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Everything posted by CDNPolar

  1. Yeah, for me New Year is a "forced" reason to be in a good mood and to be social. This is probably why my Husband and I just stay to ourselves for New Years. I think however if I were on a Viking Ocean ship I would force myself to stay up and attend because the demographics are so different from a Carnival ship.
  2. Not that we have not had some issues, but more from people that have "connected" to us on the cruise that we did not know before. Sometimes these are suggesting meals or excursions together or let's go back into the city together. I think that with the best planning and communication, your interpretation can always be different from their interpretation.
  3. I think that we all can get offended from time to time because of sarcastic responses to something that we have said, or from people who disagree with our opinion. I have talked about this before. Textual based communication is often mis-interpreted because it lacks the vocal tone, inflection, body language and all other cues that we take for granted in face-to-face communication. The person that just replied with a comment to one of my posts can boil my blood, but what I don't know because the reply is so short is whether they are joking or serious. If joking, then great, but if serious then you have just completely offended me. One post recently that I left the reply alone and did not counter was a short response that in my part of the world carries the connotation of a four letter work starting with F and a You after it. I work in 8 global countries and what is offensive to me may not be in another country. Some sayings or words that I may use may offend the Australians, but not folks from the UK. For this reason I walk away from many things and consider the source. I just walk away from anything that I consider to be offensive to me because it may only be offensive to me. There are discussions that get way out of hand with debates that don't benefit anyone. These ones I just tend to walk by. Perhaps I am too easily offended but I still appreciate that the vast majority of people on this site are very respectful of others and the information and learning gained from Cruise Critic is of huge value.
  4. I have been on two cruise lines on new year's eve and both were disappointing. The first was on Carnival and there were no people jumping in the pool fully clothed, but there were a lot just wearing bathing suits and far to drunk for my liking. The other was just no excitement at all, but it was a River Cruise and most had gone to bed. But, I don't care for "mass parties" with people I don't know... so I am not a good judge.
  5. We have cruised now to most regions around the world. When we do our research and prep for the cruise, we look to the Canadian government site and also the country specific sites (We avoid Visa sellers and look for country government sites that we can verify as trustworthy) that we are travelling to and we STUDY the passport and visa requirements. If there are requirements for either, we note them and then start the process of logging dates in the calendar to get the appropriate paperwork done in time. We were recently faced with needing Visas for both Cambodia and Vietnam. The process was different and the timeline of the Visa validity was different for both countries but we figured out how to get both in advance and that would meet the requirements. We never rely on the cruise ship site or the cruise reservation folks because this is not their job. We do this ourselves and if we are denied boarding then it was because we failed in our own research. We realize that it is our responsibility to understand and comply with passport and visa requirements. We only renew our passports for 10 years to reduce the number of times we have to worry about our passports. Our passports expire in Feb of 2026 and we have already logged in our calendars to renew after our first travel in 2025 so that we don't run out of time. We have also logged a travel blackout period in the calendar to allow for us to get our passports renewed.
  6. No, they will not refund the difference. Viking vouchers have no cash value. You also cannot divide the voucher over two cruises. You either have to upgrade your cabin, buy all the optional tours, or spend the money on Spa services, or alcohol or on the gratuities. (Can't remember for sure, but think voucher value can be spent on gratuities....) This is where at the beginning of the pandemic some folks got caught with vouchers that we 125% and for some that was a very enticing offer until you had to spend it. If you were rebooking the same cruise it would be hard to spend 25% more. We will only take cash back refund regardless of the voucher offer.
  7. We have talked about staying one extra night and have not decided yet. There should be no issue with Viking if the ship is in port overnight and there are excursions to Bangkok the next day. We would just inform them and it would be like our flights were cancelled or delayed and we arrived one day late. We would have to toy with trying to connect with the excursion with our luggage, or just pay for a cab to the ship the next day. We have often come in a day early or stayed a day late on pre and post packages and made reservations at the same hotel either pre or post and indicated to the hotel that we are with Viking and could we stay in the same room and it has always worked out. Yes - your experience will cause us to really plan our time well when we are there, even if we have to get up and out sightseeing at 5am the second day.
