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Solo mi!

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Posts posted by Solo mi!

  1. Penny, whilst supporting Cams sentiments, do you not also agree that it is both unfair to all but also insulting to genuinely talented women to choose females for a job when there might be better male candidates, soley because as an employer you wish to get the female numbers of senior managers up?


    Isn't it equally unfair and insulting to pay a female more than she might be worth to simply get average female pay up? It does seem to me that this is at least two of Doug's points and whatever one's views about historic unfairness to women, these solutions do not seem to address the problem for the benefit of women as a whole but instead seem to make matters worst.


    Sorry, I disagree. In a perfect world where choices would be solely merit based, I would feel differently. Sadly, we don't live in a perfect world.

  2. mdpa, there is such a thing as "under-represented minorities", and that's why you have "black lives matter" and "women-owned business" clarifications. We, hispanics, and asians, are also under-represented but we will benefit from the fair representation of blacks and women...and I am talking corporate, as well as Main Street business and government.


    Very well said, Camillus! I agree wholeheartedly. It is a difficult time and I hope that some day in the not too distant future, we get beyond it. I wonder though, when the man in the White House continues to stoke the fire.


  3. Adam Wright was our CD on the Wind a few months earlier. I think I read here that Adam was on the Whisper later on in 2016. Maybe they're moving CDs around more than I got the impression they used to?


    So far, no idea who will be our CD on Wind's TA this November.

  4. Nothing against Moss Hills or Fernando but my wife would be thrilled if Collin Brown somehow got the Spirit for our cruise. It seemed like for years Collin was the permanent resident CD on the Wind or at least he was for our first three cruises on the Wind. Then on our last Wind cruise he wasn't and supposedly or maybe was on the Cloud.


    Colin was on my TA on the Wind last November.


  5. Jeff is a bad influence! But we'll keep him around.


    10- minute dinner challenge tonight. Slivered garlic sauteed in olive oil along with a few red pepper flakes. Sliced Roma tomatoes, cooked a few minutes until soft then coarsely mashed with a fork. Add shrimp and serve with (premade by me, a few days ago) basil pesto for extra flavor, over angel hair pasta.


    So tasty. Sorry, no picture. It disappeared in less time than it took to cook it. The red tomatoes and green pesto made for a nice presentation. I added extra red pepper flakes to mine. :D


    Sent from my SM-G930T using Forums mobile app


    This, too, sounds wonderful and a keeper. All I need to do is buy some Roma tomatoes,,,,,

  6. We actually moved here when he retired. We loved it! I have now been here 20 years and have no plans to leave. I grew up in So. Cal. and married a Canadian. After many years in the North, he promised me that when he retired, we'd move to warmer climes...so here I am! I have a son and his family in Canada, and another and his family in the States. My big get away each year is my Silversea cruise. I have just booked my 2019 one. You will love Jalapa and Veracruz! Amazing food!!


    And Cam, Jalapa has fabulous wild orchids.....


  7. Speaking of food, Mexico's Dia de la Independencia is 16 September. Usually, Chiles en Nogado are served. The plate looks like the flag of Mexico. The dish is fabulous! Poblano chiles stuffed with a picadillo filling, in a ground walnut sauce, sprinkled with pomegranate seeds. Perhaps some of you have had it. It is a chore to make so I usually go to a restaurant that is known for it.

  8. Penny, it seems to me your late DH was stationed in Mexico and you have remained there. We used to visit the DF area at least once a year, and we have very fond memories, especially of its people. We will be returning next May, but to Veracruz and Jalapa, for music recording sessions. I am very much looking forward to this trip.


    We actually moved here when he retired. We loved it! I have now been here 20 years and have no plans to leave. I grew up in So. Cal. and married a Canadian. After many years in the North, he promised me that when he retired, we'd move to warmer climes...so here I am! I have a son and his family in Canada, and another and his family in the States. My big get away each year is my Silversea cruise. I have just booked my 2019 one. You will love Jalapa and Veracruz! Amazing food!!

  9. Jeff, I have to explain, I am a Gemini so there's two of me, and both agree with you.


    I'm a Gemini too, Camillus and I totally agree with you and Jeff. My husband and I spent three years in a Warsaw Pact country and the former Yugoslavia, and what Trump is doing is frightening. You certainly should tone down the response when dealing with North Korea. Diplomacy can and does work....but then again, there is presently not a US ambassador in South Korea.

  10. Solo mi, I think this was one of your first CC posts (starting that roll call). Somehow, you must have inadvertently put it in that forum, rather than the SS one.


    I remember coming across your roll call while I was looking for something else, and I "reported" the post, asking that it be moved to the proper forum so that it could be found.


    I think they must have eventually moved it, as it is currently in the "right" forum. Go to roll calls - Silversea - Silver Wind and it is there now, the first one on the list. I can't find this roll call in the "other cruises" forum any longer. Check again and see if you can find it in the Silver Wind roll calls forum.


    Thanks JP but when I go to Find Your Silver Wind Roll Call, there is a Nov. 25th. one but not our Nov. 10th. one. If I go to the "if you can't find your roll call" and hit that and then scroll down to Silver Sea (in red) and scroll to Silver Wind, I can find posts by To The Sunset, my posts, and one other. I MUST STILL BE DOING SOMETHING WRONG?????????

  11. Penny, what a great memory for you and your family. To be honest, when I heard Justin speak at his dad's funeral I knew that he was going to follow in his dad's footsteps. I'm really hoping that he can half-way fill those shoes!


    That would be an awesome piece of music J! And your toast with the music of life glass is perfect!


    Justin certainly seems to be well thought of internationally...a great deal like Barack Obama in that respect. Here in Mexico, as a NAFTA partner...he is well liked.

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