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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. Got the popcorn🍿 Ready for some ghost stories🙃
  2. I have seen the pills for free right outside the medical center on Anthem.
  3. Eggs Benedict is always top of my list, with bacon and homefries. #2 omelet with spinach, tomato, mushroom and Swiss cheese #3 chocolate chip pancakes #4 toasted everything bagel with smoked salmon, cream cheese and capers.
  4. Here is the song https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-boostdish-us-revc&source=android-browser&q=song+put+one+foot+in+front+of+the+other
  5. Maybe a Cubanelle pepper? They are mild and grow 5 to 7 inches. Please ask DH to find out when he goes to back I am really curious now 😀
  6. When looking at earlier photo I thought it was hotel. Lot is a lot of individual shops and would probably take a couple of days if you were to visit all of them.
  7. Maybe they are pepperoncini which is an italian pepper and typically 2 to 3 inches long, like a banana pepper. Whichever they are I am sure they will go good with your sausage. Enjoy.
  8. I saw that and thought that sounds disgusting. I love oyster and I love omelets but not together. I do love eggs benedict with jumbo lump crab or over a crabcake for breakfast/brunch.
  9. Sorry I forgot to answer, no special order to insert money into machine. You can do before or after you tap or insert your sea pass. Just don't play until your sea pass is acknowledged on the small screen.
  10. @Sea Dogyou are probably busy getting ready for your dinner party. Just wanted to say, Cheers and stay cool😍
  11. Bonnie, That is wonderful news. "One foot in front of the other and soon you will be walking out the front door" is that wording from song with Bumble on Rudolph?
  12. yes, the bulk of them is banana peppers but Baily and Sophie was questioning if 2 of the peppers were something else and after closer look at the photo it is possible there may be a poblano or jalapeno pepper in the mix. I agree. I have pickled them as well as cucumbers in the past and they are so much better than what you buy in the store. I made cheesesteaks for dinner last night and put some on our sandwiches, yummy.
  13. I have been a prime member for several years so I don't get charged the fee (waived for prime or higher members) but as I recall doing as a room charge on the slot machine does not incur the fee. If you went to the casino cashier and handed them your card and asked for cash back then you are charged 5% fee. Best to double check with them. I usually bring my own cash as I set my gambling budget and if my cash envelope is empty them I am done (most of the time).
  14. I'm definitely not an expert buy I have grown jalapeno and they usually are stubby dark green with firm skin so the on the bottom right could be but the grower said the peppers were not hot. I have not grown pablano but they are also a dark green, mild pepper so the one on the right corner could be a pablano but hard to say for sure. IMO, these all look like mild peppers.
  15. Check the expiration dates on your government tests. And put them in your carryon not checked luggage. They are temperature sensitive. I suggest taking a couple extra kits with you, just in case you have a bad one.
  16. Here is one of the proctored sites where you can use the free government tests you already have. www.rapidtestandtrace.com Scroll down to where you can schedule an appt. Follow the instructions on their website. Yes, you can use the hotel wifi for testing. Ask the hotel if you can print them. Another option, there is testing place at copenhagen Airport. If your cruise leaves on a Sunday you can test Friday, Saturday or Sunday before boarding.
  17. I guess i will do some estimating too. I'm definitely a numbers person 😀 Yes, my Amish paste needed additional support too. I tied them to some metal trellis I had in my shed. Eric was sitting on patio while I was setting up sprinkler out front and watering everything out back. Neighbors started coming out asking if we had power. We just lost electricity for an hour or so. Probably power grid issues with this heat. This weekend is to be really hot then we have a day or two in low 90s then back to 100 by Wednesday or Thursday.
  18. These are banana peppers. Yes, you can use them with sausage and onions. They should have a mild tangy taste (not really sweet and not hot). They are also great for salsa.
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