  8. I guess that I have one question: You say that others "expected" to have dinner every night and that you thought that it was understood that you would only do some things together. Did you actually talk about this openly, or was it an assumption? Sorry - not calling you out, but we actually have this direct discussion at the planning stage with the people we are travelling with. We often detect a sigh of relief from them too when we talk about this. I not only stopped travelling with, but actually ended a friendship with someone that I shared a cruise cabin with that was the most annoying cling-on that I have ever experienced. She took over an hour to get ready in the morning but I was not allowed to go on deck or wander around, I had to wait for her to be ready so we could go together. One sea day, I asked what do you want to do today? Her response was sit on a deck chair all day and read. We got deck chairs and an hour in I got up and she asked where I was going. I said, I am bored with reading I am going to wander and explore the ship. She started to pack up to accompany me, and I suggested that she wasted to sit the whole day and read... and she quickly responded, "well, I don't want to do it alone".
  9. We have not had anyone disagree... We just reason that we all have things we want to do and see and one of us should not lead the way if others are not interested. One thing for sure is that if we go ashore outside of a tour, we never go with anyone else - just my husband and I go. Husband and I have very close interests in what we want to do and see so together we are great. When we go ashore outside of an excursion, we want to spend the time we want to spend in a shop, or whatever and don't want to feel that others are not interested in what we are interested in. We know that our shopping interests are not the same, so we just go alone.
  10. I have seen a few friendships go on the rocks after travelling together, but these were two singles sharing a cabin.
  11. We have cruised as a couple, but we most often cruise with others. We have a couple that we have cruised with many times, and we also have cruised with family and friends. Of the 4 future booked cruises we have, all of them are with others. We have very clear "rules" that we set out and we set them out boldly when we cruise with others. First is we don't coordinate the same excursions. We research and book our own excursions. Sometimes they cross and most often they do not. Sometimes we are on the same excursion but on a different bus. We don't even try to get together on the same bus. The days are our own, and if we cross we cross. The only thing we do is commit to having dinner together, going to the show, or not, and then perhaps to the lounge after dinner. Evenings are for catching up and sharing our stories of the day. Often we don't see the ones we are cruising with any day until dinner. This works for us because I never want to feel that I have to conform to someone else's plan.
  12. Sorry to hear this but it just reinforces that you have to be diligent always. you say that this was a "safe" duty free, but that does not mean honest. We went on a tequila tour when in PV Mexico and we liked the tasting that we had of one. The bottle that they were pouring from was one litre, but the one that we purchased - at a price that befitted a litre bottle - ended up being only 750ml. This was kind of a bait and switch because the bottles that were for sale were all wrapped and we assumed that they were one litre. The contents of the bottle were what we wanted, we just got scammed on the size of the bottel. Again, sorry to hear this... it is unfortunate that these things happen.
  13. Welcome to Cruise Critic and to Viking! As formernuke has mentioned... here is a screen shot of the drop down from your name at the top right. Go to add a booking number
  14. We have experienced many specials, including Lobster in The Restaurant a few times. One experience which was our best ever in the World Cafe was a focus on Indian cuisine and we were nowhere near India. This was memorable for me because there was so much selection like a really full Indian buffet. I have hoped to experience that again, but to date have not. I think that Viking focus more on the destination inspired menu that is available each night as an additional daily option rather than one night or two where the menu offering is heightened.
  15. For us it starts with boarding a luxury ship where we unpack once and see places we would probably never fly to on our own. Not that we would not go back after once we have experienced a country, but there are cities and countries that we would never travel to directly to base our vacation on. We love getting back on the ship, relaxing, and being taken to the next port of call - whether River or Ocean. We love that we know the food quality and the service to expect. For us cruising is the perfect vacation. We only discovered cruising in 2017 and have been on 10 cruises since.
  16. Way too sweet for me. Tried it, but could only have one sip. I guess for those that like sweet, this would be prefect. For me coffee is black or with cream/milk but no sweet. You are right however - very pretty looking - the presentation is very appetizing! Looks like a dessert.
