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Everything posted by ace2542

  1. It could be impossible for some people to test at such short notice most have tested 2 or however many days prior.
  2. That good to hear btw the Dominion hotel is the one from the Sliders tv series back in the 90s when they filmed it Vancouver. Though a lot of the cruise at least the agencies seem to use the Georgian Court or so I have been told
  3. You will be able to cruise without worrying about catching it again. That is a bonus.
  4. So off to one of the isolation floors (5 in our case) for remainder of cruise and then balance of Canadian 10 day quarantine in a hotel of the Governments choice So far assistance from all Cunard staff has been great-they have confirmed that we embark last on Friday; they will transport us to hotel and then at the end sort out our flights (was booked via Cunard) then transport us to the airport Britannia menu supplied and anything else you want call room service etc. Think they must be struggling as room service seems really slow. Only (major) criticism is the various paperwork we were given basically said they would investigate our ship movements to ascertain any close contact we have had. So far we have been asked nothing. And a slight annoyance - bit silly to tell me “$100USD per day allowance in hotel for food etc” so pointed out that we are staying in Canada so whats that in $USD and reply was “oh don't know that” So spent the last 2.5 years eating in; masking up; taking care and was covid free. Now catching it on board I guess shows how easily spread and contagious it is as like I said I had double mask (one n95 certified and the other claims to be N95). So making the best of it as sure the Vancouver hotel wont be to the same standards! Who will pay for your hotel quarantine and the altered flight home? Perhaps they will put you in the Dominion Hotel if is still open.
  5. No reason they couldn't bring a DVD player onboard with them? They are not that big.
  6. Don't you have car rental firms with whom you can rent a car in one city and leave it another like Enteprise or whatever?
  7. I wouldn't attempt to stream anything onboard using their wifi connection or whatever it is not the best so streaming might not work the way you hoped it would. And also being based out of UK you may find some streaming sites are blocked due to UK court orders.
  8. Probably is though they are all digitally beamed into the ship not ran off hard drives so the quality is up in the air which is sad. Though Cunard seems to get better quality than other lines.
  9. And consider a higher death toll than 9/11 if they could actually sink a cruise ship and such a trap might be the only way they could do it. Consider if did happen it would be the end of the industry as we know it. Lets pray to god it never does.
  10. If you wanted older movies. You could always download them onto a laptop maybe? Which you could probably plug into the TV?
  11. Of course not. But if anything did ever happen I would sue the cruise line for falling into the blatant trap. I doubt they could sink a cruise ship with a fire ship but they could do damage and disable it and I think damage would be enough for them to claim a victory cost the lines millions and send the industry into chaos.
  12. Why did you not get off the ship in Hamburg or could you not get off the ship after the positive test?
  13. Or attach it to the bottom of the hull with a diver while the "rescue is taking place". A decent size device would put a hole in the hull no? How about not stopping to find out.
  14. RPG's is perhaps a bit far fetched. But you can't escape the fact it could be anyone on a boat that claims to be in distress and that an a attack or serious attempt would possibly finished the cruise industry.
  15. Where you able to access your cabin straight away? Or did you have to wait till after they opened up at 2pm.
  16. I have never seen a movie breakup in the illuminations yet on the TV's they do? I always thought they were beamed in for the TV not ran off a computer hard drive or DVD?
  17. Probably how much power it would take to open and close likely thousands of kwh. It apparently takes 30k kwh to open and close the roof of an english soccer stadium which is why they sometimes don't do it.
  18. Unless being shown in the illlumations all the the movies are digital being beamed into the ship not played through hard drives onboard the ship or DVD systems so the quality is not the best
  19. No they should stay with the ship till coastguard or navy arrive but not send any personnel over nor allow anyone to board the cruise ship in case they are not who they claim to be. Don't make it easy for them. The industry would not survive the sinking of a cruise ship imo
  20. "Cunard ship sank by terrorists thousands dead" "Cunard line near bankrupt after terror strike!" "CLIA calls for cruise ship be armed with anti ship missles after terror strike" - a thing which would never be allowed -. And last but not least. "SAS commander vows to slaughter Wagner Group killers as QV hostage siege continues" How about those headlines.
  21. And what if it had been members of the wagner group in the first attack in Europe or ISIS and it was a trap there was 8 of them onboard 7 with RPG's who once the ship stops open fire at the stationary target destroying the bridge first disabling the ship and killing the bridge crew then lifeboats. Then ramming the ship with their ship full of explosives potentially sinking it? Or they overwhelm QV rescue team board the ship take the entire ship hostage and making demands against Ukraine war? Either way lets not make it easy from them?
  22. What do you mean you tested positive at the begining of the cruise? Did you test positive when the ship was still in port or the first night or day after it had sailed?
  23. The Flam port is still on the books for Sept 4th to 11th sailing as of right now.
  24. Isn't the captain putting the ship, the crew and even the future of cruise industry in danger by coming to rescue a ship which could be anyone. What if they are terrorists and it is some kind of trap? That is a genuine question to which I would like a response not a trolling post.
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