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Posts posted by caroher

  1. Then it was lunch time so we went looki for Nat and found her like this

    bf81a2746e0a1ce1579887ddd0409d67.jpg si we told her it was Pizza for lunch and off we went. The pizza is really good and always had a line waiting. They probably need more than two making them.dcd32c3317b781fa9207cb5b1cdb01b9.jpgdcac0e44b058b07a173f5412c9865f0c.jpg


    Pizza makes everything better!


    After lunch walked some more87238f50506898e1703c83739cb5bf97.jpg

    Afterwards we started to get tired so back to the cabin for a nice cozy nap[emoji99]


    Tonight is elegant night!!!



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  2. After breakfast Nat said she was feeling a little dizzy so she went back to the room to lay down and M and I went for a walk.

    b5187a3e60354ec29d29321bb372171e.jpgshe likes Batman!

    We went to check out Serenity for adults only area. This place has cushion loungers and hammock. It wraps around the front and also has a bar and hot tub or two. 36304a3f7b51032a614c246c0ef730a6.jpg

    We walked in and it was windy, really windy!!! We saw that there was a hammock but an elderly couple were in it. Suddenly the man decided he wanted to swing his lovely wife on the hammock but instead she fell right off onto her back and hit her head.....I was really worried and wanted to run over and see if she needed any help but then she moved and got up slowly.....I bet he had a lot of making up to do the rest of cruise! Poor lady!!!361598e64411a709373af95c7ec5897e.jpg


    M trying to swing on hammock

    1179d5b8b3dc096dc5858bb0044d44f5.jpg M almost falling off the hammock

    aa3a09700581764b04c0cf32f2a767e6.jpg Us at the Serenity



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  3. Thank you all so much for following.....I really didn't think anyone would be interested but so glad you all área de I appreciate all your comments!!!![emoji8][emoji8]


    DAY 2 -- Fun Day at Sea


    Good morning somewhere in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico 2e8a9bc39ccbf53a101e614fb909a995.jpg

    Actually this is where we are at9e2462fa29cdc09961c1827d8413152f.jpg

    Thanking God for every wonderful day of life but especially this one because I'm on my cruise and healthy of course!38e847a102f0ff4426062401ae33cea7.jpg


    Breakfast at the lido....M is not a buffet person at all when we are home but on the Breeze he really liked it especially the made to order omelettes....he didn't care to wait in line for a while and he is not a patient person.3bcf6340462705fbab92d8f90adba77c.jpg023583463445c4d10738d9d783c27409.jpg very good selections

    3540b6fce4db34da52a44c9b3367a879.jpg. It was all good but I really would have liked toasted and hot bread options because the bagels and toasts were kinda stale from sitting out I guess.



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  4. Before the show we played some Bingo....got one number away from winning the jackpot of course!3da183cbb1efa10efbebc0e403f8503a.jpg

    Mommy/Daughter selfie!16d6c049f53d6b83c7dd7f5d48487e98.jpg

    Show time!! The shows were pretty good! The dancing and singing at the same time probably took a toll on the performers but they did their best.



    Next was bedtime, we found a cute towel animal...I think it's a dog




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  5. We had a drink and walked over to the atrium and sat down at some of the bar seats around the stair case b098ccb3784fb1291b304dc148b92d0d.jpg

    e5f56f657b46eea4b2887daa36d19119.jpg we sat and listened to the Bold Bass Sounds band. My daughter plays the trombone so that was interesting for her. Then of course she wanted Candy!!!17de5676f45870baef12dab4e04ee340.jpg

    M just wanted to sit and chill


    Cherry on Top is such as addictive place! Especially for a child and a diabetic like myself!!! Just pictures for me and gummy worms for Nat851033224adf822e2302bf19cf389086.jpgc73426f698e799658d696b803afb3423.jpg Elevators



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  6. Got our burgers and decided that was just not enough so we went inside the buffet to get dessert. But surprisingly I did not take a picture! So we walked around the ship a little.e9d08270f86010c0e193a5b5c56683fd.jpgmain pool and water slides...this was the place to be!!

