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Everything posted by Jim_Iain

  1. Checked out at 10:00 and decided to walk down. All downhill and 10 minutes walk Few stragglers calling waiting for Uber or Taxi No wait to drop bags. sitting for a minute under the big Rubber tree
  2. They say 30 days but have seen it as early as 45 days and more. Depends on how the ship has been booking. They award from 2 days to 30 days prior to sailing.
  3. and QVC --- is Quality Value Club --- an American TV program that sells junk and Junk Jewelry. LOL --- Now American definition CBD - Cannabidiol derived from hemp ---they say you can't get high on it ....BUT. Aso used for pain control THC - Tetrahydrocannabinol - Active ingredient of Weed that you definitely get high on
  4. We saw her in port yesterday. Our place on Millers Point face the other direction and we can see a ship in the other port but can't see Solstice yet... https://webcamsydney.com/ to the Rescue..... There she is.
  5. Since we had to get things organized for today we decided to dine in last night. On the way back from out outing we stopped at Cole's Grocery Store. Found a really nice Lamb Tenderloin and frozen Cauliflower. With limited amenities- Salt, Soy Sauce and Mayo - I have to admit it came out delicious. Made a Soy Mayo Sauce for the Cauliflower and used a little soy on the Lamb. The only other thing in the cupboard was Vegemite --- I'm sure my Australian friends may have tossed some in- I gave it a miss.
  6. I thought I had escaped Jet Lag on this trip but yesterday - Whapp. I was exhausted all day. I finally turned in at 8:45 last night and slept like a rock. That's the reason many of you may have noticed I was up at 6AM. Someone has to wake the birds.
  7. Ok..Ok... QVB is correct I kept also calling the building next door City Hall instead of Town Hall. I'm Dyslectic and sometimes my mind interpret things my eyes see differently. Sometimes it's very entertaining -
  8. All these stories remind me that as we mature the biggest danger is falling, which often lead to a chain reaction and early demise. Stay healthy and watch your step.
  9. Thanks John. I always say if you shoot enough pictures you sure to accidentally capture a couple good ones. I love traveling. In my SF Bay area all too often there is little color - everything is Spanish Style earth tones and the sky is just Blue and no clouds and rarely sunsets.
  10. Chuckling. Australian's are big on initials. QVC - Queen Victoria Center CBD - Central Business District Retirement is far better than advertised. We sailed from Singapore to Rome for Iain's Pre-Post retirement cruise. He had 40 days of of sick time left on the books so officially he retired the day he went back to the office to sign his exit paperwork. His life insurance also lapsed so I kept saying oooppps he fell overboard -- does that qualify for accidental death benefits.
  11. I loved those little guy hanging out. The 5X lens on my iPhone Pro Max really come in handy. I love discovering little things that many walk by daily and never notice.
  12. I know the building well. I'll have to wave back. I make a left at Maude to extend my walk to Mountain View -- adds about a mile taking that route.
  13. Every place I saw at the Saturday Market had portable Wireless Credit Card machines.
  14. I'm sure many others will agree with me. Sydney is beautiful. I'm especially impressed by the cleanliness of the streets and lack of homeless, graffiti and trash. They have done such an incredible job of developing the full harbor front. San Francisco shall I sail fails on all of these attributes.
  15. Hope you all recover quickly. Getting old is a Bitc* but it's better than the alternative. I know the exact vertebrae that caused me the problem. I did it once before in same place. I had never believed in Chiropractic but was in so much pain - my doctor said it was muscle/skeleton in nature and sent me to on. About 5 sessions and pain was gone and not to return. He said I was out of alignment and was pinching a nerve due to compression.
  16. Sydney is a wonderful modern city and like many places around the world Covid was probably responsible for a cashless world. We don't have a cent in Australian with us and haven't needed any cash. I use ApplePay while at home as well as when traveling and it is accepted almost everywhere. You can use it as well as chipped cards on the Trains, Busses and trams. Just click on and click off. All shops we have been in... including convenience stores and coffee shops all have chip enabled payment terminals. One thing I like in Australia as well as most of Europe is when dining they bring a handheld charge machine to your table and your CC never leaves you hand. Unlike in America where you CC disappears into the backroom when you pay.
  17. The QVC is an amazing building. In was built in 1898 and was designed by George McRAe a 28 Year old Architect. At the time of construction Sydney was in a sever recession. The Government intentionally planned the grand project to Honor the long reining queen to employ tradesmen, artists, stonemasons, plasterers and stained window artists. I could have spent hours inside.
  18. No. If you want food from a Specialty you have to go to the Specialty. Luminae have a couple pasta dishes on the menu but not of the same as Tuscan.
  19. Hope your surgery goes well. I pulled a muscle lifting my backpack and I can only imagine the pain you must have. Luckily it was on a 1-2 day for me but initially thought I was going to have to use a wheelchair when we arrived. We will be thanking of you.
  20. Will do... I haven't been in the water with it yet. I'm sure with all the Islands will get the opportunity to try it out.
  21. On Friday - when we arrived, I bumped into @81Zoomie who was doing a B2B on Edge. Don't we look like 2 drowned rats... I've been reading her Live post and love her photography. Check out her Live post. You won't be disappointed.
  22. With all the debate on dress code I got a chuckle at the cartoon. I think I need a cruise.
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