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Posts posted by caroher

  1. 1c5869f7c60afc0aa5506f8f343874fd.jpg close up of plant or flower of some kind and then7b3a723520629446d96e2cd8d875d255.jpg a fly....the most beautiful fly I've ever seen! Here even the flys are special

    4f81d93912c9777f40576184a496d747.jpg another smaller tree house

    7123ea32e81711f179639e6eb92fa56a.jpg quiet area

    741e5951d10db0153704de64366dca7c.jpg in this little area the water was actually very clear you could see the fish through the waterhttps://vimeo.com/197794792 I must of really liked this particular area...here's another video from there9fa6abf946fdef3880a35c1a744800ac.jpg last picture from here....next the zoo area



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  2. I'm still walking around exploring different little areas of the island.

    fe4c2ed91af42b7ebd080ea6f33e7706.jpg here is another beach that no one was at....I called it the king beach806ecb8ce525a450ed070faefd899ec9.jpg because of this guy

    d3f3a3c37b90079c25e31a62561ea62c.jpg so awesome to see the king of the 7 seas Tritan.....earlier we had seen his daughter the Little Mermaid....I'm a Disney fan...what can I say!bfbb09f0385598eef72ee924249ecd15.jpg I really wanted to sit in one of those, maybe next time!




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  3. Really enjoying reading your review on New Years Eve here...Midnight here in below freezing country and people still doing fireworks out there...lol..Happy New Years and thanks for the great review...I can not believe they had that nice lamb with mint jelly... and they had the perfect ship, excursions, and cabin for you...thanks so much for sharing...I keep the dream alive and really go in these cruises with folks who appreciate then so,,thanks so much for sharing...love your sprarkly tie necklace too and your sweet family.



    Honored that you spent your New Years reading my humble review.....thank you for that and your very kind words. Can you believe I got that tie necklace at a garage sale for one dollar! Heck of a deal I'd say!



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  4. Hi everyone! I'm starting my vacation planning for late November 2017 or early 2018. I've been to WDW twice, once with my husband and once with my husband and 4 year old daughter.....it's been 8 years. First time a used the local TA and second time I did all the planning online....this time around my little sister and her two boys ages 4 and 7 will be coming and will be the first time. I'm thinking we want to do a land and sea. Where do I start? Can we add airfare and transfers to the packages? Anyone done this before? What is my best options? TA or thru Disney or Myself? Thanks!!



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  5. In further investigation I decided to go in search of coral but not your regular way (snorkeling) but by just looking at the wall. It is made by coral just not living coral.2f0d2651c2ba581f5991206f8bd041fd.jpg61f1e8a84bca8e61e33dd544b10c7b69.jpg3fdfab7b7cebcf00b3c8a47645553bf8.jpg

    Later in the day I did want to go snorkeling but something weird happened....I went to the snorkel rent place and asked the guy for some snorkel gear but he just kind of rudely asked me if I had seen how murky the water was and that I wouldn't be able to see anything anyway and then I just told him it was for my daughter and she just wanted to wear one for a while and so he instructed his coworker to give one to me but I felt like he didn't want me to have one...weird! And then I gave it to Nat and right away it starts raining so she sat it down on our chair and next thing you know it's gone, like we didn't see it again...weird! Anyway I was glad I still got to see some corals02419486d1a0ce6733e2e06fc47018ac.jpg41ac6a61493503b3faaef8a3ae0ebd6f.jpg close up of coral wall7d1e7278a1ead15f1819d005dbcc91a2.jpg



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  6. 7dba42aec2ea63a3fd81d0a572e27d88.jpg selfie with a view

    98b8ba9b23ba4b88dde1222d8bfe0e3b.jpg restaurant sitting area

    a913969988395e0cea82dce2bfc58216.jpg someone's out there...there i go23628dcd60ae6ec5b39bb5b43260caba.jpg beautiful girl out by the sea. Why don't any of these people have clothes on? I think the status are French and they like to paint and sculpt naked people....it's all good to me. They are great!0d6e913ceed3d1fff5b3acf6de6797ce.jpg looking out

    https://vimeo.com/196912551 short video of the area




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  7. fde447d0c56956dbdbf11a0beb4339ab.jpg Nat stayed in the water until the hard rain forced her out but I had to get out and explore....this time for real....I had to beat the rain. I knew it was coming and good thing I did.d8450b4304637dc7b1198fb25bcbb567.jpg walking out towards the main house18165ddf67166cac2ad581e15f7fecf9.jpg loved the mermaid....one of my favorite statues

    6c4407d964523f0c819122041036b88c.jpg isn't she beautiful?

