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Posts posted by caroher

  1. We wanted a drink before the main show in the theater so we stopped at the RedFrog Pub but we made Nat wait for us outside because children really shouldn't be in pubs, right?

    44dbeb2392cc3739c6d121a517153fae.jpg. She was ok with it!!!

    Passed thru the casino c14c44a2e8a172ae8dfdbf2b569f7cc9.jpg it seemed to be always busy and paying out. We do not play much but I will stop by and play maybe a $20 in the past but this cruise we only walked through, no play, no win for us.6594c2c802d48a4ba7112d98ab8a4a51.jpg this machine was an eye catcher for sure but I think it would be really hard to win those packets.

    In the atrium they are having some kind of line dancing pre show time. We stopped and watched and cheered on for a whilee08713a55f42cbffa3a7a4a789182eea.jpghttps://vimeo.com/194175829

    The cruise director Mike was really visual throughout the whole cruise for me. He was so funny and envolved everyone and also beware he's a Hugger!cb05ae792e4eb57e7da7016356af53c1.jpghttps://vimeo.com/194176173

    The CD having a good time riding the the elevator....he really was my favorite so far!

    Tonight's show was Two men without assistance....and sorry but I really don't remember much about this show.

    Tomorrow is Belize

    Goodnight for now!53cdff6500b43d315a9326fe1f4c500a.jpg our bedtime friend...Eli the Elephant



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  2. 4b076eae9ea93155790addcf2f02b981.jpg. The buffet is actually very good and I believe it's almost the same food as the main dining room minus the service. But everything was delicious! My favorite was the lamb and mint jelly!e8be95909c492a86d557337cd48c2dc6.jpgM looking for his plate

    fa7fb9aa2d4bd649bd9cda96cb07ea5c.jpg dessert was some kind of mouse or cream that was so delicious! Unfortunately I was not able to finish it.4f23860e834f6e4664a7c502ac6abd79.jpg next was the punchliner club. We tried to make it to the club every night for some laughs. Some comedians were funnier than others but we always had a good time. We did not make it to any of the adult shows because Nat was with us most of the time but I heard they are super fun! This night we had Diane Ford and she used some of the audience for jokes and Nat's favorite was about the Pen pals.7fc834bf672c26906542d52012de4553.jpg mommy and daughter selfie




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  3. Great review so far! I have been considering Isla pasion, question about the food, my one year old is pretty picky and allergic to all dairy. Did you happen to notice if they had chicken nuggets or hot dogs? He likes pasta but I'd be worried that there is some milk or cheese in the sauce.



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    Yes, I believe they had hot dog or some kind of sausage.



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  4. Next I wanted to do some shopping. I collect, you guessed it, turtles from every place I go. So I go in search of one from this island. The shops here all have colorful murals painted on the sides that are pretty and interestinge3bf79f3f5ff4c275ce2963cf83094bd.jpga194d875cbda72a311a422330a271a60.jpgthis is my favorite

    I go in a shop and tell a guy what I'm looking for and he brings these out92f87d814f4fe1b7da4dfe10cae1ac3d.jpg the prices were outrageous ($40)and I did not purchase any there but when I I did get one at the port shops for way less and very similar in design ($5)6b34dc8dc1b501060f04d47493082db7.jpg this is a cabin that can be rented for your family to spend the day80d4d271f4ccb88539e530dbb42549e5.jpg inside the cabana. Nobody rented it on our trip

    65b0568aecb8cb96940eef5e69891b64.jpg random palm tree



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  5. b075268926d498b61f0284b1306a2bcb.jpg hi buddy!1bd40435c0bc541b0db5b3357f5269bc.jpg. I will name you tuts! I've always wanted a turtle named tuts. Now I don't know if we could pick the turtles up but please don't tell anyone because I don't want to get in trouble a28a7fcd882fcc48ea0d767e2104d20e.jpg but I do know we are not supposed to kiss the turtles so don't worry she didn't, even though the turtle seems to want to

    008e43f8b63c51ddf8727537074c5071.jpgback with your fiends you go, until next time bye tuts!

