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Posts posted by lostchild

  1. Just now, Fouremco said:

    Call your TA or Celebrity. If your existing booking and the 2021 cruise meet the eligibility criteria, you can ask to be rebooked on the 2021 cruise. In my case, everything was carried over and even the booking number remained the same.


    There is some confusion on the question of eligibility, as the Terms and Conditions posted on the Celebrity website are in conflict with some of the information in the Q&A section, and different posters are getting different answers. Ultimately, Celebrity will decide but, as is often the case, if you aren't successful the first time a subsequent call or two might get you the answer you want.


    Good luck.


    My existing Alaska book was already cancelled.  Supposed to go in 3 weeks.   The cabin was around $3500.   2021 Alaska cruise is currently at $4500 same cabin.   2020 July is currently at $2200 in the same cabin.   If I to do it, I will have to make a new booking....  pay in full.   And then hope that I don't have to cancel next year because it is final....

  2. 3 hours ago, ECCruise said:

    I am not sure there will be enough of these "avid cruisers" to sail all the inventory and itineraries that are planned.

    We would fall into that class (just passed 3 years onboard ships in March), have 11 booked and deposited, and we are in a very strong "wait and see" position.  If things don't change appreciably, we will be cancelling (or be cancelled) one by one.  


    Maybe not ALL THE INVENTORY,  but all the suites and aqua for sure.   Avid cruisers already paid for their 2020 cruises and can't go.   So in 2021, they would want to treat themselves to an upgrade since they already have FCC to pay for part of the room. 

  3. I think you will see a lot more passengers wearing face covering when they are outside of their cabins.   I don't know if Celebrity will enforce face covering or not on passengers, but they will probably provide free ones for each cabin.   And I think all the crew will wear face covering.   It will be like a Pirate cruise.. everyone covering their faces with an X logo...

    • Haha 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, Host Grandma Cruising said:

    Even if you test positive for the antibody test (presuming they can find one that works properly - the current ones don’t)  - no-one know how long that will give you immunity.


    Sure, but that is the same as people who will get the vaccine.   I was quoting the person who said he is waiting for the vaccine.  But if you already had the real thing, you don't really need to wait for the vaccine (weakened or dead version of the virus).

  5. 1 hour ago, NMTraveller said:


    What I thought was interesting about this story is that 80% of the people that tested positive did not show symptoms.  It is a much younger and healthier crowd than the typical passengers on a cruise ship.  Perhaps this accounts for the rapid spread in the US.  You have a bunch of people spreading with no/minimal symptoms?


    I really think that's the case.  Here, you still can't get tested if you show minimal symptoms.   I think our family all got covid-19 back in February.  We have similar symptoms but very mild like a cold.   Coughs, sore throats, low fever comes and go.   At the time we thought it was just common cold and it could be... except for the shortness of breath.   It was not normal for us with common cold.    Anyway, we are recovered and waiting for the antibody test so we could know if we already have it or not.

  6. 23 minutes ago, pumpkin 11 said:

    I frankly don’t know what the big deal is. People get sick all the time on cruises and they had no way to test for Covid19. Honestly they were at sea for so long how did it even get onboard? It’s only like 7 passengers And crew calm down.


    Even if the ship does not know for sure that it was covid-19, they knew someone was sick for days with respiratory (pneumonia) symptoms.   I think it is their responsibility to tell the port and the passengers before they disembark.  I remember reading someone on the ship who lives in San Diego saying how great it was to be home.  And they stop by the store to get some supplies before heading home.  If they had known, would they have stopped by the store risking infecting others instead of going straight home?   What about the passengers who got home and hug their kids/parents?   Sending them a txt or email a day later only when it is confirmed covid-19 is too late!

    • Like 7
  7. 5 minutes ago, WonderMan3 said:

    How in the middle of a pandemic did Celebrity not know this was happening onboard? Medical staff would've reported any illness to the Captain for sure and the Captain would've reported it to Corporate. This was clearly kept hush hush to avoid problems with disembarkation. If San Diego had known about this they probably would not have allowed them to disembark or turned it over to the government and forced everyone into quarantine. Now all these people are scattered to the winds potentially infecting hundreds.


