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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. @0106 I will! Enjoy the Orioles game too. My late DH was an absolute Orioles nut. His last day where he showed any emotion as he was dying slowly was opening day of the Orioles in 2015. We had it on in his hospital room. He would be so happy so see where the Birds are now.
  2. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily reports Rich. The Constitution is a precious document and kept us free for several hundred years, let's hope we can continue for another hundred at the least. Citizenship is an coveted award for our immigrants that choose to take that path, it always is a proud day for them. Red Pandas are cute but I don't recall seeing one in a zoo. A great quote, a great meal, a new, tasty looking drink and @cat shepard thanks for the DeLoach Chardonnay, always a good value wine. @StLouisCruisers and @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for the beautiful photos of Taormina. Sandy that photo of the cafe would be a place I would like to sit, enjoy a glass of wine and watch the crowds go by. An important day in biology history. Infections were always thought due to vapors or poor air. VanL's discovery is one of the first things we learned in biology. Prayers for all on our care list and the people suffering in the world like Libya and the people of Ukraine. Jacqui, I am glad you still have power or a generator, it looks like power could be off for a while in the areas you shared. So happy there was no significant damage at your home. I got a lot accomplished yesterday so we can goof off and go to the sports book to watch the Raven's Bengals game. It looks like it is going to rain so we won't feel bad goofing off all day. Yesterday while I waited for it to warm up I finalized our HIA dinner reservations for our B2B2B's in January and February. There were already some sold out times in the PG. Canaletto and Tamarind were fine. We got spoiled on the Volendam when we could make a reservation when we didn't like what was in the MDR. Therefore, we have hotel in Fort Lauderdale for New Year's Day and the next day, long term parking is booked and activities done. We will be able to enjoy Christmas at home before beginning our long drive to FL around the 28th. Have a lovely Sunday. Nancy
  3. Our February 23 stop in Key West is also cancelled. We are now going to Nassau and have one less hour in Cozumel. Really not interested in Nassau.
  4. Good morning everyone. I used to like to collect rocks in the old days at the cabin when we were just a bare lot before the gardens took off. Michigan has a lovely variety of rocks, I also collected them to make a couple of dry stack stone walls that didn't survive the frost heave well. Thanks for hte daily reports each day @richwmn. A great quote by Margaret Meade. I will pass on the ersatz scallops and the fruity drink but I like Henshke wines. They make one of the most expensive Aussie wines, Hill of Grace Shiraz. I look forward to photos of Picton. Prayers for those in the path of Lee including @kazu. Prayers for Baby Murphy and her family, @Crabby patty 123 with the loss of your DF, @smitty34877 for you and your DH and @marshhawkwith your eye injury. Prayers for everyone needing them, the flood victims in Libya and the people of Ukraine. It is a beautiful morning here. I will be trying too get all the plants repotted today. My front bed looks pretty good with most of the overgrown plants out of it so it can wait until we return home from Baltimore early next week. We will head to the casino tomorrow to watch the Ravens game. It would be cheaper to pay for the YouTube signal but if it worked like Prime the other night we will not be paying for it, therefore a long lunch at the sports book. Have a lovely day. Nancy
  5. @CrabbyPattiI am so sorry for you and your family in the loss of your dear Father. Sending prayers for you. I am sure he was so grateful for your care of him in his own home.
  6. Good morning everyone. I am thinking of you Jacqui @kazu as you prepare for Hurricane Lee, I hope it is a false alarm but your preparations look good so far. @mamaofami Prayers for Sam this morning. I have to run this morning. I have a hair appointment at 10 and have to drop off our no longer needed AT&T wifi modem first. Then nails, then Walmart. I am really glad I did not sign up for the YouTube NFL season. Last night we couldn't watch John's favorite team, the Vikings, because the Amazon Prime signal was so poor. I am afraid so many people are using the mini Starlink dishes that there isn't enough bandwith for a decent signal. I guess we will go to the casino to watch the Ravens on Sunday. Did anyone else try to watch that game on Prime and have any steaming issues? Have a great Friday! Nancy
  7. Thanks for the daily and fleet reports @richwmn. I wish I could still eat a CF Donut but the sugar really doesn't agree with me. We had a mini crab fest 2 days ago and probably will have crab cakes again on Sunday. I appreciate quiet so it should have its' own day. A great quote by Walt Whitman, Pass on the eggplant dish, pass on the sweet drink but the Elk Cove Pinot Gris looks like a winner. Thanks to @summer slope, @dfish and @cat shepard. We have never been to Tortola and look forward to photos of today's port. Prayers for Lou, Murphy, Sam and everyone else needing them. Prayers for all the people of Ukraine, Maui, Morocco and Libya. Prayers that Lee does not cause any destruction. I have a Zoom call this morning. First time in probably 18 months. It is about our state garden council's scholarships. I have volunteered to deal with NMU and Lake Superior State speaking with their registrars about the parameters for the scholarships. The person in charge of this process is a true procrastinator and I had hoped to have this project done in May. Here we are backed up so I am doing it at a very busy time trying to get our property back in shape after being gone for 3.5 months. Have a great Thursday! Nancy
  8. Good morning everyone! Bon voyage to @Heartgrove, @Mr. Boston and @Lady Hudson! 🍾
  9. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily and fleet report @richwmn. We love peanuts here but to enjoy decent Chinese is a good 10 miles away so not many fortune cookies to enjoy. Sometimes I am superstitious usually when at the casino. Strange quote by Disreali. Shrimp tacos are wonderful, pass on the Zombie and would try the sparkling wine but usually South African wines are not my favorites. Thanks for the photos of Invergordon. Prayers for Terrie and Lou and the rest of their family. Prayers for baby Murphy and her family. Continued prayers for Maui and Ukraine, now with the addition of catastrophes in Morocco and Libya. Prayers for everyone needing them, I have a day of weeding. One member of my garden club is coming to pot the bareroot irises and daylilies. there are about 5 other plants that critically need to be moved to bigger pots too, I can handle the rest on the weekend. Have a lovely day. Nancy
  10. @dobiemom All I can say is Wow! We have had fishing mishaps but mostly the finger variety though John had one impaled deeply in his shin a few years ago.