    882f812ad857edea3fbd8645d79649fc.jpg at her feet I saw a little of the clear water but I don't believe you could swim here. In all fairness, I did meet a family that had been there earlier this year and said the water was so clear you could see straight thru....it's just the recent storm making the waters murky now. Hopefully our next visit here I'll be able to enjoy that! b60213f5e5bb6596d088fea7962a7202.jpg I never saw anybody over her, but I loved this private beach.



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  8. Now I would like to share a lot of pictures I took at Little French Key.....I really liked this island. I walked around and just snapped at anything that caught my eye.3865a349e7738108dde58bc9b56091a8.jpg5962da50664ecf61b9fc6f9fd480cfa4.jpg the view was a little dark because of the impending storms but still very peaceful

    153008a4e1cec22bf12ff7cde3d2acb7.jpg I never saw anyone here but I figured it was a good sunbathing area because the water looked like it had a lot of grass in it.

    1f3aa209a21bd6d2dcb5a33d809c004a.jpg I look thru the water in this area

    427a7eceef1ae558ba355202f3704e3d.jpg bar and hanging out place6d336c244c968027edae76191979ec66.jpg some sitting




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  9. Nice review and pics! I was on the Breeze in 2013 and will sail again in May 2017. Always like hearing what others have to say about it. I loved it! Thanks for taking the time to review! Can't wait to read the rest!:rolleyes:



    Thank you and yes I also loved the Breeze! And I bet the second time around will be even better! Have fun and make memories!



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  10. We were given a small tour and we choose an area in front on the bar and food area. I knew that sooner or later the rain would hit us so I decided to do a walk around and explode a little, M sat down in front of the water and Nat went in the water of course.9e697be55623d4474a519dca3eedcfd7.jpg palm trees!!!

    8dfc422d27e174b336f0009e2f38c6dc.jpg playing follow the leader, at least we didn't have to be single file

    a817af4b0088c196f106b27b9027951e.jpg I loved this little private beach area....good for those that want to nap and quiet time away from the noise

    9e79938c9ad8698d82e085ece4c6467a.jpg kayaks, I wanted to get one but I'm to scared that it would turn over and me not being able to swim it just would be good...better safe than sorry

    70ff585707eb419f03ec22aba5d0423a.jpg a funny looking fruit of some sort. My aunt said it's called a NoNi which is a kind of bitter fruit that is mixed with others and supposed to be good for the blood. I don't know I just thought it looked weird and kind of resembled a cactus pear but we didn't see a cactus anywhere.ec8715ae44102a2c6df2a36abfb20592.jpg some dining area



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  11. The ride over was nice and smooth


    3fe821c7afc940cb2a0218274a963406.jpg beautiful views

    4ab1aa0256cbc98054b27e798ab97bc9.jpg one of the docks...I believe they are constructing another one with a nice large walkway.fd42645beb00837897780f8af2af546e.jpg main entrance

    2e9ee669a84b54d75da38d20fc09eca6.jpg first thing I looked for was the jaguar and lion enclosures but nothing. The guide said they had been moved to the main island because of all the strong storm that have come thru.

    40debcd70c2bf2afc57973ba33a64ee1.jpg but there were other animals

    56bde8b0c9c302eae3fe9f5ebb7d9f54.jpg the main house, I think




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  12. Continuing on the review we finally were able to get on the little transporting boat to the Little French Key island.


    Nat showed me her boo boo

    18763225ad3036280c33dcad477af0e4.jpg not to bad....I couldn't tell with all the crying going on.

    Sitting there waiting for the rest of the group I just started snapping pictures of things around us0abfe8c046da768899ec4549fad28000.jpg name of the bar

    091d9ada5d6ac0552fa334696813b752.jpg bunch of old run down smaller boats....I didn't know if they worked or not

    2ba8258472aa0f9e3783c166aa738baa.jpg sail boat

    a52dd191ce816bf231b43446559c2e0f.jpg see the rain in the distance....we would get hit pretty hard by it later on, but it's looks neat



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