or not on their last cruise. And the rest are 1st timers just happy to be on a Carnival cruise.


    There's more to this big world than just Carnival. You should hop off your stuck record and experience it sometime.

  7. WHAT SHE SAID!!! :D:D

    One of the finest restaurants in our area, which serves possibly the best food to ever pass through my lips, has never had a table cloth, and as far as the patrons are concerned, doesn't need any. And yes, this is a higher end reservations only establishment, with an average check of greater than $50/pp.

    I have never understood people's hang ups with this, if you want to play dress up and eat on tablecloths, cruise a higher end line.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

    We love a great dining experience as well as anyone, but tablecloths and silverware never enter my mind when I sit down. Heck if need be, I could eat with my hands if the food is excellent. Sorry, rant over!! :D:D


    Yours and many other's sentiments about this are why you now have Denny's At Sea. Keep not caring and see how deep the knife cuts. If the beards think for a second that they're giving more than they have to, they will take even more.

  8. The you're laughing at JH as he indicated that might be the reason. I just reiterated what HE said. Not my position.


    I laugh at him all the time. A "green cruiseship" is an oxymoron. Every little bit that they can do helps, but at the end of the day, they will always be one of the world's great polluters. It's just the nature of their business. Washing tablecloths doesn't even register on the scale of pollution that they create.


    And no, I wasn't responding to any comment that you may have made. :)

  9. The logic is flawed, but they are on a roll........


    Just wait until the washcloths are gone and you're soaping up with a sock in the shower. He asked about those too, a few months ago. Surely that wasn't some random item that popped into his head that day. LOL

  10. I am sure this is just too simple, but, why doesn't that lady just tell her kids they are not allowed to eat ice cream at all times of the day and night? I guess that is what you mean by poor parenting, it is just baffling to me.


    Lack of parental control. An affliction worse than noro, infecting ships everywhere. There is no known cure.

  11. I use a camera all day for my job. I wear it on a lanyard around my neck. Yeah, it's heavy and a PITA, but it's handy when I need it, it won't hit the ground if it slips out of my hand, I always know where it's at and if someone really wants it they'll have to snatch pretty hard on the lanyard to trip the breakaway clip. They're welcome to the camera, but I'll hurt them for the memory card because I'm not re-doing a days work with no pics. LOL

  12. He also provides direct market research for the marketing dept... Instead of having to do a serperate market questionnaire "poll" he has a built in focus group to weigh in on things.


    More like star struck, attention clamoring groupies. They would say that anything Carnival does is brilliant. It's nauseous making. Not sure that their data should be considered objective.

  13. I don't think the cruiselines are embezzling and I don't mean to stir the pot. The discussions of tip math just made me curious about exactly where it all goes, because the numbers being thrown around suggested stewards are rolling in cash, which I don't think is true. I don't think it would be "embezzling" to use the tips for employees performing related services, to pay for insurance/benefits/etc., or to take a small administrative fee for collecting, managing, and dividing the tips. Everything I've seen from the cruiselines is pretty vague about the details, so I don't feel guests are being lied to. I don't believe the worst rumors and gossip. I was just hoping someone might know all the details. :confused:


    I'm like you. I just see a lot of creative math and black science. LOL.

  14. Innocent until proven guilty. Until facts prove otherwise, it's all here say and speculation. If Carnival was guilty of embezzling gratuities, you can bet your butt it would have gotten out. And if not convicted in a court of law, they would most certainly be in the court of personal opinion and they would be sunk. Please come back when you have irrefutable, concrete evidence. Case dismissed.


    That was a very impressive ruling, fireman Bob's wife. Thank you.

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