  11. @cruzn single thanks for sharing your family's 9/11 story. I am so sorry your DH lost his life by helping the first responders and the other personnel working on the pile. I agree it needs to be taught as a long course for our school students as is the story of the Holocaust. Every 9/11 anniversary marks a really dark day for your family as it is for all of us. Thanks again for sharing your personal story.
  12. Good morning everyone. I will try to stay caught up later today. Thanks for the lovely photos of Marrakesh today. I have to unload all the plants out of the truck, then get cleaned up after that and then dentist, Post Office, pharmacy, Tractor Supply and Walmart for some curly parsley for the crab cakes I am making for dinner. A big surprise was two cans of Costco pasteurized crab meat when I opened the garage refrigerator. A perfect change of pace for dinner. Have a lovely day! Nancy
  13. @smitty34877 prayers for everything to get set up soon for Lou. Prayers for you, Lou, Tana and the rest of your family at this time.
  14. We had laundry available on the Volendam in February. We had extremely high river conditions so it probably was not too muddy to treat or very plentiful to purchase ashore. We would have definitely remembered if the casino was closed on the Amazon, it wasn't except in port. You will enjoy that wonderful destination.
  15. We are home finally. All our cold and frozen food stayed fine after the 24 delay. Thanks for all the beautiful photos today from not only the Falklands but other beautiful places. The penguin photos make us really sad we missed Stanley so we will have to try to make it again. Thanks for all the reminisces of 9/11.
  16. Good morning, late for me. Sad day of remembrance for all of us. We still aren't home. Something electronic caused our brakes to fail in a huge traffic jam waiting to get onto the Mackinaw bridge. We limped over thankfully for lower speeds and it opened to 2 lanes on the bridge. No rest stop open so we went slow in the right lane until we hoped to get to a rest area. One closed rest area then the next was close to a city so John got us to a hotel by the highway by crawling, downshifting and the tiny bit of brake. We had it towed and spent the night. We just heard it was repaired and we are waiting for a courtesy pickup. Good news no charge. Back to normal, fingers crossed, for tomorrow.
  17. @sailingdutchy, @bennybear, @Sharon in AZ thank you for the lovely photos of Livorno and beyond.
  18. Thanks @Quartzsite Cruiser, @StLouisCruisers, @Nickelpennyand @Overhead Fred thank you for the lovely photos of Livorno and environs. @smitty34877 Terrie prayers for Lou, you and your family. A difficult time, you are going through so much. @rafinmd Roy I hope you get over your COVID soon and it doesn't linger. We are shutting down the Starlink in a couple of hours. I got a lot done and actually had time to mix a #5 brand rum from Grenada and diet Pepsi and relaxing watching Colorado beat Nebraska. We will roll around 8am tomorrow. My sister gave us bad news Direct TV is not carrying our local NBC affiliate so no Sunday Night Football for us when we get home. I don't know what we will do about that. I definitely don't want to go to a tavern at that hour to watch football. First world problem for sure. Have a lovely Sunday. Nancy
  19. @marshhawk and Chuck, Happy Anniversary! 🍾 @grapau27 goodness it is hot in England too!
  20. Good morning. I like Teddy bears, prefer my brain teasers with words so it's Scrabble. Plenty of weirdos are around. A good quote. I look forward to photos of Liverno. Pass on the meal, the cocktail sounds sweet, I usually don't care for Prosecco instead prefer a dry Spanish Cava. Prayers for all on our Care list. I will wait for Vanessa's compilation. Too tired last evening to look at the Daily. Prayers for Lou, baby Murphy, the earthquake victims in Morocco and the people of Ukraine. We got a lot accomplished yesterday, we finally got sunlight at 11am. Wrapping up raking and loading plants this afternoon. Have a wonderful Saturday. Nancy
  21. @smitty34877 prayers for Lou and for strength for you. 🙏
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