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Posts posted by caroher

  1. So we pay and receive our food and drinks tickets and bracelets and are told to sit and wait for the next little boat to be ready

    b93e79eebab6532531410041e9edd91a.jpg bar area

    5466363919b410c3b1f6feca01d540d4.jpg first statue of the day. This place is full of them

    73b2314b8cabecacb84d6324c68d5afe.jpg passenger boat that takes you over to the Little French Key island

    c18bd31ec50b020608e39471b9c13e61.jpg roof (I think it's cool)

    91d4bd34fd096d28a4fbf8499e211090.jpg Destination: Paradise kinda

    9a97d8b95d4a9b3aae461def842beef8.jpg do you see what I see....rain...lots of it!!



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  2. Now this is where the trip started going downhill....remember that we had pushed Nat to go up the Mayan temple/pyramid and remember how I said she didn't want to....well today her leg was really hurting and she didn't want to walk and so she kept getting behind. We found the guys from Little French Key (you can't miss them...they have signs and all wear the same colored shirt, and they are super nice). He told us to follow him into a van he was filling up....well the night before had rained pretty bad and there was a lot of mud. I turned around and told Nat to be careful and try not to step on the slippery mud (like any good mom would) and right at that moment she slipped on the mud and fell on her right side. I ran and helped her up but the damage was done. Her whole right side was all muddy and her knee was bleeding from a small scrape and she was crying. Badly! We helped her up to the van and they gave me some water to wash and clean her up a little. She kept crying! They gave my a clean towel to try to dry her up also. She kept crying. And now her leg hurt even more! Needless to say I have no pictures of all this drama. I comforted her as much as I could then the van came to a sudden stop. Why? You ask. Sheep....a lot of sheep.9eb7404e8122e5288a3dd5e4e9603a13.jpg19a9046db325ba7b5dcfab8be4e9c4b9.jpg

    I have stopped for cows, dogs, even ducks before but first time for sheep. Nat thought that was neat.

    We got to the payment area, which is a restaurant bar area. And we were in line when the rain came.....c6aa5a34793baaf6adcfd5d2573510ca.jpg98207a978033a62667d1b8761f7362a9.jpg57d0d83948d5f68249212b9da147fbca.jpg standing in line to pay3d5026988e29e3be3ebf8be066efa372.jpg mangrove I think



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  3. All we knew is that we would have to walk all the way across the port thru the taxi area up the hill and then down the hill towards the end of the road. I was concerned because I really didn't know what I was doing or where I was going so we asked a taxi guy and he offered to take us all the way to the paying center for $10 each...I kept on walking ce659ca5eb9c472d1cd80ecf2ae1f254.jpg3f9c46968ec10a1a450e13a88987156e.jpg411634629473685873aea8a7b7dac2c0.jpg very clean and pretty with many rest areas and flowers and palm trees...yay!81a58ec557f2d10f38318ab9d15d01c4.jpgf1e056dff941d13b2bdf998fcb830eee.jpgb502a531813768bb79e4749716fa1e1e.jpg picture of the island of Roatan



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  4. Back to my review.....it's Roatan, Honduras day!!!


    I knew exactly what I wanted to do here. Thanks to some of the really good reviews on this site I knew if I ever had a chance to come here I would go to Little French Key!!!

    We were so excited! I researched the web site, drooled over countless pictures online and even hipped up M about the beautiful beaches and crystal clear waters plus all the other inclusive things like the drinks, food, zoo, and snorkeling.


    So we woke up early and ordered room service for breakfast. It was delivered promptly at 7:30 as asked. We had the usual cereal and bagels.

    It looked like a wonderful morning 7f05c47a9ad3cc9cc5e1970087e71601.jpg2531453640873e893292dc2e0b7fb35a.jpg0f96c398681234ea1d3b52104c484d0a.jpg2f8c31eae323234957c382a344616995.jpg

    The port is Mahogany Bay and it is beautiful

    This is the walk way up to the port side which is filled with shops and restaurants and bars also another walk way to a free beach.....maybe next time.12577164134331f4b7b8b6fcd7b89fa0.jpg4f2f23c92223781dd531f9d0da559c68.jpg



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  5. Congrats he is absolutely perfect and so adorable!!!!


    I'm sorry about your family member passing away it's never easy even when you have time to prepare for it. My grandfather at 92 back in April was put into hospice, he passed away after 5 days but he had 3 good days with almost the entire family with him, even was able to meet my 6 month old son for the first time.



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    Thank you for your kind words on my nephew and yes my family member did have some really good days right before she passes....even laughed and told stories so I'm glad she went peacefully and no longer in pain. Thank you for your story and sorry about your grandfather!



