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Everything posted by Harters

  1. Only you can make that call. Check out the list of benefits of being in a Concierge level cabin and decide if it's worth the extra money. We think it is. Location may also come into your consideration. It doesnt for us.
  2. I do like to brag that I saw the Beatles play at the ABC at Ardwick, Manchester. Although, in truth, I cannot recall if it was the 1964 or 1965 gig.
  3. Last time, we had a holiday in that part of the world, we stayed in Estepona which is possibly the most Spanish of the resort areas along the Costa. I remember reading at that time that a nearby council area had a majority of its resident population were foreigners. My recollection is that the story was news because the newly elected mayor was a foreigner. So, yes, it is indeed very popular right along the coast
  4. I cannot recall any specific meet-ups being advertised in the daily Currents, on our last two cruises (Vista & Nautica). But then I wasnt looking for them so may have missed a mention. The lack of LGBTQ contacts on board may not be the most significant issue for them in terms of company. Oceania cruisers tend to be older people - I'd guess most of us are retirees. As such, someone from a younger generation, even though adult, may feel a bit isolated by the age difference (obviously depending on several factors, including their own actual age).
  5. I don't drink alcohol these days. My partner does. They found it generally OK on Vista earlier in the year, in all restaurant venues. Maybe a bit slow in the Terrace. GDR was absolutely fine until the last night of the cruise. The "sommelier" came nowhere near the table until the main course was all but eaten And that, in spite of twice asking the server to call one for us. And then she made the lame excuse that our table sat between the areas covered by different sommeliers, so wasnt anyone's responsibility. Obvious nonsense. Shame it was the last night because that's an impression you take away with you.
  6. I suspect not that long. It's already being discussed in Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca. My guess (and it is only a guess) is that cruise tourists contribute less to a city's hospitality industry than do land based tourists. If my guess is correct, then lessening the number of cruises is an easier decision
  7. That seems to me to be inflicting punishment on yourself. I simply would not sit there for 30 minutes, waiting to order a drink, without doing something to hurry it up.
  8. Here you go https://www.barcelona-tourist-guide.com/en/transport/cruise-port/ships/00-cruise-port-ships.html And check this again near to the date just in case things have changed
  9. But it's what you get with O. And, as I wrote, rightly so. If I wanted cruise food geared more towards British expectations and tastes, I'd travel with P & O, Saga or Fred Olsen. I don't.
  10. As was Nautica's Waves breakfast buffet last year.
  11. I guess the suckling pig was on one of the Terrace's Spanish nights. Whilst I accept that many dishes on the ship will be tweaked (sometimes much more than a tweak) to suit customers' assumed tastes, I thought they did really well with traditional flavours on the "Taste of Spain" (or whatever they actually call it). The pig was exactly how they prepare and serve it in Mallorca - crisp skin, meltingly soft fat (and a good layer of it), sweet tasty meat. They'd also used sobrasada in a couple of tapes type dishes. In fact the various tapas were generally well done.
  12. It isn't. But I had no thoughts that it would be. This is a ship catering to North American tastes and food expectations. Rightly so - North Americans have formed the overwhelming majority of passengers on our three cruises (one of which was a UK to UK one).
  13. Hmmm. I'm not at all convinced that Toad will work well in a mass catering situation. You really don't want it sitting around for too long.
  14. I am horrified at the thought of what foreigners might do to my culinary heritage. Staking your claim to a table in the Terrace is a necessity. Something draped over the back of the chair or napkin left on the chair seat are both good ideas. But they are not foolproof. On our last cruise, we had one occasion when another cruiser had not spotted the napkin or the unfinished rinks and had settled themselves on our table. And, on two occasions, we came back to the table with food, to find staff had cleared it and were in the process of resetting it.
  15. Certainly was happening on Vista earlier in the year.
  16. I agree with this. From my experience on Marina, I reckon it represents a traditional view of what a French restaurant should be, rather than what it actually is these days. Pepin is little known outside of North America - I had never heard of him until we were considering our 2017 Marin a cruise - and, now an old man, is probably not well known amongst a younger generation of Americans. That recognition will further decrease with time. As to whether I prefer the food in Jacques or the food in Ember, if I have to make a choice then I opt for Ember. I can readily find the Jacques food style at home, whereas the "Modern American" food of Ember is novel and delicious. And I loved the room - it manages to combine modern and elegant. And having the open kitchen is an inspired decision by the designers.
  17. Small and user friendly, according to my nephew. He used it from time to time to get home for holidays when he was at university in Bournemouth. Sometimes it was cheaper and/or more convenient than the train.
  18. I come back to this comment you made much earlier and continue to agree with you 100%. This has been shabby customer service on O's part and there really is no getting away from that. This is not a port change that might occur at the last minute due to weather. It is something O has clearly known about for some considerable time. The change of port may indeed be a necessity but some transparency and explanation would be in order.
  19. Entirely agree with #2. Take a cab. And, as I'd want a snack, I'd would get the 2.35.
  20. Absolutely. Having read many tip threads on food/restaurant forums, I am convinced that we Europeans have a very different cultural attitude towards tipping than do Americans.
  21. Obviously depends on what someone's interests are. I'm a keen gardener so would be hoping to visit the Gardens on Tresco. It has the mildest climate of anywhere in the UK and it's possible to grow plants there that cannot be grown outside elsewhere in the country. It is on something of a bucket list for me and we keep talking about having a short break in the Scillies. But it's a big schlep - six hour drive, followed by three hour ferry. And these days, I can't do a six hour drive in one day. Maybe I'll have to do a cruise that takes it in. On a historical note, our former prime minister, Harold Wilson, is buried at St Mary's. He used to regularly holiday on the island. So I'd probably visit the graveyard.
  22. It did - 8048. And the Y & N was from the same poster. S/he was on a two leg cruise. Had noise issues on one leg and nothing on the other so clearly down to the different neighbours.
  23. And I've benefitted from it, when a land & cruise trip to Canada was cancelled at the beginning of Covid. The Canadian owned, but UK based, company only wanted to issued a credit but I knew they were legally bound to give a full refund. We had some "back and forwards" for a few weeks but eventually I was in contact with a senior manager with whom I had a "see you in court" conversation. Full refund within days.
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