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Posts posted by Thorncroft

  1. I have it on good authority that the next Carnival ship is going to be named:




    Whenever you get remotely close it will call out "Step Right Up!"


    They are expecting embarkation times to be greatly decreased with this ship. :)


    LOL. Good one. I've heard that on the Disney ships, when you step up to the urinal in the men's room, they break out in ♪♫♫ it's a small, small world ♫♫♪ ;)

  2. It feels like manipulation to announce that guests don't want the chocolates based on (1) seeing if people complain when they don't get chocolates, or (2) conducting a "push poll" (designed to get a certain result) on a FB page followed by fans.


    I was amused when a month or so ago JH asked if anyone actually used the wash cloths provided in the stateroom, yes or no. I thought to myself, uh oh, the wash cloths are a goner. Pretty soon, everyone will have to be bringing their own loofah to shower with. His rapid fire questions seem to be precursors to whatever the item is, becoming history. LOL.

  3. Carnival's problem is that they feel compelled to announce that they will be making a change and bring it to everyone's attention. If they just quietly made changes without fanfare, many wouldn't notice and others would just suck it up and move on. They're like the little kid telling on themselves by announcing that they didn't break the irreplaceable Ming vase, before anyone has even noticed.

  4. It's just worrisome that after this long, some stewards are still telling guests that they can only have one service, and blaming an increase in the number of cabins being serviced. It's certainly not every steward, but there are enough fairly recent reports to indicate it's still a problem.


    After this long, wouldn't all of the stewards have been ordered not to make these statements and wouldn't the reports have been followed up on with the individual stewards who are making these false statements to guests? Is the problem a lack of interest in stopping stewards from making these statements or a management failure? And are the stewards being honest about the increase in cabins per steward?


    Forgive me for being slightly suspicious, but we were on a cruise where the steward "forgot" to bring us chocolates (and we were too polite to complain) and then shortly after JH announced that chocolates had been discontinued because "testing" showed no one missed them.


    I would guess that the ultimate goal is to get to once a day service only. This is all just a lot of smoke and mirrors on the journey there. If you follow the underpants ambassador on his page, you'll see him ask a question like "do you eat the chocolates left on the pillow for you? Please answer yes or no." You'll see most people clamoring that they won't miss them; they just want a cheap cruise fare. Then voila, next thing you know, chocolates are a goner. The people who say they don't miss something, or never use it, or don't care either way, they just want cheap; those are the ones who are enabling the constant cuts by the chainsaw CEO in the corner office. Once they get some pushback, they'll turn the chainsaw off.


    These teas will be individually wrapped and come in an eco-friendly, biodegradable pyramid sachet and were picked by hand and placed gently intop a cart that was pulled by a Yak, called Dave.


    There is something seriously wrong with a corporation that allows their brand ambassador to continually make derogatory comments about their top tier guests. Dave is a diamond. It's no damn wonder that he refuses to cruise Carnival anymore.

  6. Of that, there is no doubt. The question is who is doing the fabrication....


    It looks to me like either the brand ambassador or the stewards, and Dream seems to be ground zero. We've been assured countless times that the new forms with "both" were already in place on the ships. Seems like that's not the case at all. Someone's got some 'splainin' to do.

  7. Run for the hills if someone answers bad reviews with " a cruise is what you make it". I guess that is partially true - but not always.


    I hate that almost as much as "a bad day on a cruise is better than a good day at work". Such BS. If that was the case, I'd be hunting for a new job. A bad day on a cruise sucks, just like any other bad day.

  8. Already is in most states. But I don't think the government should be dictating to business owners what they will allow in there business. And I agree it's is a bad habit just like someone who over eats and is extremely overweight. And I don't want to hear it doesn't affect anyone else cause it does ever ones insurance rates are higher and when I purchase a seat on a plane I expect to be able to use the whole seat not share it with the fat slob next to me. Maybe companies should charge overweight people like luggage that over 50 pounds.

    Just stirring the pot!!


    Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk


    Some airlines make them buy two seats.

  9. Policy prior was actually favorable for e-cig users when the policy was changed/revised to eliminate smoking on balcony, which did nothing more than move them to certain public areas (which in tune forced everyone to the casinos to smoke, even the non-gamblers).


    Then the anti-smoking army, of course, never pleased even after they had gotten their way for the 52,398 time, decided to tackle what I consider to be harmless. They forced CCL to enforce e-cigs just like a cigarette. I don't smoke or vape, but I have no issues with those that choose to vape. I'd much rather smell cotton candy or whatever vape scent they have versus tobacco smoke.


    So now, when the casino is so full of smoke you can't walk through it - please make sure to send your complaint via email to Flatbush Flyer.


    So Flatbush Flyer is the reason the casino is unbearably smoky? Thanks, Flat.

  10. If the winds were broadside, maybe Carnival was on the side getting pushed into the dock while the others were getting pushed away from the dock. Someone did say Hal had to circle before their approach.


    Wouldn't be the first time Carnival has been pushed into another ship and crashed. They may be a little gun shy now.

  11. There are many reasons that could have arose. It might have gotten more windy, it could be that the two ships had the best docking points and the remaining were more precarious, it could be that the two ships created a tunnel effect for the wind into the spot the Carnival ship was going into. I could go on....


    Please do. An experienced mariner's perspective is always welcome.

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