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Posts posted by KCMiller

  1. With the extended hours Carnival is having in Cozumel on many itineraries, I'm wondering if the AI beach clubs will stay open later than 5pm? On the other hand, I can't imagine being at one, sitting in the sun or even the shade, playing in the water and eating and drinking anything you like for more than 5 or 6 hours - if you can, you have way more stamina than I do! ;)



  2. It's really not an issue to tender...5 mins in decent weather! I don't know why they'd go to the hassle of digging a shipping lane so a ship could dock...it works fine now!


    Honestly, the biggest issue isn't the tender TO the island, it's the tenders back. The lines are insane. A dock may alleviate some of this. I wouldn't want any coral reefs damaged, but I'm pretty sure the Grand Cayman government feels the same way, so if they DO end up building a dock, I'm certain that it will be done with sensitivity to environmental issues.


    I'm an optomist!



  3. Ok, I couldn't figure out how to upload it here, but I did figure out how to get it on my blog. You should be able to find it here under FunTimes.


    This is my first time using my scanner, so I hope it works for you! I also added in the Camp Carnival info for the 6-8 age group from this sailing as well if anyone needs that.


    Thank you so much! And thanks also for the review of the Chef's Table - we will be doing this on our cruise to celebrate our 30th Anniversary.


    Have a great day!



  4. I'd like to see a complete ban on smoking, children, photography and karaoke.


    And meat, so that all dining options would be vegetarian. The bars would all have flair bartenders and alcohol (and all specialty drinks) would be free. There'd also be a smoothie bar.


    There'd be no prerecorded music, just live funk music all the time.


    The gym would offer lessons in pole-dancing, parkour and aerial acrobatics.


    The spa workers would work under a vow of complete silence.


    Formal night would be replaced with paintball.


    Stewards would dress like Imperial Stormtroopers.


    People would be encouraged to bring their cats.


    I wonder if it's too late to switch careers and become a cruise director...


    I think I'm in love . . .




  5. Ah, gotcha. That would certainly come in handy on the wait to get back onboard at the end of the day - that's usually a looooooong line. My crew ended up knocking out a little bottle of banana rum to pass the time.


    Sadly, the FTTF gets you priority boarding the tenders to go ashore, but not on the return to the ship, and I know in Grand Cayman, those lines can be really, really long!



  6. I agree. 18 is still a very young adult, almost a child. You certainly don't leave someone like that alone, without their wallet or ID, hundreds of miles from home.


    Who could even enjoy a cruise in such circumstances?


    Me!! I could!!


    I'm sorry, but if this young man was considered old enough to escort his girlfriend on a cruise with her family, I'm guessing he considers himself an adult. The OP made a decison for the group to forgo their vacation instead of leaving the young man behind, and that's fine if that was her decision. I have no idea what I would do in that circumstance, but I'm inclined to think that an 18 year old male, old enough to go fight in a war, old enough to vote, old enough to go away to college, is old enough to get on a Grayhound bus. A different kind of adventure, to be sure - not a perfect solution, by any means. But I would have a lot of respect for a young man who insisted on doing this. Again, no idea what the OP's circumstances were. Maybe the young man was unable to travel independently. Maybe it didn't occur to any of them that it was an option. But big picture-wise, I would not have scuttled an entire family's vacation because of a boyfriend's mistake. Boyfriends are temporary, especially at that age. Unless they show a lot of maturity and selflessness, by taking one for the team and graciously taking the Grayhound bus back home.


    And just for the record, I have two grown sons, and if this had happened to either of them, and they called me from the port to ask my advice, I would have suggested that they apologize profusely and find the nearest bus terminal.






  7. Poor kid - he must have felt awful to have caused his girlfriends entire family to miss a cruise. I don't know what I would have done in that situation, if I was in your shoes. I might have called the boyfriends parents, to alert them to the situation, and to see about flying him home, and then gone on with the trip - after all, he's an 18 year old, and that's an adult in anyone's estimation. But that's me. By choosing to keep everyone together, you made a decision to not board - and that's not Carnival's fault. But it still sucks.





  8. The Embassy Suites is very nice and there is also the Marriott Waterside right across the street that is very nice too.


    The trolley line runs right in front of both these hotels.


    Have a great cruise!!


    Thanks - and they were running a book online special, so our room was only $116 with tax. For a lovely hotel with cocktails in the evening and a full hot made to order breakfast in the morning, this was a great deal! And an Uber to the port will come in at less that $10!



  9. My husband and I are cruising out of Tampa this December. We're driving down and staying at the Embassy Suites downtown. We're meeting friends for dinner at Columbia the night before we cruise. We've been told there is a trolley that runs through downtown (right in front of our hotel) that runs into Ybor with a stop about 2 blocks from Columbia. We're thinking about doing that instead of driving there.


