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Posts posted by StanleyandGus

  1. 1 hour ago, brillohead said:

    I think theaters need to do some creative thinking here. I stopped going to the movies years ago when I thought their prices were outrageous.  With so many affordable streaming options and premium cable networks, they need to be COMPETITIVE, and fifty bucks or more for a simple movie/popcorn/drinks date isn't the way to go (especially since we all know that popcorn and fountain soda are dang near free, even with today's food prices). IMO, they need to lower the profit margin, but increase the quantity, plus improve the customer's perception of the experience. 


    Some places went the "fancy" route, adding alcohol and full dinners with waiters, comfortable recliners, etc. People don't mind paying more because they're getting a more deluxe experience. 

    Places that want to stay "basic" need to lower their prices and increase their customer base.  A family of four paying $100+ to go see a kiddie movie is insane -- something that they might do once a year as a treat because it's seen as a "high cost" or "deluxe" activity simply because of the price-point.  But if it was only $50 for the whole family to go see the movie, they might do it once a month, because it is perceived to be an affordable family fun activity.  Which would bring in more profit -- $100 once a year, or $50 twelve times a year? 


    Especially with the current inflation rates and high food costs, why should people pay big bucks to see a movie at a theater when they can see it "for free" at home on their big screen tv with the sound bar and "free" snacks and clean bathrooms in a couple months?  (quote marks used for "free" because the perception of paying for Netflix or HBO or whatever, and the snacks in the pantry isn't really associated with the movie-watching event -- you didn't have to open your wallet right then and there to pay for the movie or the food)


    When we were military, the Base theatres had really cheap movies, especially for kids’ matinees. It was $5 Cdn for me and 3 kids. Popcorn was cheap too. It was something to do while my husband worked on his Master’s degree.


    Ok, that was 20 years ago, but it was still cheap.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Winnigirl said:

    We've driven Winnipeg to Orlando many times.  Most recently in August.  Straight south and turn left at Kansas City.  I would think that Regina to Galveston would be just about straight south.  I still rely on the Trip Tiks from CAA.  I guess I'm pretty old school, but I just love maps.

    I don’t think CAA does those any more- I loved those as well! It’s sort of south east through North Dakota, and then south to Galveston. Well, it is going the route I am thinking of.

  3. 2 hours ago, bobmacliberty said:


    Ditto for us.  We had a Bosch in Cincinnati and it was extremely quiet, but it was awkward to load.  Went with a KitchenAid with the third rack here and love it.  It's incredible how much you can fit into it and the ProDry option really works well.  It's fairly quiet (not completely silent like the Bosch) in case we want to run it during the day, but we also time delay the start and run it in the middle of the night, so noise level isn't really important to us.  

    We miss our Bosch dishwasher- so quiet and third rack was more useful than I thought. We bought Bosches for our last 3 houses.

    We have a KitchenAid now, which is a bit louder, but works well.

    • Like 2
  4. 20 hours ago, REDSTRIPETYPE said:

    So I broke my leg in 3 places playing hockey last Friday ( 10 screws and an 8 inch plate) but the rally crappy part is we were supposed to leave on a 21 day Celebrity cruise this Saturday...obviously that ain't happening ( we did have trip cancellation with Manulife thru Costco).


    So my question is regarding medical and travel insurance for our upcoming cruise in November. Is this going to be one of those pre-existing condition problems? I am sure some of those hip and knee replacement cruisers know the answer.


    The good news!   I am 70 years old and my wife said she is throwing out my skates and I said " Wahoo! I'm getting new skates!)



    How very Canadian of you! Good luck with rapid healing.

  5. 18 hours ago, lx200gps said:

    ? It's a longer drive for sure, but Google Maps has Regina-Galveston as about 2800km and Ottawa-Orlando as 2300km. To the OP, I've visited the center of the US many, many times on business over the years and know Wichita as well as I know Montreal. You won't have any problems with roads, though as someone else pointed out, weather (thunderstorms and tornadoes) can be an issue. You can use the Interstate system most of the way.

    Thanks! We wouldn’t be going in the summer, because summer here is really nice!

  6. Thanks for your responses. I did look at Google maps, so I’m sort of aware of the route (essentially, after North Dakota, it’s straight south), hopefully on reasonable highways.


    It’s something that I am idly thinking of. The next couple of cruises were flying into, but the drive might be interesting. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

    Wow, thanks for posting.  The kids gave me a pasta attachment for my Kitchenaid a while back.  I have put off making pasta because I have not gotten a noodle rack yet.  I have never thought of of using a hanger.  Great idea. 

    Before I got a pasta rack, I used to hang the pasta on string between kitchen cabinets. It made kind of hard to walk through the kitchen, but it worked! I have an Atlas Wellness machine, which does a nice job.

    • Like 3
  8. 3 hours ago, Tree_skier said:

    No it doesn't, that Powerstroke engine is so heavy and there was no weight in back so no amount of effort was going to get me out last night. There was lots of cussing in the rain last night.  It didn't help.  SIL worked an overnight shift at the prison so he didn't get home until this morning and that is when we got unstuck.  I felt like I was in a country song.



    I’ve never seen that; it’s great!

    • Like 1
  9. Here’s our Christmas tree- every year we think about replacing it, then a cat climbs into it, and we say, “Maybe next year”. Apparently antique ornaments are fashionable now- my tree has my great-grandparent’s, grandparent’s and parent’s ornaments. The cats don’t climb high (now), the bottom is non breakable stuff.


    And my oldest son is back from his deployment- the dog will be leaving after Christmas. The cats are thankful! 


    • Like 19
  10. 10 hours ago, trixiee said:

    Ok.  Thank you!  I did see this last week, but was on Air Canada’s website this morning and read that all passengers travelling to the US had to be fully vaccinated.  
    (We’re flying out of Toronto)

    I will have a note from my son stating that I have his permission to take my grandson on a cruise.  He has sole custody, so will also take copies of court documents too.

    will check with HAL tomorrow too…

    thanx all! 

    Nothing to add to the vaccination requirement, but have a wonderful time with your grandson!

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