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  6. After the show, we headed out to atrium to listen to the the country duo. I loved them even though the girl was a little under the weather with a cold or something, they still sounded amazing. I really enjoyed listening to them many times98008dc1c1cabc772a87072b3227f166.jpg their name was Y2Kountry with two bad apples

    After sitting there and listeningNat decided to go back to the cabin and get ready for bed and I wanted to go dancing at the night club. All the while I forgot to tell you that the boat was really a rocking and we were in the middle of the storm. We went in the nightclub while everyone else were heading out. Turns out the club was flooded with a leak from the storm or something but what I didn't understand is the club in on the 5th deck....so how was the water getting in?148c36f42fd55cefb01e365b2e5cffe3.jpg3333f01c93d2f7081573e78bff3d4b4b.jpg this would be the only time we stepped in the club just to step out with the bottom of my dress all wet. But it was an nice looking place.

    Walking towards our cabin we always passed by some of the art for sale....here are some of my favorites a3a990ee17725a9614b934aa0f359094.jpg0965e6aeaa780bc910cb975f6f46df2a.jpg I don't know if I'm breaking some kind of copyright law in sharing these photos but please don't tell on me....Good night for now86bc4d3899dd97c2ae82dc16e5cb29ac.jpg froggy kind of night



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  7. Last but not least desserts

    I had the chocolate samplere6d6ef909dedc8c4472fe83530c9d532.jpg

    Here's a short video of it....my favorite was the banana ice cream and white chocolate one on the endhttps://vimeo.com/195393937

    M is a big cheesecake.....eater, so he loved the New York cheesecake and even let me try a bite.5e385559e7307c3ecd0e91af1b1ea2f2.jpg03f2534cc9e5703acd801f7b53036c40.jpg picture of my martini but I can't remember the name of it

    All in all it was one of my favorite meals of all time. The service was excellent and we were very well taken care of. Everything was delicious and everyone was so helpful and attentive.


    Next we went to the main theater for the 88 keys show.....I really liked this show a lot. It had movement and lights and dancing and music but wait don't all the shows but this one all with different pianos96473c4bdb247e3000fb6d88417606f9.jpg9cfc8c95c15d87d16a8aa7d684d9ba36.jpge82b9e743deac83e70bd9c5ba048e054.jpg

    Can you tell I also like piano music and piano players. Secretly I would love to learn to play the piano....one day.



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  8. Now for my appetizer I opted for escargot. I've always wanted to try it but just the thought of the little animal in the shell that it once was just made me not want it anymore until today. I convinced myself that they are dead and cooked in garlic and butter with pastry and well went for it989a9edf61999fb6ad179964db4940b5.jpg. It was different but really very delicious!!!! I will definitely have that again!

    M and Nat had crab cakes 3b8dab0946ef0320c36974eaef038afe.jpg I also had one.....plenty of crab meat and a little cake mixed together....really good!6fcabd65a69168f49f9a172a3b82dd73.jpg M also had shrimp cocktail

    Next the main entrees.....steak

    50c87d882b593d91b8ae636427009682.jpg the biggest piece of meat I have ever had....I couldn't finish it....I tried, believe me I tried.8749e89d16562af8e2d201eaf84658eb.jpg this is Nat's first surf and turf and she didn't share!f6d09e2cfeaaafe91d439c3fe5984e32.jpg my sides



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  9. Again a BIG thank you to all that are following. I read all your comments and really appreciate all your words!

    Quick update....I took my newborn Nephew Max his first pictures

    Here's a sneak peek 89138ba1340a167fd181834203df5d1a.jpg

    I'm a pretty proud auntie!!!!


    On a very sad note my family member that went into hospice has passed now, but we knew that was going to happen and know she is no longer suffering [emoji26]



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  10. Afterwards we went down to the atrium for drinks....if it was up to M, he would sit here all day and be content, but I won't let him because guess what tonight is steakhouses restaurant night and also we are dressing up!!! 16e4be6ec7d53b11c00becdddff2f1bc.jpg

    Some more pictures of the atrium area4db759c9395a9be189e34384a8e144c5.jpg

    The staircase 9dee27fc12ccd15fa1250092a2596b8b.jpg

    Bar areae0cba53d34c5aa485120ab6cd032ebd5.jpg

    Glass elevators3e4b90ace6f2a22f1f7d652dc56282de.jpg

    Back up to the cabin to get ready.....what fun!!!



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  11. We did some more shopping....all these souvenirs and Nat could not make up her mind!f4c8195ea95e53fadcb3cc0ee64af1e5.jpg

    f488258192fe2786b9585c3956130fb7.jpg finally she decided on a little notebook and pen 9388d3b0675d1a77d271761e5984cadc.jpgback on the tender boat going back home, back to the Breeze.5b7a85aa22eb871c7c6e53107616e530.jpgf9296e3845f16623a8c50343e95b6f31.jpg our ride back was in the bottom of the boat. I was not happy because my view was severely obstructed. Finally made it back to the cabin and decided to watch other tenders come inb9c7386d6f7e97443cb7d492f01efa2e.jpg



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  12. We are not A very active family....but I love an adventure. I decided everyone would climb at least the biggest pyramids just for fun. After a few arm twisting and wining and pulling....everyone made it up 5be1a5d31dd1477c91b240a63e4d4dbf.jpg the familia


    The entrance....it looked like a hill but I think there is stone under the green

    b5ceba0110767df82332ddd70ca5a62e.jpg first sight



    Looking out from the smaller pyramid




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  13. We arrive at the Temple area. Veronica explained that a farmer was digging in his land one day because he wanted to plant something but hit a stone wall, so he decided to pull the stones up but then he noticed that they kind of fit together to perfectly so maybe it was something bigger and boy was it ever! It was an Mayan temple!!!4e22b4e47ebeb4e26a0e25fa5bd601f5.jpg this is what he had found!!!!

