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Posts posted by Welly9

  1. 18 hours ago, Chip and Dale said:

    Unfortunately for someone with a severe allergy causing anaphylaxis, that is a deadly suggestion. 

    I speak from tremendous experience. I have many deadly allergies. At one point an allergist thinking he was a genius tried a minute trace injection of one allergen to see if I would gradually become immune. I went into anaphylactic shock! 

    He decided it was best to stop trying and make sure that I avoided those allergens and carry Epipens. 

    Georgian bay?> Parry Sound? Midland? Owen Sound?

  2. 18 hours ago, zalusky said:

    As much as I love my San Jose Sharks hockey we will be skipping my ten pack this coming season.  The wife has multiple risk factors being a kidney transplant patient.  Even before this outbreak we think she caught the flu a couple of times there as well touching all the rails just to move around.

    Thornton home town is from 15 min south of me, Couture 10 min north, know the parents, and when Tierney was there he played with my son in Jr A, nice to see a deep south hockey fan!

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, Heymarco said:

    Are we going to start a new thread to discuss every area of the ship? Why not include pools, promenades, dining, etc. Either we will cruise or we won’t.

    Cruise if you wish, Dont cruise if you dont want to! Very Simple!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  4. On 5/8/2020 at 6:56 PM, John Reid said:

    I've been following your conspiracy theory logic and enough is enough. So, hospitals may be reporting some deaths they are not certain is COVID 19 and getting more funding. They are terribly underfunded for their efforts and rather than help, our federal government actually hinders them and withholds needed support. Money has to be sent to suffering corporations like Apple and our president's son's private school.There are large amounts of people who had the virus in December and January and some died. Antibody tests have found it goes back further than first thought. My brother, his wife, and his son-in-law all contracted it in December. These numbers are not in the record.


    This is a virus like no other I have been aware of. It manifests itself in so many different ways. It masks its spread by not exhibiting symptoms. Other than Norovirus, indications have been that it is easier to contract than other flu viruses.


    Your arrogance, as a pundit, that you know the credible news sources. I'm no fan of CNN, but Rupert Murdoch has systematically destroyed America. Did the mainstream media create a fear. Yes, and it's a good thing they did. Our government would have ignored it for much longer.


    A suggestion. Take your rhetoric to an American hospital dealing with this virus. Look at the doctors and nurses and other health professionals in the eye who risk their lives and the lives of their families. Pay a visit to the families of those health workers who have died and share your facts and figures. Tell them all the fear is being inflated. Tell them. It will be a comfort.


    Or just sit in front of your credible news sources and share your disdain with them.





    LOL, and there you have it, a Political Pundit jumps in and Pipes up! HBE4 and I were having a nice educational and informative banter, sharing whatever we had for knowledge .. again healthy banter until someones feelings got hurt! Keep your Lefty spin to yourself! 


    • Like 3
  5. 12 minutes ago, HBE4 said:


    It's walking a fine line between opening too soon vs too late. New York should start to gradually reopen next week. Probably to gradual for some. But after 6-7 weeks, I don't mind another 7 days. As I said earlier, I tend to err on the side of caution. lol


    But I agree, I'm ready to get out. I've already cancelled a vacation out west for later this month and had a few concerts cancelled on me.  And a bunch of Yankee games.



    Sorry,from the pic it looked like a Senators logo. My eye sight sucks. Either way, you must be so proud! That is awesome. Hopefully he'll make it to the NHL.  Rumor has it they were going to try and finish the season this summer but I don't see that happening. I miss hockey too although I'm saving a bunch of money but not going to Ranger games.



    To see a live Ball game or Hockey game right about now!!! I wont even care if the guy beside me spills his beer and drops his hot dog on my pants...😁

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, HBE4 said:


    At least we are getting enjoyment out of reading each others posts. 😉


    CNN just happened to support my view. Truth is, most media outlets "skew" the news one way or another so it's best to read/watch a variety souces and realize the truth is out there, somewhere in the middle.  I tend to err on the side of caution


    Agree with you in listening to front line workers.  I know this is anecdotal so take it for what it's worth but a friend of mine works for a large cemetery, selling plots, mausoleums etc.  Some days, they will get a weeks worth of business coming thru.  Never in the worse flu season have they had that happen. So that stuck with me. Perhaps I'm overly sensitive on the particular subject.


