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Solo mi!

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Posts posted by Solo mi!

  1. Don't know why, but my last three posts on this thread have been lost.

    In very brief:

    Apes: about five years ago two of them grabbed my skirt and begged for treats. Really scared me.

    Cartenega: I went to Murcia, a town about 45 minutes in land. Interesting with some very beautiful buildings and squares and a gorgeous cathedral.

    Port Mahon: beautiful long harbor sail in. Lovely old town with real, not touristy shops, pretty gardens. We had a fabulous guide which makes all the difference.

    Marseille: stayed on the ship as I have been here several times.

    I fly home from Monaco/Nice tomorrow. It has been a quick 17 days. Wonderful experience. Viva The Silver Wind!


    I have enjoyed reading your Live from the Wind posts. It's good to know that the Spring TA on the Wind is as enjoyable as the Fall TA in the opposite direction. I'll be making my decision as to which one to do next while I am onboard in Nov.

    I have not participated in the Trivia competitions on board previously but I fully intend to do so this time. I enjoy Trivia I gather that you are an avid participant...any pointers?

    Thanks, Penny

  2. Thank you so much! I am sure I will have a few more questions for you as time goes on. I am not bothered by rough seas and have experienced some on the Wind...if I did have a problem, I would be comfortable with the motion sickness meds that are available at Reception.


    Funchal is one of my favorite ports of call. The Island is so beautiful. I have not been to Bermuda.



    I really do enjoy the Trans Atlantic crossings on the Wind!



  3. I have been in very rough weather quite a few times, most recently on a Transatlantic crossing on the Wind in March. Here's my suggestion; the minute you feel, or hear from the Captain at his noontime announcement that rough seas are ahead, get to The Reception desk and ask for the "magic" pills. They work beautifully. Best of all is that they don't knock you out with sleepiness. Good luck...I think that you'll be just fine.



    Did you enjoy this crossing? I usually do the Fall one on the Wind. I have been considering the TA next April instead. I'd love to know your thoughts.



  4. Miss S....your meal sounds scrumptious! Enjoy!


    I learned something today about Canada that surprised me. There is an interesting article on the CBC website. Apparently some Canadians used to speak with a quasi-British accent called Canadian Dainty. Here are excerpts from the article.


    Everything British is better. At least that was the sentiment in 19th-century Canada when the upper middle class developed a hybrid speech style that was not quite Canadian and seemingly British.

    That quasi-British accent — coined "Canadian Dainty" by Toronto linguist Jack Chambers — is now mostly extinct.

    Its origins date back to the two earliest settlement waves, Chambers told CBC News.











    In 1776 — the first wave — thousands of British Loyalists fled the American Revolution and put down roots in Upper Canada or what is present-day Ontario.

    "What happened, at that point, was the accents all across North America — on both sides of what was the United States border, the new border — the accents were uniform.”

    In the 19th century, however, the British governors of Canada "decided that there were far too many what they called American-based Canadians on our side of the border."

    That resulted in the second wave of settlement, which brought an influx of English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish immigrants to Canada.

    "They immediately tried to impose certain Britain standards on Canadian English and it was moderately successful. I mean, it lasted for almost a century."

    The quasi-British pronunciations were a marker of the elite, Chambers said.

    "The best educated people, the ones who went on to become doctors and lawyers and teachers in Canada, were the people who absorbed those lessons best."

    Those in the working class "were untouched by it."

    "In the first decades of the 20th century, people who heard their bank manager or their minister speaking with the Canadian Dainty features thought that person is educated and intelligent," he said. "In the second half of the 20th century, when people heard their bank manager, clergymen speaking with a Canadian Dainty accent, they may have been thinking, 'Boy, that sounds pretentious to me.'"

    Today, the age-old "tomayto-tomahto" debate may bear the remnants of Canadian Dainty but it is rarely, if ever, heard.



    As my schooling started in about 1958 I missed out on Canadian Dainty. According to the sound clips in the article, it did sound rather posh. Interesting tidbit though. :)



    When my husband was a young officer in the RCN, the seniors spoke that way.

  5. Too funny.

    Those 1l days were so long ago.


    We have gotten far afield from the original question.


    Happy Friday!


    Perhaps it should have been on the Cooler! What if a basket of seasick pills were placed on the Reception counter...in original packaging listing the ingredients?