  17. You will be assigned to a bus the day before. It is not that they have a set number of busses that go, but they group people together as needed based on departure time. You don't really have much say in when they take you, you have to accept what they give you.
  18. Not to inflame the situation, but we have this exact pre-extension booked and we still plan to go ahead with it. We could still cancel but we are not going to. We have weighed everything here and decided to go ahead with it anyway. We really did not think that it was more than the experience shared here.
  19. The $5K is cancellation / interruption insurance not medical. If you buy the Blue Cross Medical the coverage is 5 Million. Who pays depends on where your medical incident happens - what country - what hospital, etc. No one insurance can guarantee that they will pay. Sometimes you have to pay and then submit for reimbursement. This all depends on where you are. Just remember too that you are required for medical to call the insurance company - if possible - before treatment.
  20. On Viking you must leave your cabin by 8am, but you can still go and have breakfast and hang around the ship. You will put your luggage out the night before and Viking will give you special tags that are colour coded to the time you leave. You claim your bags shore side and then take them to the bus. Viking will typically get you to the airport 3 hours in advance of the flight so depending on the time to the airport - say it is 30 minutes - you will leave the ship 3.5 hours before your flight. If your flight is 12:50pm then you will likely leave the ship between 9 and 9:30am. Don't stress about these things... no matter what flight you pick something will not work exactly as planned - that is what travel is all about.
  21. My understanding of the OP's story is this woman caused the whole incident because she thought that her bag was never transferred from the old gate to the new gate. Bags that are checked at the gate are not always sent to the aircraft until boarding and often taken down the gangway to the door just outside the plane. If her carryon bag that was "checked" was in fact loaded onto the aircraft then the ground crew would have been able to verify that and then put her fears to rest. I am certain that the captain would have checked this before going back to the gate and offloading luggage. This is because the woman also had checked luggage and then decided to check her carryon at the gate. If this is actually the case, and her bag that she checked at the gate was never loaded onto the plane because it was still at the former gate, then the fault was with the gate agents. If I have misunderstood the post, I am sorry if I have. What else was this woman's issue then? Perhaps the OP will clarify?
  22. Guess that I am lucky to be in Canada as any country that I want to travel to our government site is where I would go first and have always been able to confirm that against the country's government site.
  23. You just have to be sure that you are paying only to insure non-refundable costs. We rarely if ever book a hotel that is not cancellable up to the day of or at the earliest the day before. We have had so many plans change, that we just feel it is worth the few dollars extra to have the option of cancelling or changing without cost. If you are booking this kind of pre or post stuff, then you don't have to insure it as long as you can cancel by the deadline. We also when booking our own air, book fares that allow cancellation for a fee with fare returned less that fee. Again, just simpler.
  24. For me, the only way to know what is truly required is the following: 1) Going to a credible and verifiable government site of the country you are visiting and looking for their passport requirement. If it says 6 months it is 6 months. If it says it is 3 months or whatever, it is whatever. 2) Go to the US site for travelling Americans and they will tell you what each country requires. In Canada, I go to the Canadian Government travel site and it spells out the exact requirements to visit any country in the world as a CANADIAN citizen. The requirements for an American could be different. 3) Go to the cruise line and ask. If they come back with 6 months, then trust that it is 6 months. I offer advice on many things on Cruise Critic, but one thing that I will never do is tell you yes or no in a case like this. YOU need to do the proper investigation on this yourself or you or someone you are travelling with could be denied boarding. Don't take our anecdotal responses as your action required. This is your responsibility as a travelling person to understand the laws and rules of admittance to any country you are going to. Sorry - I don't mean for this to sound as harsh as it probably does. I just feel that this is not something that should be discounted and not taken seriously. I say this because I know where people have had poor results in this regard.
  25. Roll calls have their place in my opinion. We have posted that we will be on a particular sailing to absolutely no response from anyone. We meet people on the ship and don't feel the need to meet people virtually first. But back to the openness of the CC forums - roll calls are part of this experience so I appreciate them for what they are and for who they appeal to.
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