    Medical staff knew for sure.  They could kept it from the Captain.   Who is going to be treating the patients if the ship ended up being quarantined?   When it comes out, they could be in trouble but if everyone just kept to the story that they didn't realize it was covid-19, they might just get thru.   Worst case they get fired.   Now if the Captain knows or Celebrity knows... this will go way beyond corporate discipline. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  8. On 3/25/2020 at 11:13 PM, grandgeezer said:

    By looking at the results so far, it appears that there will be less of these people cruising. 193 say they'll do more, 295 say less, and 110 say their done.  I doubt, if everybody stays in their category, the 193 people her were going balance the 405 who say they are either going to cut back or quit completely.


    We are on cruisecritic, so people who voted are not average cruiser who cruises once every few years or less.   The ones who said "more" are not going to double their amount of cruise, so lets say they normally cruise 3 times a year... and add 1.   The net increase per year would be 193 more trips.    Assume the same with the other voters... everyone cruises 3 times a year.   It would be 295 * 1 + 110 * 3 = 625 less trips.   So it is really more like 193 vs 625.

  9. 2 minutes ago, dockman said:


    I assume that was some attempt at humour.  Not least bit funny. 


    The last thing my brother is worried about is whether he will have an extension cord or someone to plug it in for him.  He has said he will happily leave the machine behind to be transferred to the rotterdam.


    It's not humor.  If you brother could leave his CPAP machine behind, he doesn't have severe sleep apnea.  People like me, with severe sleep apnea, could die in the middle of the night without CPAP machine.   I bring my own extension cord to the hotels but when I cruise, I can't because the rule onboard prohibit bringing your own extension cord.

    • Like 2
  10. 35 minutes ago, dockman said:

    Update five minutes ago:  They are telling healthy passengers  with CPAC machines that they cannot be transferred to Rotterdam.  Apparently a lot of people have these and are upset.  Ship is checking with CDC re this so these people are anxiously awaiting to hear response.


    No idea why a cpac would be a factor.


    CPAP machines?   Maybe the Rotterdam doesn't have enough extension cables to plug those in.  Most cabin doesn't have a plug next to the bed... have to run an extension cable to the nearest plug.   Or they just don't want the crew going into the cabins to do this (running the cable under the bed and put tape over so you don't trip) when the passengers have arrived already.   

    • Like 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, Miaminice said:

    2 FCC were never combinable! One FCC per person, so 2 in that sense, yes - never more than that.



    I don't think tommy was trying to combine 2 different people's FCC into 1.  He was trying to apply the FCC he got for 2 difference cruises into one cruise.   I think he could as long as it is for the same passengers, the person he talked to probably didn't know.

    • Like 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, Pinboy said:

    Why would they give you anything for something you didn't pay for ???

    Therefore , if you paid in full , you would have the option to receive either 100% credit to your credit card or 125% of what you paid in the form of a FCC.

    If you only made a deposit , they will issue a FCC for the amount of the deposit.


    Is it possible that's why @drakes2 got $125?  $100 deposit * 125% = $125 FCC?

  13. 12 minutes ago, Pinboy said:

    I might be wrong but I thought the FCC is 125 % of what was paid , not $125 .



    Either typo or if final payment is not made, would the only payment be $100 deposit?  So $100 x 125% = $125 FCC?   Or would they give you 125% of the full fare even if you have not paid the full fare yet?

  14. 21 minutes ago, Fouremco said:

    Under the current policy, when Celebrity cancels you are issued an FCC, but you can subsequently request a refund. I suggest that you go to the website for full details, but from Q&A's:


     Q: After I receive my 125% Future Cruise Credit (FCC), can I choose to change to the 100% refund?

    A: Yes. All guests have until 12/31/21 to decide to change their FCC to a refund.


    That nice of them.  Can I have my 25% FCC changed to a refund? 😛

  15. On 3/18/2020 at 8:06 PM, Elusive_Cruiser said:


    P.S.  Currently under gov't quarantine as the result of being on a cruise ship PRIOR to the outbreak, but hubby came home with a nasty 'dry' cough that will not go away.  



    If you could, get yourself a few bottles of the Sambucus Black Elderberry (the more concentrated the better).   It supports your respiratory immune system.   Drink it for a week and any dry cough will go away.   Some people make it themselves but I just buy the Nature's Answer brand one with 12,000mg elderberry per serving.

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