  6. We disagree.

    This is a drug whether an over the counter medication or not.

    Reception is not a pharmacy or health care provider.

    Are these drugs given with warnings?

    Whether or not you agree, giving a drug to a person may be considered dispensing.

    When you buy it at a pharmacy or drug store it comes with package inserts.

    They describe side effects and interaction with other medications.

    You are entitled to your opinions.

    As a health care provider and a lawyer, I have mine.


    What a wonderful topic of conversation for a group of 1 L's.

  7. Wow.

    I am amazed that the reception on silversea is essentially prescribing and dispensing medication.

    And a medication that is not without drug interactions or side effects.

    No drug is benign and I would be cautious as Jolly said.


    This truly amazes me! We can go into a pharmacy and get OTC dramamine and that is okay...also on a flight...but if reception on Silversea has them, should we ask for them then they are being "prescribed" by Silversea. I don't think so!

  8. Safe travels Cam....have a good time.


    Dancing is second nature to me as my late father was a professional teacher.....notice on Spins playlist..Tommy Dorsey, also one of Dads favourites along with Artie Shaw.

    Forgot about the late great Etta....brilliant and her 'At Last' was the kids first dance at their wedding. The movie Cadillac Records was a good portrayal.


    M...get moving to that music....😉



    Love 'At Last' by Etta! I remember the Obamas dancing to it.


  9. Thanks. That's very reassuring.

    We will be on the Wind in a standard Vista this coming November. I shall try to track down 738's occupants and see if they will let me have a quick peek into the suite.



    I have cruised on the last two November TA's on Silver Wind. I see that you will be on the cruise with me this coming November. Further, that you will be on the Whisper TA in October 2018, as will I. I love TA's and being at sea. Both my father and my late husband were Navy men (USN and RCN).


    I have enjoyed reading your posts and hope to have the opportunity to meet while onboard in November.




  10. Thanks,


    Thai and non Bangladeshi / India curries use similar methods. The Main ones are Red and Green Thai curries often either started from the same base and adjusted for sweetnes and heat ie chillies red or green using pre-made pastes. Then there's Massamon Curry and Rendang. So most Asian restaurant curries can come from three of four base pots with the adjustments made after by adding proteins and varying amounts of coconut milk. Heat and spiciness tends to be defined by the pre-made base except in top-end places making individually to order. But a ship is essentially inductrial catering made to look "nice".

    So much useful info...and this is not tongue in cheek...thank you!


  11. Hi friends, I got my cruise documents today:D....boy, they are really beautiful......silver box and REAL PAPER Documents

    with luggage tags and that lovely book with tons of information.:)

    Lois: just read some of your other posts regarding your upcoming cruise. I am a solo traveller and I spent three days in Barcelona in November. I walked all over, with a cross body bag...granted I kept my credit card, etc. in the hotel safe, I never felt nervous or threatened! I booked Sagrada Familia ticket online, took one of the bus tours when I first arrived to get the lay of the land before deciding what I wanted to revisit. I do this in most cities when visiting for the first time. Italy: took a cab to Pisa and I have spent two months in Lucca. Lucca is beautiful and a great place for a solo traveller to stroll, especially on the old city wall. Have a glorious holiday! Penny

  12. I've given Euros before my last European port. The maid was especially pleased as she was able to get some special treats for her and her husband before we began the crossing. The butler was also happy as he was able to go ashore and call his wife in India. Oh yes and their service certainly merited the gratuity, so much so that I did not feel it necessary to wait until the end of the cruise.
  13. Hi folks, wow, so much to read:eek:....I didn't go back and read it all though..........I would normally give my cabin attendant

    (in this case Butler) extra cash.......I am guessing they would be ok with that?:D....would they prefer Euros or US $?

    I've given Euros before my last European port. The maid was especially pleased as she was able to get some special treats for her and her husband before we began the crossing. The butler was also happy as he was able to go ashore and call his wife in India.

  14. Penny, this is all a matter of personal choice as you know.


    You might consider the Cruise Welfare Fund which is ostensibly shared between all staff as an addition or if you wish to replace your individual gratuities. You pay by going to reception and organising it with them. Another option and thought is to ask them to cancel the contribution made to the owner's wife's charity which is automatically added to your bill without asking and have them add that with any top up you may want to the CWF.