    093dab715715dc52e1f38c3fe01eeda3.jpg aft pool, we went there just for the pizza, I don't know why but this cruise nobody in my family wanted to get in the pools, or do the water park or even a hot tub, not even once. I was very disappointed but Nat was very clingy during this cruise. She didn't want to go to the kids club even after talking about it for more than 3 months knowing that she was finally going into Club O and not with the little kids club in Circle C. Plus no pool time or Waterworks for her....just weird. I guess she was was just off a little. Maybe next year.


    Muster time came around before we knew it. We had muster station C4 in the conference room. We were herded into the back and I stated feeling wheezy and nauseas, I think I just got overheated and excused myself before everyone saw my lunch....I just needed some cold water on my face and then went back in. It felt like it took forever.


    Afterward I really wanted to go to the sail away party but my family felt tired and decided to go back to the cabin where we met our steward lady. She was super sweet, and always helpful. We asked for an extension for M's C-Pap machine and ice. She said Hi to us everyday and knew us all by name. Then this happened c2ba3b51f9d4cd2db67686b19399768d.jpg

    I think we took a nap

    Then stated getting ready for dinner

    M does not like to dress up for dinner so decided the buffet was it for tonight.


    This is me! Oh yeah, since I'm the one that takes the pictures in the family....you'll see a lot of selfies....sorry!

    Before going to Buffet stopped at Taste Table. They had Bonsi and it was delicious!5d5e2b6191f2d98d3ec6c6903312590a.jpgf37e8871062e7718ea7209fdc7fcf940.jpg





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  7. 54441f6cfd867f5677403cc3c0bc1c1d.jpg

    Heavy door which I have no idea when it's used, probably in high storm surges and stuff since we are on the second deck.


    Looking out into the water we noticed a family of dolphins, maybe mother and baby out practicing their swimming I guess https://vimeo.com/192291766

    fc6ea0de0fdb394d00ea66d1a8f22dc4.jpgnot the best pictures because they wouldn't stay still for a good one


    Turning our back to the view, let's get some pics of the roomee41f15eeccf6b23dba3564cbedbff54.jpge486f5d743fc010057cd7351b24c1b0a.jpgc4633aa4cc9ea09c8eaf1d3fd9f68c17.jpg very comfortable and I slept like a baby!!




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  8. Cool! So happy that others are actually following!


    The Breeze is really beautiful and you all will love her if you haven't been on her yet!


    I had promised a video and I might deliver....https://vimeo.com/192288474


    I just love shiny things.....


    I was momentarily distracted but then I remembered "I'm going on a cruise!!!" And I saw this



    Ok so we finally entered the main atrium and this is what I saw......Just gorgeous!


    I like the decor of this ship.....it's subtle but still colorful and cheery not sensory overload. I loved the neutral tones and the 3 story main atrium was one of our favorite spots....they had all the different entertainment people there and normally we could get a great seat and just enjoy.


    We decided to go in search of our cabin, cove balcony 2368. I've been in interior, ocean view and regulars balcony, but I really liked the cove balcony the best. I felt way more privacy for some reason. Plus we had quiet and considerate neighbors. I liked the fact that we had this little inclosed area that felt like it hugged us and kept us safe from the elements or prying neighbors [emoji102].


    f0495a6c0024ea7ffb5dd527edd2f7bf.jpg view from our balcony in Galveston



    30427ea94219838d43ecc26a6d1fa4e5.jpg seating along with a small table for drinks or food or feet.






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  9. Thank you! To all that are following along...[emoji4]


    Now back to the review....where was I, oh yeah, i haven't even got to the ship yet....we'll lets get there and fast please!


    Before then we had to stop at the Wal-mart because even after all my planning and getting everything ready I totally forgot to put luggage tags on my checked luggage which I was so proud of because I only checked 2. So off I went looking for a stapler and staples. I did get distracted by some shiny jewelry on sale and got some for elegant night.


    Drove to the Galveston Port Parking and waited for our free shuttle to the terminal. We really should of dropped off our bags and myself at the port so we didn't have to carry and haul so much stuff on the shuttle....noted for next time.



    First sight of the Carnival Breeze! She is so grand and beautiful....but you can't tell now thru the filthy shuttle windows...lol!


    Now the hurry up and wait begins. Hurry up and wait in line....hurry up and walk a little forward and wait some more. We didn't care, We were about to get on the Breeze....just a little more waiting.