    Thanks, I think this will be perfect!



  10. Do you have people who aren't employed hanging around there? :rolleyes:

    I would hope all the people at your place of employment are employed. I guess unless you worked at the unemployment office :)


    Nope, I work at a medical center, and if you see someone at my place of business wearing a lanyard and a hanging badge, you know they work there, and can offer assistance, or directions, or other help. Not everyone who works in a medical center wears a doctors coat or scrubs, of course - most of us are in street clothes, and the lanyard identifies us as employees. This is a large metropolitan teaching hospital with numerous buildings, clinics and research facilities, so there are many, many folks 'hanging around' here who aren't employees - they are patients, visitors, contractors, students, research staff.


    But my main point is that lanyard does not necessarily equal dork. Which was the post I was originally responding to. I personally don't care for them, but I wear one at work. On board, I have a large straw tote I take everywhere, and that's where I keep my card.



  11. Like pocket protectors....extremely functional, but you look like a DORK wearing it


    Kids can get away with wearing it. Women, mmmmmm, yea, it's ok....Men, no way!!!! Like fanny packs, those need to be retired....it just says "DORK"




    Actually, at my place of business, wearing a lanyard, male or female, says 'employed'. ;)



  12. We're arriving the day before our cruise this September, and plan on having dinner in Ybor City. But I'm having trouble with the logistics of this. Here are what I THINK are our options - please let me know if I'm missing some better option, and what you would recommend:


    1. Pick a hotel that has a shuttle from the airport, but have to take a cab to and from Ybor City for dinner, then a cab to the port the next morning.


    2. Pick a hotel near Ybor City so we can walk to the restaurant, but have to take a cab from the airport and a cab to the port


    3. Pick a hotel near the port with shuttle service to the port, but have to take a cab from the airport and a cab to and from the restaurant.


    Perfect would be a hotel that has a shuttle for the 'surrounding area' that would cover both Ybor City and the port the next morning - does anyone know of one like that?


    I have reservations at the Columbia Restaurant that evening, but I'm open to suggestions!





  13. Yes, at the port they will probably try to put you in a taxi with another couple, with both parties paying full fare, but if you don't like that scenario you can ask for a taxi by yourself. Although you may enjoy meeting someone going to the same place you are going.


    On the way back you will have a taxi by yourself and I feel safer in those taxis than in most USA cities as far as crime goes but they do drive a little fast.


    I thought I read on another thread that the taxi fares posted at the port were for up to 4 passengers in a cab - why would each couple have to pay full fare? Is this a scam to be aware of?



  14. Hi,


    I was on the Paradise for a 5 day and a 4 day sailing recently.


    Both had the Chefs table, it was in the library with a walking tour of the galley. I saw them there the last night on the 4 day cruise, and the last 2 nights on the 5 day)


    We did not do it on the Paradise, because my wife really is not a huge fan of the menu (she is really picky in what she eats) but I have done it before.


    I have the 5 day Funtimes scanned, if you want to provide me your email. I think it is 2015 though...



    Thanks - it's kcm0984@aol dot com.

  15. Can anyone confirm what night the Chef's Table is on the Paradise (hopefully by someone who has recently been on this ship and has first hand knowledge)? The maitre 'd indicated to me that it is USUALLY on the first port day and/or the last day of the cruise, but I'm wondering what others have experienced recently.


    And does anyone have recent copies of the daily newsletters from the Paradise they can scan and post? We're on this cruise in September, and I'm trying to figure out what shore excursions to take - the day of the Chef's Table is kinda important, because Cozumel is a late port.





  16. On our first cruise, we sat at a table for 10 (different line) and met some very nice folks - no one we kept in touch with, but pleasant table mates. We've not sat with strangers since, because we've mostly cruised with friends and family. But on our last trip with our (grown) children, the table next to ours was an 8 top, and the first night, 6 people came. After that, it was just one lonely couple. The server always had them wait a bit, to see if anyone else would show up - they looked very awkward and lonely sitting at that huge table just the two of them. After a few nights, we offered to have them join us (we were 5 at an 8 top), but they said no, they'd wait to see if their table mates would show up. They never did. We did chat with them each evening, but I remember thinking how odd it was that the maitre 'd didn't try to seat anyone else with them.



  17. I think that's a wonderful idea, and I hope that it works out well for you. And I understand how some folks will express concerns that you're holding a bunch of tables, but you're right, as long as you are using them continuously, you have just as much right to them as anyone else. Have a fun vacation!



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