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Posts posted by lostchild

  1. 28 minutes ago, Whinenowine said:

    We put Life 360 in our kids phones (and ours)...gives us comfort that we can track them as they freely roam around.

    Does it work on cruise ships?  It uses GPS right?   Unless you are on the top open to sky deck, I found that GPS location does not work at almost anywhere else on the ship as there is too much metal around like you are in a parking garage.


    I remember using a GPS app to track my location of the ship on my last cruise.   It ends up showing me in Florida, then teleport to the next port, showing up in the middle of ocean, teleported to the next port, etc...

  2. I think you need to talk to another Apple employee or manager. Also you could check your warranty coverage here: https://checkcoverage.apple.com/


    I can't see that the warranty expired 1 year after Celebrity got it unless Celebrity is completely not a reseller just privately selling them.   If the later is really the case, no one should ever buy Apple product onboard as they are almost guarantee to be 1+ years old and without any warranty. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Steve and Sharon said:

    No, this was not NCL. I will try and find it again. I read it somewhere last night.

    The story I linked was NCL Gem.   What I found interesting is that yes there are protocols they had to follow, but why "fresh fruits" turned to "prunes"?   Is it because NCL knew they will be refunded so they are no longer paying customers so feed them whatever?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Steve and Sharon said:

    What I read on the other thread was that the cruiser was told that they had close contact with another cruiser on the ship that had become symptomatic and therefore they were considered exposed and then quarantined. Maybe it was like someone else said, perhaps they were sat next to them in the dining room. 

    Was it this case?


    • Like 1
  5. Even though Tomahawk is a glorified bone in ribeye, the butcher usually cut it thicker than regular ribeye.  The restaurant has a lesser chance of overcooking a thicker steak.   I don't send steak back when they are overcook, it would be wasting food.


    Also at home I BBQ Tomahawk steaks from Costco.  Less chance of me overcooking the steaks and my mom and sister loves the meat off the bones.   They get the bones, I get the steak.. it is a WIN-WIN LOL.

  6. 1 hour ago, canderson said:

    The difference being, as many thousands of successful boardings show, your odds are still VASTLY better than the house's.

    So far!   The cruise lines are probably not releasing the statistic of how many were turned away last week, vs this week, vs next week, etc...   Because the number of total cases are going up, the number of passengers testing positive pre-boarding will go up as well.   Just not sure how much and when it will plateau out.  

  7. 52 minutes ago, AZjohn said:

    I'm hoping OP question was from being not aware of the fact that fully vaccinated can have as high (if not a little higher) viral loads than unvaccinated CDC report a week ago:



    This is sad news to most of us fully vaccinated hopes were that fully vaccinated would still have a small vial load (resulting in heard immunity) is they had a breakthrough case. 


    Not so in the above report:



    Good news is most of us vaccinated will mostly have minimum symptoms (or non at all) if we have a breakthrough case. But, we can still spread the virus 😞


    Yeah I think a LOT of people were not aware of this as it is relatively new info just came in the last 2 weeks.   It is not worth to it to go on a cruise now when the test result is like playing a casino game.

    • Like 2
  8. 22 minutes ago, patty1955 said:

    Mosquitos love me but I only had a problem in Skagway. 

    Everyone should carry one of these on travel:



    I am not travelling yet, but got this last year for home use.  It works so well that everyone in my family got one of their own.   I read that it could save your life too from bee stings if you are allergic to it.


    The other night we went out for dinner and I got 11 mosquito bites on my legs.  I would not be sleeping that night if not for this thing.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, AbbyCruiser45 said:

    Interesting! Thank you for explaining that. I'd like to think I'm pretty good with tech but I've never heard of that outside an app like Google Voice. 

    Google Voice is great as it can also turn your tablet into a phone to make free calls to any US numbers.  I have T-mobile and I think if I am to make a call to Italy using T-mobile, it would be $3/min.   Using Google Voice app, it is $0.01/min to landline and $0.22/min to mobile.

  10. 5 minutes ago, AbbyCruiser45 said:

    Slightly related but not helpful because I can't explain it: on the Edge a few weeks ago, my mom got phone calls from both the alarm company and pet sitter (everything was okay) while we were at sea. She talked with them too and never had a bad connection. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how this could have happened because she was in airplane mode with wifi on, but cellular off. The only possible explanation is WiFi calling (but no special app was used) since the pet sitter and my mom had an iPhone but I doubt that was the case for the alarm company. 

    It is WiFi calling.   So OP doesn't need any carrier plan if he has Celebrity internet plan and he just turn on his smartphone's WiFi calling.   Incoming calls would be free.  However, outgoing calls could subject to carrier's long distance charges.   I would use Google Voice app to make outgoing calls as it has really good international rate (much much lower than cell carrier's long distance rate).

  11. 55 minutes ago, npb said:

    Debarkation was very organized.  No problems.

    I think there were delay of testing results for international guests who had to fly back to their countries.  The tests were supposed to take place the evening before but only happened late in the morning of the next day.  And they didn't get the results at all before they were told to leave the ship so they missed the flights home.   But OP is from AZ... so shouldn't be a problem for him.

  12. 12 minutes ago, aquasea said:

    TOTAL OF 7 VACCINATED. 2 WORKERS. DON was on that sailing. Here is his video.


    I was thinking of the results of the current pre-cruise test.   So far until now, only the un-vaccinated needed to take a test before cruise.   It would be interesting to see if you randomly test 2000 people without symptoms, how many will test positive. 

    • Like 4
  13. 23 minutes ago, SeaHunt said:



    I can't wrap my head around this. If the cruise line says you're getting off, you're getting off, period. 😵


    If it is the tested positives, maybe they have to go to a quarantine hotel (like Carnival did in Texas for a family off the Breeze) and they're fighting that? Or maybe they're like the positive lady on the Royal ship who was put off kicking and screaming - and vlogging the whole way. It will be interesting to hear the details.

    They could be asking for re-test thinking the first result is false since they are vaccinated and feel no symptoms.  One thing leads to another, they could just be "I am staying in the room until you give me another test."

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Fouremco said:

    Back many years ago, before bottled water became ubiquitous, Consumer Reports did a test comparing the few bottled waters available back then (Evian, Perrier, a few others) with the water from a small number of US cities. There were minor variances in the chemical and mineral makeup of the samples, but the most interesting result was from the blind taste test: the overwhelming majority preferred the New York City tap water!

    It is not fair to compare NYC tap water to other places.  It is probably the best tap water in the states.  Try the one at my house here in CA, and you will probably spit it right out LOL.  I have reverse osmosis water at home and I don't think the one on the ship is reverse osmosis.   It tasted better my home tap water though.

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