    There is just one thing that plays on my mind about it. Some time ago there was some scandal with SS invloving wilful breaches of hygiene laws you may be aware of. It has in fact happened twice from recall, eg:




    At the same time as that, a disgruntled ex-employee tried taking SS to court because (from memory) he was claiming that he was expected to work hours without either pay or overtime under threat of dismissal. This was because many, or most of staff at this level are not direct employees but work for a company who supplies contract staff to SS. So he was essentiall (he claimed) at the mercy of SS even though they didn't employ him. He also complained that he was expected to scam the drinks ie decant cheap brands into named liquor bottles and serve prosseco when champagne had been requested. He also asserted that the CWF was used for furniture for mess areas which most would feel should be paid for by SS. I do not know whether any of the allegations were true, I only know he tried pursuing SS through the courts but it came to a brick wall due to which territorry was the correct one to litigate. So you may simply wish to ask someone you trust, preferably not a manager what the truth is.


    Hope this is helpful, but in principle the CWF is a great idea perhaps in addition to targetted thank yous and assuming the cash is used in the way you think it should be. Others will chip in.

    Thank you, Jeff. I did mean the Cruise Welfare Fund.. I, too, was aware of the complaints from the disgruntled employee. As we all know, disgruntled employees can sometimes wreak havoc! I have been so pleased with the folks who have assisted me on my two SS cruises, and I look forward to experiencing same this coming November.

  15. That is so kind ..... but we do need people to chat and join in so we have a range of interests etc - so do feel it is a place to join and and post about anything .....

    I have just read with interest the reference to the Crew Welfare Fund. I tried searching threads and "My Silversea" and could not find more info. I tipped my wonderful stewards and maids on my previous cruises, but I would appreciate learning more about the Welfare Fund.



  16. Good afternoon all ...


    The pork wasn't successful as I hoped and wifey and I conclude that the baby back ribs just had too little meat on them with virtually no fat .... and the tenderloin is unsuitable due to a lack of ribbling fat. Wifey reassures me that the tast and everything else was fine we just need much thich fattier meats. So the weekend will see us with a pork belly to play with and a small lamb shoulder. Might also just try some chicken thighs but I'm not certin they will be as good.


    Ernie ..... thanks for the pointer .. I will study.


    M, wax lyrical all you want .... I implore! Your comments are so perceptive and wise. And as you know I totally agree. The thing is that the internet and forums have the potential to enhance, inspire be a source of genuine friendships; a source of life changing information and education, but also literally the potential to end life and it is how we all decide it will progress that will decide whether it is a thing for good life enhancement for us all, or destructive and evil. Some as you say so eloquently do not seem to "get it" or agree.


    No one becomes bigger by making another person smaller. You get bigger by making others bigger. So far the Cooler has been the haven of a good atmosphere without constant moderation because coolers have deicded that only decentness will be tolerated and rudeness will be condemned by the majority. I feel it is important that the only time that we should "gang up" on someone is to condemn rudeness or hurtfulness. If we stand by and not get invloved the badness becomes corrosive. Several years ago there was a cohoot of people here on threads generally who seemed only happy to gang up and redicule others, hence the reason I started the cooler to simply see whether it could work with almost self-moderation.


    In terms of reputations, some do not understand that when they always sneer or redicule or misrepresent and contort other posters and try to jeer at opinions they do not wish to consider then when they subsequently post an opinion they do so with a reputation that has lost credibility and been tarnished. If they simply then say these are the facts, if the facts were as they say they expected them to be when sneeing and misrepresenting those with opposing veiws and experiences, then no sensible person believes them. They have destroyed their own credbility. People say "oh what a suprise ..... they haven't changed their mind!".


    As life get's more complex and life styles change then virtual friendships will take an increasingly larger part of relationships. They are identical to traditional friendships except the physical presence but all other components are distilled and enhanced. You know whether someone has a generous or mean spirit. Are intelligent or dumb. Are helpful or selfish. Simply post to boast or to share. Are nice or nasty. The reality is the web will be what we all decide it should be and those that understand it are intelligent and those that do not are dumb.


    Well said! I am very much enjoying Water Cooler:Part 3! I have read some general posts elsewhere that have been quite snarky and as a new CC member, one could just decide not to participate.

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