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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. If he tests positive then you get full refund. If he is still negative by Sunday or Monday and you want to cancel because he was exposed I don't believe Royal will give you a FCC or a refund. Your travel insurance may not refund you if he is testing negative unless you purchased cancel for any reason insurance and I have no idea on their rules. Most people that contract the virus show positive within 3 to 5 days of exposure.
  2. I usually put in brown grocery bags (which are hard to find these days) and lay the bag flat to get more space. I like the box idea - we always have boxes as long as I can get the cats out of them 😁 I am ready for some photos of your Grandchildren
  3. That's horrible. I hope no one was seriously injured. Having a ramp like that to go from deck 6 sounds rather steep for some people to walk.
  4. Today is for our Hereos. Today we proudly honor our Veterans and those currently in the Military, Thanks for all you do, today, and every day!
  5. Sorry to hear Linda now has covid. You both can hunker down and snuggle with the pups and cat😃 I agree I was glad that I got it in October and I don't have to worry about our next cruise on 12.04 and the holidays. I was really surprised that Eric did not catch it in October especially since he is immuno-compromised being a transplant recipient but he had it Feb 2021 and I never got it then. I hope you both feel better soon. Keep drinking lots of fluids (water)😃
  6. I thought the same as soon as I saw that letter. The sea passes don't look like any we had on Oasis end of August.
  7. The fatigue took about 2 weeks +/- for me to start to feel "normal" again. I still have a lingering cough. Everyone in the office has the lingering cough - we all seem to cough at the same time every day too, it's wierd. Saturday may be pushing it as you probably will not be up to entertaining for a couple of hours. This non-Doctor recommends postponing the gathering I think CDC rule is to quarantine for 5 days - a min. of 5 days must have passed since the start of symptoms (something like that). I tested positive on a Friday morning after a really bad Thursday night (but had tested negative on Thursday). So I satisfied my 5 days on Tuesday and went back to work on Wednesday. That was a rough day in the office for 8 hours - I was exhausted that night. I think I should have stayed home at least one more day or maybe worked 1/2 day instead of a full day. Sorry i am writing about covid (I hope this is okay to talk about my symptoms and my experience)
  8. This is exactly what happened to me when I recently had covid. I would wake up feeling better and one day started to give the bathroom a deep clean and doing laundry of area rugs, etc. then took a long afternoon nap. Repeat Next day I wake up feeling better and decided to clean out master closet and bedroom drawers for donation, Nope did not finish had to nap and still haven't got back to that project
  9. DARN IT! 😪 I, too, am tiring of the itinerary but will be happy to be back on Anthem and back in the warm sun.
  10. In October when I had covid, 3 days after I tested positive I tested and had a very very faint positive line that took awhile to appear. I didn't bother to test after that so I cannot say exactly how many days but I am going to assume I was negative within 4 or 5 days. One of the girls at work that had covid same time as me said she was negative in 10 days another one said she was negative in 4 days. It really varies.
  11. That is great you have never had to pay closing agent fees, title insurance, transfer taxes, etc. That is rare for even cash buyers.
  12. Yes, Clifton National Heritage Park. https://www.google.com/search?q=clifton+national+heritage+park&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS1026US1026&oq=clifton+national+he&aqs=chrome.0.0i355i512j46i175i199i512j69i57j0i22i30l3j0i390l4.5364j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 appears their website is currently down. We had made arrangements via email to have their shuttle pick us up outside of the British Colonial Hilton. They gave us a guided tour of the plantation, snorkel tour - beautiful area and a nice grilled lunch with some private time on their beach and private time to snorkel. We brought our own snorkel gear but they do provide, if you need. They have facilities to change clothes, bathrooms, etc. We really enjoyed our day and they take good care of you. The package included free shuttle back to the cruise port too! We were there end of March and I think we paid something like $79 or $89 pp. It was a nice ride to the park as I hadn't seen that side of the island before then. If unable to arrange for their shuttle to pick you up I think the other option is a taxi as their bus service doesn't go to that end of the island. I hope are you able to enjoy.
  13. Yes, you can. No extra fee, just pay the port and tax fees for one person.
  14. @aussielozzie18thank you for sharing your stunning photos. You have a beautiful family of blondies🥰 Enjoy every moment of your trip.
  15. I think because there have been various strains in the last 3 years is why people have had covid more than once. Not sure if they ever determined how long natural immunity lasts, same goes for boosters. My Doc told me wait a min. Of 90 days from from my covid recovery before getting my 3rd booster.
  16. I have one correction to make. I have worked in real estate/mortgage business since early 90s. Majority of sales the buyer is responsible for certain closing costs such as Title search, title insurance, their closing agent or attorney fee, county recording fees and a portion of the transfer taxes. If getting a mortgage then add more fees for buyers side of the transaction. Some States handle certain fees a little different but nowadays it is rare for a seller to pay All buyers closing costs so you did get a good deal in your negotiations with seller of your new home.
  17. That's a shame, hopefully it won't have too much damage. Or maybe the owner is hoping for a new boat from insurance company.😇
  18. You would have thought all that alcohol would kill all germs😁 Hope you feel better soon. Drink lots of fluid, water...not alcohol...and get lots of rest. I hope Linda stays well.
  19. That's what I thought but wasn't totally sure how they handled a toddler.
  20. Good job! Question: I know they are having a promotion with kids sail free but does that promotion apply to Royal Up or will they collect the royal up per person, including the toddler?
  21. Sorry to hear this Deb. Hopefully Andy will remain negative. When I tested positive I thought, Oh great I will be home for 5 days quarantining and can get a bunch of stuff done. I barely did anything, I would put on a show on netflix to catch and would be asleep 5 minutes later. Rest up and drink plenty of fluids. I hope you feel better soon😃 If you didn't watch this video yesterday when I posted, you may now appreciate it:
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