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Everything posted by ace2542

  1. That is the biggest load of poop I have never heard in my life no pun intended. Surely it would only take ONE covid positive person visiting the bathroom to contaminate the sewage of the whole ship with Covid?
  2. I found an image of a CVS test on google and no passport number is mentioned though the name would have to be name as it appears on the passport so middle name would have to be included. We will not be claiming against insurance for our tests. I don't think we can claim. I actually never thought about it.
  3. I have been looking online and it doesn't seem like their test results show passport number. But there is one at the Corner of 34th and 8th right by Penn Station. Perfect for us. Any thoughts would be welcome. Thanks guys.
  4. They are not even that fussy about the testing. My experiene is of NCL. I did not fake our tests but they had no way of known the English tests where genuine. Then again I suppose that sort of thing would be very hard to check upon with european GDPR regulations and time difference.
  5. Maybe you should have snitched on the people on the roll if being positive was discussed whilst onboard the ship. I can't believe the onboard meetup was not contact traced
  6. Could they refuse to allow you to leave at a port that did not require a negative test to enter or a port? You can't get off the ship without the keycard being swiped and I think if you forced the issue a life ban and possible criminal charges and or deportation from the country of docking might follow?
  7. If you want to leave I doubt they could keep you? Might give you a life ban for refusing the quarantine but you would be off the ship?
  8. Perhaps the Symphony has not supplied "accurate results" to the CDC?
  9. Question. Did they (Royal or the cruise director/hotel manager I suppose) allow the show team(s) to mix with the passengers in whatever bar? Like the Music Hall or Viking Crown lounge or Schooner bar for example. Mixing without wearing their masks I presume?. Or was that allowed on the previous cruise? Time to fine Royal millions for the mishandling of this outbreak. They will soon clean up their act.
  10. I think the hardline internet - the interrnet in the computer room is maybe circa the days of maybe early broadband going back to maybe 2004 as a state of comparision. Back in 2004 download speeds where 90k a second and we though it was great. Has anyone actually tried to download anything on the cunard internet not stream something but download a big file like a 400 meg movie. Does it take 5 minutes for 2 hours?
  11. There weren't fleets of cruise ships during the 1918 outbreak where there?
  12. Apparently they don't want to you eat before the test at least an hour or two before the test. That is what Randox said to us when we tested.
  13. They should not have been allowed to board either. They could have created a new flu/covid combined virus from the spread of both virus at the same time. A new virus that would sweep the world and kill millions. And they should mandate flu vaccines and testing. I wonder how many working days where lost to staff because of flu.
  14. Everyone here assumes the cruise industry was meant to survive this? Perhaps it wasn't meant to?
  15. I thought testing wasn't required for the USA anymore? And if you accidentally check the box that you are U.S citizen it is a lifetime ban with no appeal possible and on that small i phone it could be a mistake you could make. A real faff.
  16. Haven't the BA strikes been called off? I thought they accepted an upgraded pay offer? Are they still cancelling despite that pay offer?
  17. But the cruise lines won't refund you forever. They can't afford to Not possible to test for noro without a proper lab so far as I know.
  18. The output will pick up very quickly. These could be used every day or twice a day even and would also make testing impossible to fake short of bribing the staff member. So the CDC can with these devices continue their Covid policy forever.
  19. Unless you get the correct amount of people to do the tests? And this Covid breath test can be used forever in the same way the cops use them.
  20. What about forever as this Covid will never go away and will rip through cruise ships every cruise infecting countless hundreds of passengers the majority of whom never come forward to be testing thereby spreading the infection around the world. Or the lines could just scrap tests and accept that is here and that it rip through every ship forever but the CDC will never accept that even if the lines would.
  21. I was on NCL out Seattle back in May 21st to 28th. We did the test in UK and was negative. We had paper prints out as we don't have I Phone. The NCL check in staff just looked at the pieces of paper reading the dates the negative result and passport numbers if they even read those and accepted them. They did not scan the QR code? Why did they not scan it?
  22. How about answering mine then? Because if paper tests can be forged by just sitting infront of a computer for 20 minutes and those forged tests be accepted routinely then surely the only way forward is either scrap the tests as no check of authencity renders them meaningless? Or test at the pier as testing at the pier by staff is probably the only secure way?
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