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Everything posted by Ardennais

  1. Yes, there are shuttles to the city centre, just off the Rathaus. Well organised on Iona.
  2. We would mostly agree having spent a wonderful week on Iona last month. The only ‘problem’ was slow service but that was probably because it was half term and packed full. I can’t wait to sail on Iona again, but the next few cruises are on different P&O ships because we don’t really want to visit the Fjords again any time soon.
  3. We had a very leisurely full breakfast in the Coral restaurant on Iona before disembarking. I didn’t want to leave!
  4. Radical! I think there’s a limit to the amount of money people will spend, especially if they’ve forked out for a balcony. We were very careful with onboard spend when our 3 children were teenagers. We always had a balcony and an inside opposite, but tried to limit onboard spend, apart from excursions.
  5. And what that might be, do you think?
  6. But P&O still take their money and they fill the cabins.
  7. We feel exactly the same. We do have a 4-5 hour drive, but we’re never in a rush to leave!
  8. Didn’t you say that Arcadia was freezing last year?
  9. Years ago, when the children were teenagers, we disembarked and found our cases all together. My eldest daughter had a fairly distinctive red case and thought that the one by our group was hers. On closer inspection she discovered it wasn’t her case and by now, the baggage hall was nearly empty. It was evident that someone had mistakenly taken hers and had left their own red case. Luckily there was a mobile number on it and I called the number. My daughter’s case was halfway up the M4 on the way to South Wales as the man on the other end confirmed that his case was red! I told him I would visit the helpdesk and sort everything out, so took his red case to the desk and explained everything. My daughter’s case was delivered to our home in about 5 days without any hassle or payment from our side of course. Sorry to ramble, but I forgot to add the point I was trying to make, which is that having your mobile number on the tag is a good idea. In our case above, the case had well and truly left Southampton but it could still have been in the car park or close by.
  10. Unless you opt for self-disembarkation and carry everything off yourself.
  11. Pembrokeshire is lovely indeed. We try to go to Tenby every couple of years for a week or so.
  12. That’s my worry too. We really loved Iona and will definitely sail on her again!
  13. Why? Depends entirely on what you like to listen to/watch and also what you read. I couldn’t be less interested in Lewis Hamilton if I tried so not au fait with his love life!
  14. The 20 minute walk from the bus park in Bruges isn’t such a problem if you can do it in your own time. We did it in 2013 with my parents and we were escorted to the city centre at quite a cracking pace. Last month, the escort just gave us directions which was better really for everyone,
  15. We missed a show on Iona as dinner service was very very slow, so that could be a reason for missing a show too.
  16. My husband and I had never heard of her. My parents had never heard of her. My 3 children in their mid to late 20s had never heard of her and they definitely got out a lot at Uni! I’m confident that if I were to stand on the local high street with a photo of her that very few people could name her. I’m also confident that a very high percentage would recognise the Beatles! I can’t recall many children at school ever mentioning the Pussycat Dolls as one of their favourite groups either.
  17. Thanks. Still quite a distance then. The problem with my parents is that they can walk a while, but then tire during the day and then we have to get the car and pick them up.
  18. We didn’t find it too far, but the OP mentioned limited mobility. I have to say that it was never something that crossed my mind until about 5 years ago, when my parents began to struggle. My father used to enjoy walking miles and miles every day around the farm and in the space of a few years, his mobility really deteriorated. They would never cope with Rotterdam or Hamburg. They used to enjoy the Fjords and places like La Coruna and Vigo where you get off the ship and you’re there. i know lots of people hate organised excursions too, but they’re a godsend for people with mobility issues.
  19. I think the BBC licence fee is exceptionally good value.
  20. True! Then again he was in a real minority whereas probably about 95% of people have no idea who Nicole is!
  21. We saw the water taxis but we were half way across the bridge by then!
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