    Check your passport and boarding documents

    Check your carry ons

    Get your sail and sign card (they use passport pictures now)

    Check your carry on drinks....we had Coke Zero and Diet 7Up and they literally will open your boxes and check every can!!! That was just weird to me (they didn't do that last year)

    No pictures or videos allowed


    Ok now you can walk up the gangway

    Wait! We have to take the boarding picture of course...we didn't purchase because all that hurry up and wait stuff just gets tiring.


    Now I have to take a little break because it is the first real cold night and some friends invited us to a bonfire [emoji91]. But before I go I would like to leave you with one of the wonders of the gangway......why is it so shiny? Did they know I'm attracted to sparkles? Was it just put there just for me? I'll never know but I loved it!!!3fe956619c7e0a2b1f34bafc8950583c.jpg

    I don't know if you can see it but I'll try to load a video later....it was just mesmerizing to me!







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  10. Now we are back on the road and finally arrived to Galveston and we are hungry!!!


    Gorditas here we come!!! We are Latino but I don't even cook this good for breakfast....or any meal. This is our go to restaurant in Galveston on the seawall, don't get me wrong we do go to others like Fishermen Wharf and Joe's Crab Shack and others but Gorditas is cheap, authentic and oh so good!!!b083ad7bcd5612eb0fefda26d32dcaf9.jpg

    Yummy!!! We couldn't finish it all, and under $20!!24bc6e504afb6b374ad522fb7d58b030.jpg

    Just way to much food....but held us thru the long embarkation process so we could get our hands on our first Guy's Burger!



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  11. Anyway we made it to our favorite gas station just because they sell these delicious little bad things that are so good, called whoopie pies and it has become a tradition to stop not for gas but to get these thingies.7113af9a1ee55ba657724a6ba0499773.jpg

    She wouldn't share, so of course I had to get my own! This is Nat, she is twelve going on 25. You'll see why later.



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  12. Ok so now we are driving a bit and ....oh I forgot to tell you that I get really bad motion sickness even as a passenger in a big bumpy truck. I decided to give my hard working hubby a break and let him sleep while I drive down to Galveston. I don't get dizzy or sick if I drive (weird I know).5d990f9ff10ce3c9f2b58fd3eb33c264.jpg

    Another sky scene...Warning....I'm not a professional photographer but I think I am so you will see a lot of "photos" of random things like the sky, food or trees and stuff. The only camera I used was the iPhone 6Plus.b6ef001d28890a037d4e06f9a689396e.jpg

    See told you.




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  13. Hi everyone from cruise critic, I've enjoyed a lot of reviews on this site and they have helped me in planning my past and future cruise vacations so I hope you all like my first review on this forum. I also choose to share my trip because I want to relive my cruise again even if it is thru my memory....hey you always have the memories!!!


    A little about myself and my little family that accompanied me on this 7 night western Caribbean cruise. My husband (M) and I have been married for almost 18 years and we have a 12 year old daughter, Nat. I'm an optician and my husband works in the oil fields. This is our first vacation in over 1 year, so we were really looking forward to it.


    I have counted down for more than 200 days for this cruise, I have read a lot of Breeze reviews, seen many YouTube videos, planned and paid for excursions and daydreamed during work hours so much that I hope you find my review to be enjoyable and informative as I have found some of yours to be.


    Day 1


    Our day started early Sunday morning. Since Galveston port is only a 3 1/2 hour drive from our home we decided to drive down the day of our cruise. Our embarkation time was at 12:30pm so I figured we had plenty of time. We decided to leave around 6am, planned one stop at our favorite gas station for our traditional whoopie pie....(more on this later), than breakfast at our favorite Mexican restaurant in Galveston and then parking which I saved $5 whole dollars by purchasing online at Galveston Port Parking. 1st Score!!!


    Everything I actually just mentioned as planned actually happened!!! Wow, normally nothing that I plan happens like it suppose to so, great start right? Well.....more on that later. Remember it's the 1st day.


    This is my view as we are driving into our first gorgeous sunrise our our cruise.



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  14. We were in this cabin on our October sailing and we really enjoyed it also. We didn't hear any noises and that was my concern when I found out we were right under the galley.....loved the cove balcony....it felt more private for some reason.



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