    2984c325dee976827b0b1caaf3de2e2c.jpg Altun Hu....Stone water

    They found this huge jade stone similar to the one in the picture....just imagine having to wear a headpiece with that baby on it! I woulde90fec0cb7fda25d6e154ebd80b418d2.jpga1cdf3a590c20e5cad4338c2007f690c.jpgthis is our guide Veronica, her team all wear bright Hawaiian or tropical shirts and they do different tours all around Belize. She says her favorite is the cave tubing, so I know what im doing next time!61d29f97c315834438f46376a0351826.jpg the wall I was talking about in the beginning. They actually had to rebuild it and add on to it so you can see the difference in the picture. A lot of the temples outer walls have been restored somehow or other, plus all the tourist touching, climbing, and taking rocks from the walls doesn't help, yes I took one toofdb52b9b1c90eeb71429ed4c14edc3c0.jpg



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  14. On our ride our guide explained different facts about the country and we enjoyed hearing about them.7ca4360aa5ceaa8f97f88905077e31c2.jpg

    On this turnaround there was a couple...a girl dressed like a slave or something and I pirate and they wound pose so you could take pictures but the asked for tip but how would we give them the money if we were riding around the turnaround. I was a little confused but I still took the picture.cc83e18c1f9dafb9102a0d324a687274.jpg she told us about all the construction going on especially around the river area. I noticed a lot of women holding construction sign in construction vest and had hats but in dresses! Just new to me , that's all.724c98d8e91cd2ff5a218ed95430f72d.jpg5c96d77986e07afc77bfe4422f80df90.jpgddcf4653b6182a25f8199a2bcd1fbb7b.jpg

    She also showed us some Belizan money, but US dollars are acceptable almost anywhere 61073fc244919e0285912a32d29c3c11.jpg



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  15. The ride over to the main lad was nice and breezy. It has not gotten to hot yet just humid....later we would get a short and furious rain shower, but then just humidity.20807cbda5643699eb612a612afd800d.jpgec36b17e4c2247a9ba4009fce3d329bd.jpg

    Short video of the ridehttps://vimeo.com/194760468410d4fd98f5213804c869393cafcad2f.jpg land

    7e8bd50cfd0b605d12a112841f670d5d.jpg02449d83ca60bb6f2a7362dea0de0fc4.jpg getting to the port. Once there you enter a grand maze of shops, tour people and restaurants. I wondered how I would find my tour guide Veronica since we really only said ok see you there but all of a sudden she said my name and follow me. Ok, we followed her and boy was I glad because I would probably still be looking for her now. It was so packed!!! She said we had about 45 minutes till our tour left, so we shopped. I got some stuff for my mom and other souvenirs.803305dd738c83004b4fa1b1b3778f58.jpg



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  16. Belize, I've always wanted to go to Belize. I remember as a child going on a plane and flying over Belize and seeing the crystal clear water and everyone that boarded the plane from there were always so happy and bronzed. I was so excited to research excursions here, so a friend went on a private tour with BelizeTours and she really enjoyed it so I contacted them and soon I was booked and paid for a tour of the city and Mayan Temple. I decided not to do a beach here since the other ports were beach days.

    Good morning Belize93ebbfaf7244ade40bf949d7922616fa.jpg

    I believe the Glory and Magic were already waiting for us14f9f1da3072df4114157f1003ac36d4.jpg

    We 4ebfc40bec52ea08debb1f4bc9e3dc64.jpg I was so excited that I took an elevator selfie!!! We went ahead and had the regular lido breakfast full of whatever we wanted and an omelet. And then off to get our ticket for the tenders. This is my first time using tendering to the port.7133e0463937b8b6c5aac99167508e0c.jpg waiting for our turn to board the tender boat. Notice the carnival water bottle carrier in the back, we'll I purchased one and was really happy that they remind you that you will need water and something to carry it in., but when they called our ticket number, I totally forgot it there on the table. Hopefully whoever picked it up really enjoyed that cold water and it's carrier!!!69d6272022835d06d9a56a29662b181f.jpg we got on and I opted for the top and was so glad I did. Clear views and the Breeze was wonderful.f2c76bdccb92e9bd275335ab0fc798be.jpgthese tenders really do hold a lot of people!



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