    We also saw a few iguanas roaming around and catching some sun rays1836f4229ea3298220db4322da12e722.jpg1941e5e7e30cdc06de6d8c0c543edd44.jpg



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  6. We decided to take family pictures d4c14dd3c4752dfff184383d2aa24121.jpg051fbefdb5cd6132a58742299a1febb9.jpg8f5a194fdf323b834da17e6e9f3335bb.jpg

    Then I wanted a snack and since there was some coconut trees there I asked M to get one down for me277353c374ea3a4685bdd8c1a6cb064f.jpgto bad they were to high, just out of reach....next time coconut, next time5d9747a35f7daa3eae0928f75b4c0b38.jpg

    Coming back towards the beach behind the shops we found a small enclosure with "Gasp"

    TURTLES [emoji217]!!! I love turtles




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  7. 364f0e88563430bc6466d795656b6022.jpgeveryone enjoyed their meals!32fcf9c3bd696b7596f6a05b62ffb03f.jpgfef9b3c6ca5d34918478282a7db5b89e.jpgbuffet area69fb92eb059c9ea447ef8a905920210b.jpgmargaritas were fairly good...I'm not a big drinker so not a margarita specialist but I did have two of them and I was satisfied.https://vimeo.com/193984007 video showing you the amount of wind plus a little music for your enjoyment.

    After lunch we decided to walk around the island. We discovered that on the other side from the beach there was a little lake area, kind of a lagoon.216a239cb47f4e95a14962da0358aec5.jpg where M found a statue of one of his long past ancestors 9d6e205b2999e2fb18f43f59a51f16f5.jpg



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  8. Still on my Isla Pasión excursion.

    Again this small island is very clean and super relax! I loved it.25f29ebd5fecee05c4a42be6009cbca0.jpg I walked along the edge just enjoying the breeze ( more like wind) but it felt good on the skin because it was pretty warm and the sun was strong.8458abea20974ac1f664da242e2314b1.jpg we started to get hungry and I went to check on my family. Are you ready for lunch?320c05fdc6e5d890354c5c14c3b5a66b.jpg M gives the thumb up

    a37ce5ca55475ade27a164a4601b7f97.jpg walking toward the eating area. They had a variety of foods, from fajita tacos to some kind to pasta with tomato sauce. The food was good and we all went to seconds.f1d531996451c73cda89c60bb254dd2a.jpgc58f5538ff65bfd85729a22e0fcf9a3e.jpg



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  9. Nat said she was going to give the water a try. I told her to be careful and not to try to swim out to far because they said the currents were very strongdc533f103a111d6c52016626bd3b2bd0.jpgfd1e1b11b7d4f930cc448d17d573646f.jpg I followed her in but way to cold for me and the water was all turned up. Not pretty at all.33163d72702d8366ad05049ccdb02579.jpg. It was also very windy so maybe that's why the water was very cold. I put my feet in for a while but decided against going in.524923c572795b376a665a144a31e4bf.jpg9279f7fcd876b683daddb2dec572e10c.jpg



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  10. a475204a825d60bb30192a7f6f6a2551.jpg This island is gorgeous. White soft sand all around us. Beautifully manicured palm trees (my favorite). Plenty of seating and some with tables and palapas. I was looking forward to the hammock that were supposed to be in the clear turquoise waters, but they were gone because of the water being rough.

    e3d77d092a3d1b1f0093634ae90ab8dd.jpg did I mention I love the palm trees, I think this is a baby one

    1b2e2ee5808314297b17020d123dc3bc.jpg picked our spot and I went searching for the restroomsabe8c660230e0f63000f3a13f9cc229f.jpg2963b26b324b7bc638907972c794d1bc.jpg I want this sink and there was a shop selling them if anyone is interested




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  11. We ran to catch up to the catamaran. We were the last people on but I I kept taking pictures.a032caa33116313826457dc90236a2c9.jpg looking back at the pier83c9b26867ddf9dc729c5b14df555854.jpgother side

    77a16d4e20afda0912202d5175b59510.jpgour catamaran


    This was one of the bumpiest rides I have ever taken. The other way to get to the island was on a speed boat but this actually felt like the speed boat. The water was very choppy and the winds were strong. A few people got nauseous on the ride including Nat. She just looked on straight ahead and we couldn't even get a smile out of her. After about 30 minutes or so we get to a tiny wooden "dock" and were instructed to walk out single file all the way to the beach where we would take the obligatory photo by the sign and then get more instructions on the island and time we would all head back. The guide were funny and engaging. Miguel was the head one I think and he told us that because of the many storms and very choppy waters, the water activities and snorkeling was canceled. Plus because our group was late going we would receive a 50% discount. So that was nice!!caca124bddfd901d15ba69cb34e302b1.jpg waiting on the rest of our group

    8da1f016566588cc95b9c1fbd5982272.jpg First look at Isla Pasión



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  12. This port of Cozumel is nicely taken care of. I believe by Carnival. We walked around and went into some shops just pricing things for later. We met with our guide and he put our bracelets on but told us our trip was pushed back about an hour and to meet back up there then. No problem. More looking around for me4facb3a431ab35edb19a49c6b91a710b.jpg

