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Posts posted by KCMiller

  1. Um, my beach cover up is a lightweight white robe. Easier and far more attractive, IMHO, than most of the terry cloth coverups out there. I'd like to apologize in advance if I horrify anyone. Please feel free to approach me onboard to let me know that I'm wearing something that you feel is inappropriate, and I will then critique your outfit - then we can go get a drink!


    I promise not to try to wear it into the Grande, though ;)




  2. We will be sailing on Quantum on the 27th of December.

    Can anyone tell us "can you book a hair salon online"?

    "do they have a sports bar on the ship" ?

    We have a nephew playing in the sugar

    bowl on New Years day and hope to watch on big screen.


    Sweet Cookie


    Who will he be playing for? I'm very interested in watching the game, myself!



  3. Yes decent jeans are fine.


    Maybe I shouldn't mention this, I don't want to be torn to shreds....my wife worn nice jeans to Grande the first night since day one is smart casual and nothing was said.


    I'm sure she looked just fine. The first night is always a bit more casual, no matter what the venue, because luggage is still arriving in the cabins. But after that, from what I understand, the Grande IS a formal venue, so jeans wouldn't be appropriate.


    'Smart casual' translates into 'not a bathing suit or your nightgown - if you'd wear it to a PTO meeting or out to lunch or dinner at Applebees, you'll look fine'. I personally like to upscale it a bit, but unless you look terribly disheveled or half naked, you'll fit right in, no matter what material your slacks may be.



  4. We have problems with our dining and show reservations (two family members were added months after the original reservation, so we're having difficulty synching up). I understand that I can go and have this taken care of onboard, the day of embarkation, but can someone tell me exactly where to go? And are there two different 'taking care of it' locations, one for dining (pretty sure this one would be at one of the dining venues, with the maitre d') and one for shows (would this perhaps be at one of the theatres)?





  5. The menu stayed the same at each restaurant. If you follow "19 days and 10,000 photos..." the American Icon menu is already posted and I am sure the other menus will follow.


    Thanks so much. I have to say, that's a little disappointing, but it's a good thing that there are several items on the menus which look great - I won't have to regret not ordering something that's only available for one night.


    Do you suppose they'll have a special menu for New Year's Eve?



  6. Is it likely you can go in without a jacket if your wearing formal? After all i would take the jacket off as soon as I sat down and I don't see the point in buying one for the sake of an hour



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    You could always just rent a tux - you'd look spiffy, I bet your cabin mate would approve, and you might enjoy the extra attention and admiring glances thrown your way!



  7. Years, and I mean years ago, we sailed on the Norway. I have no idea why, but my husband and I were invited to dine at the Captains Table, and this included a cocktail party in his cabin before dinner. Let me tell you, his cabin beat most apartments in NYC! A long, lovely, well appointed living room, and although we didn't get a full tour, my understanding was that the bedroom and bathroom were pretty wonderful. Of course, this was on the Norway, which started life as the SS France - I'm grateful to have sailed her before her untimely end.



  8. We're sailing on the Conquest of the Seas later this month. If the weather prevents tendering on the day we're supposed to port at Coco Cay (Wednesday), and Thursday and Friday are 'at sea' days, followed by docking in NYC on Saturday morning, would it ever happen that the cruise line would try to bring the ship to Coco Cay on the Thursday or Friday? At the moment, there are two ships (ours and one other) scheduled for Wednesday, but only one ship scheduled for Thursday, and no ships scheduled for Friday. I would understand if they couldn't do this in Nassau or other ports, because of docking fees and scheduling issues, but are there the same limitations at their private island?



  9. I'm just off the Enchantment if the seas and what a huge disappointment! If your booking Royal and wanting or planning of going to coco cay don't bet on it we missed the port due to conditions then were told they only get in less than 20% of the time this time of year and haven't been able to get supplies to the island for the last 3 months until we dropped supplies but we couldn't stop.


    So beware if your booking something that has coco cay odds are you won't get to stop. Had I known that prior to booking I would have picked another cruise. Was expensive cruise for 1 port!!!!


    Actually, a small correction - they MISS the island 20% of the time due to the inability to tender. Which means that 80% of the time, the ship is able to tender passengers to CoCo Cay. This doesn't help if you are in the 20%, but if I am in the 20% that miss this port, I'll at least know that it was for my safety.

  10. Sorry to hear of your impending situation. Since, apparently, there are no alternatives available, I guess you'll just have to make lemonade out of the lemons. Keep a positive attitude and try your best to have a good time, without getting carried away by the drunk-fest.

    Hopefully, you'll still have a good cruise experience; and will realize that not all cruises will be like that one. Also, perhaps it's time to start considering another cruise line? For future cruises that is.

    Unfortunately, we see this happen all too often. Newbies jump on what (initially) looks like a really good deal, price-wise, without really researching WHY the price is so low. All the more reason to use a good, CLIA certified TA, until you are experienced enough to do your own bookings.


    The OP booked the cruise in good faith - the singles group, from what the OP says, booked onto the ship after she did. Which leads me to ask - how big could this group possibly be?

  11. I'm traveling shortly with my mother, who is in a wheelchair (mobility issues, no other medical complications). Her one wish is to go into the ocean - she hasn't been in the ocean since 1957. We'll do whatever it takes to make this happen, but can anyone tell us - is there a wheelchair that goes into the ocean? Do those beach wheelchairs safely roll in? And do they usually have them on private islands?


    Thanks so much,



  12. We're porting at Port Canaveral on our upcoming cruise, and would love to have my daughter, who lives in Orlando, come see us. My parents, who are traveling with us, asked if she could come onboard and visit them in their cabin - is this possible? I know back in the day it was, but I have no idea if this is something that's ever allowed anymore.





  13. My TA sent an email yesterday that royal iq is available for Android. I haven't tried to get it yet but thought I would post.


    I've searched in the Google Play Store for this app, but can't find it. Did your TA send a link or something?





  14. I guess it would be more accurate to say the Big wasteland? People keep telling me there is a good part of New Jersey, but I haven't seen it, I've only been in the "greater" Newark area.


    Jersey is a great state, full of amazing places, beautiful beaches, historical towns, deep and lovely forests, one of the largest acquifers in the world, thousands of farms, state parks, and wonderful people, almost none of whom sound anything like the jerks from 'Jersey Shore'. If you've only been to Jersey long enough to land in Newark airport and head to NYC, you haven't seen New Jersey.


    That being said, anyone from New Jersey is going to be annoyed when stuff that is actually happening IN New Jersey is advertised as happening IN New York City. Like the Super Bowl . . .



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