    Stay well also. Although I think we are not quite out of the woods yet, I do think the worst is behind us. IMO.


    BTW, is that Bobby Ryan in your profile pic? I had to google who is #9 on the Sens.


    I dont trust CNN period, CBS even less, That being said our CBC is as bad too. I go straight to credited sources.


    For what its worth, many(Dr's) have said they are being 'forced and or pressured' to doc the DC as Covid even though not tested or -ve. IMO there is more to all this than we can actually see.  

    I agree with you as not out of woods, but we do need to get back out there. I would rather have my immune system fight it and be working than stay locked up. I did read something else, lol, that said we are doing more damage than good to our IS by staying quarantined.


    I trust we will all get back doing what we love best soon, including cruising.


    Thanks for asking, thats my son, Chicago Black Hawks NHL farm team in the AHL Rockford Icehogs, last season, this season he was in Europe playing in Denmark in the Metal Ligaen League. But heck I like Bobby Ryan as a player!

    • Like 2
  7. 10 hours ago, HBE4 said:


    I thought about it. And then I LOL'd.


    You think the 259,796 Covid deaths are inflated? Most others think its under reported. Nobody believes the numbers out of China are even remotely close to what the reality is. Lack of proper testing in the US earlier this year has artificially suppressed the numbers. Coroners in California nad Chicago are reexamining cases from late last year to see how many were missed. 


    But I will supply you with some science facts.



    "But the US death toll from coronavirus this year has exceeded 62,000, surpassing the high-end estimate for flu deaths since October. (24,000 - 62,000)"  


    Since the article was published, the number of covid deaths are now 73,000 on it's way to an estimated 134,000. 

    That should be the final nail in the coffin of the myth that the flu is worse than covid-19.  


    Something to think about.


    Well there you have it, yes another LOL for sure...you went and shot yourself in the foot, quoting CNN...

    Fauci knows what?? he hasnt seen a patient in 20 years, I listen and believe Dr.s in the front Line and what they say! 

    im ok to disagree and you are as well...stay safe my friend! 


    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, ECCruise said:

    Thank you.  Isn't it just amazing that people literally just make stuff up (like the post you responded to) and spout it like it was based on fact.

    Not sure where that kind of thing came from....

    LOL and I shake my head at people who dont believe in science facts! Here are some spouted facts-

    The WHO (and not the band if youre confused) estimate between 290,000 to 650,000 respiratory deaths globally each year are associated with seasonal influenza..Covid-19 259,796 deaths (inflated)

    Now wait for it....7.7 Billion people on Earth. Think about it. 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, hazence said:

    COVID-19 mortality rate depends on age, spread of disease

    The exact mortality rate of COVID-19 in the United States isn’t yet known. Outcomes depend on many factors, from the level of strain on the health care system to an infected person's health history and age.

    "You really need to look at this by age, because there is an enormous age gradient for risk of death per infected case,” said Dr. Theo Vos in an interview with USA TODAY. He is a professor of health metrics sciences at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations at the University of Washington and one of the developers of a highly cited model on the potential spread of COVID-19.

    Reports of deaths from the disease by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show a clear correlation to age. Older people are far more likely to die of the disease. 

    Vos cautioned against using the reported figures to infer universal mortality rates. Outcomes are too variable across age groups, and too many people may have had the disease but were never formally tested.

    “Those are based on the numbers of people who happen to have been tested, not the true number of cases in the community,” Vos said. “With these antibody studies, we’re seeing a considerable gap between people who have had a positive test and the number of people we think have truly been in contact with the virus.”


  10. 15 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

    After our first cruise we did a land trip to London,Ontario and fell in love with the city so much so that we did not do another cruise for 21 years. I instead every summer we drove to Canada with a goal to visit every city in Ontario .After our cruise at the 21 year we returned to vacationing in other parts of Canada and did not go back to cruising for 14 years.

    Oh wow, so now you are back in NY, LI? I have been across our country, actually sea to sea to sea (so yes to the north for work where the Eskimos live lol) I say to fellow CDN,s see your country before elsewhere, its beautiful and surprises around every corner! I also worked in US and SA. I say to fam and friends in the states, see your country too its beautiful and again different surprises around the corner...then venture out beyond borders cause anywhere you go you can find marvel and beauty with the land and people. 

    We like London, but thinking of moving within a few years?  