    7b02f1412242848614a92b7c113c6a70.jpg Nat found a friend


    This is a small beachy area right off the pier with some seating but no swimming I think.192173e5e9a562919110b56bf1458025.jpgb8478c368e20be8dc04efb8aba4f7f36.jpgc75fa8e368a69d32f0c52493d83005a1.jpg that was the water edge by the seating area




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  13. Didn't I say that God's creation is amazing....just look at that sunrise over Cozumel!df3fe9c8975e8ae0e7583bbe02c80317.jpg8dd20e7d310ed40c26c386f64f5ce019.jpg first look at the port of Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

    This is my forth time to Cozumel. I like to do different things every time so this time I researched all inclusive excursions with and without Carnival. I settled on Catamaran ride to Isla Pasión with Carnival. It wasn't that expensive and drinks and meal and transport were included. Plus my coworker had done this excursion a couple months ago and she enjoyed it very much. Our pick up time was 10:15 so we had plenty of time for breakfast and pre shopping.

    .dc4ae616fd42c189632a070d23aaef07.jpg gangway coming down

    0f156e9c1ff3ea3df1f0d324956b3b7c.jpg wow this ship is huge. I can't even fit it all on this picture as I'm walking to the entrance of the obligatory shops. I ended up doing most of my souvenir shopping here anyway.f89c771aed80e891af6bee28189468dd.jpg in the background there was a Princess ship, I don't know which one but it was also as grand.



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  14. After dinner we walked over to the atrium to listen to some music and take more family pictures e657ec59f7f014a9109ffde4ce3b6d0c.jpgthis was my favorite ee1f0f96fd8026aa31c1c7d5aa7f3eea.jpgit was the Latin Boys.

    My husband and I actually like to dance a lot, but this cruise he just wasn't into it. Not once did we go to the night club or any other place for dancing. I was bummed. Even Nat wouldn't dance with me. But here is a video of some little ones dancing unlike us that we're sitting up around the atrium.https://vimeo.com/193168853a7e28449cfca832f4684bd1e11e62fc3.jpg134a4a9b08cc9374b7f806746f361674.jpg8149d82481f6c30f63ac859b9f5c1d8d.jpg

    Waited around a bit till the main show started. Tonight we had the Motor City Show! It was pretty good!ccd82e85c7e6d96477814fc4fd22485e.jpg



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  15. Dinner was in the Blush Dinning Room. I thought it was the prettiest of the two.d15fb8b9da38a8d55cda58bc46190210.jpg the chandelier were so beautiful

    We met our table mates which was a guy and his wife and his best friend. They were very nice and funny. The guy had had a few drinks before and just kept us laughing the whole time. But it would be the only time we had dinner in the Dinning room so we didn't see them again. I believe they were from the Houston area.cc3dd168b2daafac04511f39ff3ddbf9.jpg046d88aa3f14e15e4c4ccc337296f50e.jpg

    We were having so much fun that I totally forgot to take pictures of my food which was weird because I got two servings of the lobster plate and so did M. Nat got the spaghetti. Dessert was the cream brûlée all aroundcde8714e2bff82a2a239da1dbd196e95.jpg finally remembered to take one food photo

    Then this happened b3a82832f58b77a31b16c11aac5dd4f4.jpgcfd13291b076598499bce8336c19a257.jpg. It's always fun to see the wait staff sing and dance but it must be so exhausting for them after all they already do, they still have to dance around and sing and entertain us.



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  16. Ok, sorry for the long pause!!!

    I did say I was new to this right.


    Anyways I'll try to finish a whole day today....


    Back to the review


    So it's formal night!!! My favorite night. I love getting all dressed up and seeing everyone one else dressed up in their best. Now don't get me wrong I like going casual most of the time but every once in a while it's nice to get all prettied up and feel a little more special. M does not like to dress up. But after some words and compromises (begging) He did. My goal in life is to see him in a tailored suit and tie. Still working on that one. But he went along with it and plus we were to eat at the main dining room tonight.

    I also decided that tonight we would take out family portraits....I think it's been about 10 years since out official family pictures.

    So we got ready for those first and then the PG comedy show and then dinner and then the main show.30441a84c1c0f4824cb212be3acea921.jpg


    I thought we looked very nice!!!


    I felt a little uncomfortable with my dress so decided to change into something more comfortable while M and Nat went to the comedy club. They said the show was really good.22012b71c32ca7bc663fef774a4273d5.jpg and since M refuses to wear a tie, I decided I would wear one instead.



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