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happy cruzer

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Everything posted by happy cruzer

  1. One quick google hit https://mygerman.recipes/boeuf-stroganoff/ I had it served with sliced pickles years ago in Germany. Always lots of versions of food. For example, Chili - I have friend that swears that if there are beans in it that it is not chili. Of course, there are versions that have beans... But you are right if it is not what you enjoy, no reason to eat it. We cruised Liberty a few month ago and thought the food was very good... To each their own preferences.
  2. Maybe the chef was using a German recipe. There are a few versions of stroganoff that call for pickles. And the executive chef may be replaced. Years ago we had some similar issues and at the end of the cruise it was announced that the executive chef was moving to another ship (did not say what position he would have 😉 )
  3. I think that I agree that this is an instance of horrible service. So what if the website says one thing? And a person representing the cruise line says another? Websites often have incorrect or out of date information too. It is debatable which is more trustworthy. Any thing that might deny boarding should not be miscommunicated. If the person representing the cruise line can't read the website, then why would the average cruiser be expected to? I think that if the original poster can prove that she was given the wrong information, she could get some compensation. And weasel words that state it is up to the cruiser to know the policies won't cut it because it many cases it the line's policy not a particular country's. She did try to find out the cruise line's policy.
  4. The dress code changed. Don't have to like it, but it has changed. What is surprising is how many people do dress up on the cruise. In my experience many dress much nicer than what we see at restaurants in our local area.
  5. If everyone wants to eat at the same time, there will be lines and a wait; the dining room is not big enough to hold everyone all at the same time. In other words the most popular time to go to the dining room is from 6 to 7, that is when there could be a wait. Wait until 8 or so and in you go.
  6. Me too. I haven't pulled out the vaccination cards in months. Do people still show them at checkin? or just answer a question in the the health questionaire? I just looked at RCCLs website and did not see any mention of having to have any extra paperwork besides boarding pass and passport.
  7. I understand that things change and do appreciate a notice of the changes. The length of the notice and the included lecture was annoying. The notice made a lot of assumptions about peoples behavior. Getting very tired of virtue signaling and being talked down to.
  8. Pretentious snobs or pretentious slobs you can see them both on most sailings on any line... Neither right nor wrong just different and maybe a bit extreme compared to the average cruiser. The major cruise lines have room for all the various preferences. Back to the original question, Celebrity has fewer features that target the younger crowd like the rock climbing walls, flow rider, and mega slides so there will be fewer kids which makes for a less crowded (it can still have crowded areas like the martini bar before dinner) and generally quieter ship. Celebrity's buffet is has more choices including made to order grill. Both are nice experiences and more alike than different.
  9. Thanks for the report. If you think they should offer something different than I would ask for it in writing in a short email/letter. Maybe good will OBC on your next cruise. Personally, I think I would make a case for a refund of both fares for the final 3 days.
  10. The advice to buy what you want and the cancel and buy at the lower price is good. It was very easy to do for a dining package. The credit/refund showed up really quickly.
  11. All claims are taking a long time. After you have given them a chance, collect your paperwork and fedex it to Carnival and the Insurance company. Then they know you will follow up with a complaint to: State Insurance Bureau Consumer Protection Agency Federal Trade Commission anyone else you can think of....
  12. Looked at the website for TECO shuttle and it too still says masks required due to the Federal mandate. Surely not.
  13. Insurance is a good recommendation but unless it includes CFAR (cancel for any reason) the OPs case may not be covered unless the doctor says no travel. There are reports of cases where the doctor oks going back to work or travel yet the patient does not want to go because they can't fully enjoy the trip and in those cases the cancellation insurance did not cover them. The devil is in the details.
  14. Did the original question get answered? Do both discounts apply? What does NRD stand for? Thanks in advance.
  15. Packaged air works for some people in some cases, sometimes. Have booked cruise air a few times with no horror stories on the provided routing. The biggest negative to us is that if something goes wrong and the airline has to issue a refund they refund to who payed them i.e. the cruise line. Still waiting at six months for a refund to be issued. Each case is different. If you demand direct flights, avoid cruise air. If you just want to save some money and don't care to be a bit inconveinced, cruise air probably will work. Free air is just a promotion that may save on the total cost.
  16. Agree that NCL has a different dining model than the other major lines. I think they are more like a resort than a traditional cruise. Everyone can set their expectations accordingly. We have done mainly traditional cruises but did enjoy NCL. They offer most of the same things as the other lines plus the additional features of their free style; however, if you are die hard traditional cruise fan you may not like their model. Someone described the Celebrity new ship dining with the 4 seperate MDRs which we loved. Each line has their target market. It's great to have choices.
  17. Booked the same hotel. We will be there at the end of Nov. Any advice about that hotel would be great!
  18. Appetizers and entrees look ok. The few choices of soups are a bother. Usually order soup each night and only like two of the 4 choices. And those two I make at home often. Additionally most of the entrees I make frequently at home. So the menu is not that special for me. But it will work and most will find it good. Bottom line - I think one menu will make most think that they only want to eat in the MDR once or twice and visit the specialties the other nights. So probably will mean spending more for dining on NCL.
  19. Any updates? Maybe ones that do just the airport or just the cruise port shuttles? Info for the last 4 or 5 months would be appreciated 🙂
  20. So all the questions, etc puts the cruise lines behind a land vacation.... Cruise lines compete with driving vacations.
  21. Booked on Serenade in Nov. So far Zero sales on anything in the planner. Last cruise always showed some kind of sale in the planner. Would love a bit of a discount on an excursion or dining package. Business must be good 😉
  22. So we have reserved 6:45 each night. Will we have the same table each night? Will they assign us to a large table or table for two? Anyone care to share their experience with the MTD experience?
  23. So when you see a cruise you like on the flyer, how do you book it? Call RCCL, online, TA? When do you check the spreadsheet? Tuesday what time? Thanks.
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