  11. 16 hours ago, OnTheJourney said:


    Wrong. From everything reported, there is no comparison. Mortality rate of CV was initially felt to be between 3-4%, but latest reports (and what I'm seeing on graphs) is that - at least in the US - the case fatality rate is 5.9%.  This figure would decrease with an increase in testing, as many people with mild cases are recovering. I think this is all too new yet to determine completely accurate longer-term data. For seasonal influenza, however, mortality is usually well below 0.1%. CV spreads more easily than the flu also. 

    Not sure what numbers you are seeing or getting, but also review the reports stating that CV19 is reported on DC and doesnt matter if they were tested or not, but cause of death is marked down as CV19 regardless. US flu deaths dropped in fiscal '19-20, by ~40+K as CV19 deaths climbed - dont you find that interesting? Same as Influenza deaths...I cannot recall this #.


    Bottom line - some strains are no more serious than a common flu, and a smaller percentage of CV19 has a more serious strain affecting the compromised. Therefore just be careful and safe. Don't hit the open seas if you are not comfy and feel threatened at this time. Wait until you think it will be safer with immunization. 


    Everyone stay well!

  12. Agree with last two post...its up to you, your comfort level, when it opens, if you feel threatened dont go out! When society and public places IE restaurants, parks, travel, begin to ramp up and you are not comfy - Dont go out!

    The common flu has had a greater mortality rate/percentage than CV19, so far! Folks and that is with a vaccine, or some refer to as a flu shot taken seasonally! If your immune system is compromised, you need to take greater precautions, and perhaps wait it out longer... but imo society needs to get back to work, back to doing things people need to do, whatever that is, some sense of normalcy, maybe never be the same, but move towards what was normal. Take precautions! Its called common sense.


    Humans adapt and will  survive and move forward. 


    For myself and wife, we work and work hard, we do our part, everything in moderation - including travel. We never have taken a flu vaccine/flu shot and never (knock on wood) been sick, haven't had a cold for years - just doing all the right precautionary things. Same moving forward. Do we trust getting a new CV19 Vaccine, hmmmmm good Q, not sure, if you read and dig deep into some theories - this may surprise some! IE Is it a Global planned Pandemic? and/or a De-population exercise? - conspiracy theories out there suggest so and many more of them. Who do you trust?


    When the cruise lines open up and they will! They will have those ships clean! They will take extra precautionary steps to sanitize before, during and after! They will screen everyone, take temps etc But do your part too, as some have stated in previous posts. If you feel you are not ready, dont go then, and wait it out longer until you are 100% ready.


    Personally I think cruising will begin back this summer, perhaps at a less than 100% capacity and eventually roll to 100% into 2021. Same with flying, resorts etc.


    Anyway - lets hope we can get back to somewhat of a normalcy in the near future and enjoy some cruising again.



    • Like 3
  13. 18 minutes ago, ticketsunlimited said:

    Good Luck RT.  Your philosophy sounds spot on.  Get to prime, get your free cruise each and go into the casino to grab your drinks a needed.  I am sure you feel my pain being screwed and being only 8 points short on top of it. Its killing me.

    Next cruise explain it all to the Host or Hostess, butter them up, be nice, you know flies > honey, and they im sure will give you your prime status! 👍

    • Like 1
  14. We found one on the Enchantment, on our Early December cruise, and hid it in a good spot, some other we travel with, will be on this ship in a month or 2 and we are giving them hints as to where it may be, and of course it could have been found and relocated, and in that case oh well...

    We have 6  to hide on the Oasis in early May, 4 to hide on the Explorer in mid May and 4 to hide on the Symphony at the end of Nov.

    All in fun!


  15. Great ship, the Nav is a fave, clean, easy to get around, great new additions, Hooked is crazy good!

    Service and food excellent all around the ship. 

    Smallish D Lounge but there were only 80 in total in our 4nter Bahamas cruise.

    Heck Super Mario loves this ship!



  16. There on May 21st, only our ship the Nav OTS, it actually was Perfect, weather, crowds, food, music, drinks, access to apart of the island, cleanliness, beach/ocean, waterpark/slides...

    Took the fam, 2 sons mid 20's and their gf's , they did the slides as my wife and I sat at the beach for 4 or 5 hrs, in n out of the water, Sun then shade etc, they said the slides were awesome! Best time was later in the day before boarding back to ship, about 2 hrs to 1 HR before, no lines! 

    But all in all, was Perfect!

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